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How to power up negotiations with reliable data

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negotiations Creating is an essential skill for entrepreneurs Business relations That provides value for each party and positions you for growth. At its core, negotiation is about reaching terms that create a balance that meets the needs of both parties.

Achieve it Balance There is a natural conflict as both sides push to secure the best deal. market and Performance data And the insights you leverage to ensure a fair and favorable outcome.

In this article, we’ll examine why data is the foundation that supports a strong negotiating position, how to use data, and how to leverage tech and consultants to gather, analyze, and present insights.

Related: The art of negotiation is misunderstanding. Here are some lesser known tricks I use to win.

Data is important to support your position

Negotiation is a challenging endeavor. It requires a specific skill set and experience. And in a tough economy where inflation is high, liquidity is low, and supply and demand are in flux, it’s even harder to find terms for a deal (of almost any kind) that all parties will accept. You have to work smart to get the terms that will make your business successful while satisfying others Party expectations.

Some The deal fails To produce optimal results when one or both parties do not have a clear picture of the economic and operational environment. Developing that perspective (eg situational awareness) by collecting and presenting relevant data increases each party’s confidence in the terms they can potentially accept.

In addition, chase a Data-backed negotiation strategies Ensures that you are making the best decisions in a transaction or contract and that you know your financial and operational situation — and the criteria for a deal that doesn’t sink your ship.

What kind of data should you collect? Some essential categories include:

  • Macro, regional and niche market demand and supply indicators.
  • Personal and organizational finance.
  • Pro Forma Financial Statements (Revenue and Expense Estimates).
  • Asset, service and corporate performance benchmarks.

Related: 5 Steps to Mastering the Art of Negotiation

How to leverage data in negotiations

In what types of negotiations is data valuable?

For almost all forms, but usually for entrepreneurs in the process of:

  • Stir up investors and partners – raise capital.
  • Lease or purchase operating space and equipment.
  • Sale and protection of products or services.
  • Contracts with suppliers/vendors.
  • Recruiting employees – Presenting an offer of employment.

How can we use this data in negotiations?

Most importantly, leveraging data in the negotiation process helps demonstrate upside for both parties in an agreement. Even when the agreed terms are not ideal or what they expected, if they feel that the outcome will improve their position and that they got the best deal for the circumstances, the agreement is more likely to be reached.

The critical role of data in negotiation is support bidding and asking value/price. Market data and performance metrics can demonstrate sector demand and supply factors and relationships. Even if the numbers don’t work out in your favor, they make sure all parties are comfortable with the terms. If price or terms are disputed, a comparative analysis based on market price and sales data may validate or encourage a price reevaluation.

Related: A negotiation expert shares Elon Musk’s Twitter deal tricks every entrepreneur should know

Objective data provides proof of feasibility for your proposal and stated objective. The perceived viability of your venture is fundamental when raising capital and Pitching investors. Providing data that supports your market assumptions and projections, including demand fundamentals and market growth, makes your pitch more credible and facilitates investor due diligence processes.

Performance metrics related to your assets, products, companies or units highlight your core competencies and demonstrate your track record. Important data points include revenue, relative profit between offerings, expense ratios, and numerous other KPIs.

Presenting these data points and insights in a polished and upfront way lets your potential stakeholders know you’re serious, organized and prepared.

Related: 4 Things to Do When You’re in Negotiations

Leveraging tech and consultants to source, organize, interpret and report data

The data and analyzes presented are only as reliable as the sources, methods, tools and analysts who contributed to their collection and preparation. Incomplete, inaccurate or irrelevant data will undermine a deal as quickly as a sinking foundation.

Therefore, a business or entrepreneur must have the system, time and expertise to assemble and interpret the data.

To accomplish this, create an integrated strategy that includes data management technology and an internal or external team of analysts and consultants.

Information Management and analytics systems, most of which are industry-specific solutions for sectors, that enable entrepreneurs to continuously and automatically collect performance and market data. Results are valid and timely insights are available when needed to formulate terms and evaluate counteroffers.

When times are of the essence, the best opportunities go to those who are willing and ready to act convincingly. If your core competencies (e.g. your strengths or personal value proposition) are not in data research and analysis, there is an opportunity to build an internal and external team of experts to bridge knowledge and experience gaps.

Additionally, respected team members enhance your organization’s credibility and capabilities.

Related: Make your next negotiation a ‘win-win’. 3 tips on how to do it.

Fair and productive

Presenting quality data and analysis in negotiations gives credibility to statements and estimates and validates any offers, proposals and ventures.

When offers and counteroffers are supported by objective data that demonstrates why the proposed terms are reasonable and provide the most benefit to both parties, it is easier and more likely to reach an agreement and build a fruitful business relationship.


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