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How to prompt ChatGPT to work for you!

Wait til all of you learn how to prompt ai … I’m so happy for so many of you because you’re about to become more creative than …

38 thoughts on “How to prompt ChatGPT to work for you!”

  1. Wait til all of you learn how to prompt ai … I’m so happy for so many of you because you’re about to become more creative than ever and more educated and fill in curiosities … this is profound technology .. use it / don’t fear it ☎️

  2. I promise you if you put this it will not give you what you need. You’ll need to prompt it afew times atleast and even then you’ll have to edit, add missing info, find sources etc

  3. But.. then you have to go and do research to see if the references it came up with are actually valid. Since.. you know.. it’s a large language model. If it has been trained on invalid or incorrect data on a subject (especially plausible with niche subjects. Which are less likely to have good enough and big enough datasets in training), you’re left with bogus.

    If the LLM is connected to a search engine for input and can print out source links like Phind does, take a look at what it cites.

  4. Let's face it, that article is not a very good article. If you think the articles produced by chatGPT are good, just shows how low the bar is 😂

  5. Everybody knows when you prompt ChatGPT, it generates information and has the potential to make some jobs redundant. This is not a novel point.

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