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How to prevent your CEO’s reputation from hurting your business

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When I first moved to the “dark side,” an ominous phrase used by fellow journalists to describe the transition to public relations — the media landscape was different.

At the time, the only way to reach a mass audience was to have your news picked up by one of the few news outlets that had a monopoly on reaching the general public.

As such, the CEO’s communication was delivered in the standard way through spokespersons: a public relations professional would compose a message on behalf of the CEO and then distribute it to the appropriate editors and producers. Away from the complex world of optics, a CEO reputation it was carefully landscaped by this process.

Those days are gone. The widespread adoption of social media has given every employee, customer, and investor a virtual window into the operations of the businesses that matter to them and the lives of the executives who run them.

recent research shows that 82% of employees expect business leaders to use social media to communicate their company’s mission, vision and values, and four to one, they prefer to work for a CEO who uses social media social networks compared to one who does not use them.

As the landscape has changed, so has the role of the CEO. No longer can the top executive of a company be expected to operate without active participation in company communication. However, many leaders, particularly those in legacy industries like finance and law, have not adapted to modern expectations. the recent Silicon Valley bank collapse It was a shining example of how not investing in an executive communication strategy can literally kill a company.

In the midst of the company leaders who are going viral for callous and unfriendly communicationHere’s how you can make sure your CEO’s reputation is helping your company, not hindering it.

Related: Create a brand that boosts your CEO’s reputation

Build an online presence

Privately owned or not, we have entered the era of public company formation. Every person your CEO interacts with has an opinion and a social media channel to share it. As such, build an online presence for its CEO it is not a vain project, it is reputation management.

When leaders have no intention of creating a digital footprint online, the narrative about who they are and what they represent is left to Google’s evolving algorithm. In the absence of an executive content strategy, a negative tweet, poor customer review, or inaccurate press quote may be the first impression your CEO makes online when interested parties search online.

Platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter have an impact on search rankings and, if properly leveraged, can generate Virtual communities that result in real life trading opportunities. But don’t pawn off your CEO’s social media presence to an inexperienced employee. Building a personal brand for your CEO involves leveraging their personality and lived experience to create content that aligns with the company’s strategic objectives and responds to the needs of their target audience, a complex process that requires the support of a Experienced communications executive. consultant who can also warn against communication that could lead to a problem or crisis.

Considering four out of five investors use digital media to make an investment decision, having a strong online profile for your CEO can not only improve optics, but can also help secure funding, sales and strategic partnerships.

Related: 6 Data-Backed Reasons Why a CEO Should Take the Time to Build a Strong Personal Brand

Empathize with the needs of stakeholders

Over the past few months, we’ve seen a number of CEOs go viral for all the wrong reasons. Andi Owens, CEO of MillerKnoll, an American furniture company, became famous on the internet when a video of her addressing the concerns of her employees without sympathy from her was posted on social media.

In the video, Owens, who made $5 million in 2022, lectured employees, whose average made $44,000, to focus on sales on personal compensation. Owens committed a sin that many CEOs and business leaders regularly commit: He failed to empathize with the needs of his shareholders.

Before a CEO delivers any form of sensitive communication, it’s important to anticipate questions the audience may have and gauge sentiment around the topic. Often this can be done by distributing an anonymous survey in advance to solicit candid feedback from the target group on the issue and how it affects them. When you’re out of step with the needs of your stakeholders, you’re less likely to respond with the information that’s most important to them, or worse, offend them or raise concerns. This can cause irreparable damage to your business.

One of the best ways to stay in tune with the needs of your stakeholders on an ongoing basis is to create avenues for two-way communication. In the digital age, social media can be one of the most efficient tools for monitoring public sentiment and staying committed to its stakeholders.

Related: How to build a reputation that leads to success

Don’t be afraid to build in public

Working with CEOs for nearly two decades, I’ve noticed a common hesitancy when it comes to speaking publicly about a hot topic: “My company hasn’t perfected that yet.”

While it’s nice to have mastered a solution to a pervasive challenge, you don’t need to have a point of view about it. public building — the idea of ​​openly sharing personal challenges, learnings, and reflections as they occur — can be an effective way to humanize a company leader and build a community around their online profile.

Building in public doesn’t mean you have to operate with radical transparency, but you must be willing to test ideas and solicit stakeholder feedback publicly. Sharing an op-ed, newsletter or thoughtful LinkedIn update gives a CEO a high level of control over their narrative and, if done strategically and consistently, can be an effective way to establish their purpose and intent. .

Building a personal brand It’s not a traditional part of being a CEO, but in the age of algorithms and viral videos, it’s becoming a prerequisite.

The good news is that company leaders don’t have to be charismatic or comfortable with public speaking to create a public profile, they just need to be intentional and strategic about their actions. online reputation. By investing in an executive communications strategy, CEOs are better positioned to protect their reputation, and that of their companies, through the ups and downs of business.


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