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How To Raise Kids You Actually Like

In this YouTube video, Dr. Jordan Peterson explains how to discipline children without resorting to shouting and fighting. He suggests two principles for effective parenting: “minimum necessary rules” and “minimal necessary force.” The former is about choosing the essential rules and avoiding excessive ones that can drive out respect for good ones. The latter involves using the least amount of force to enforce the rules, depending on the child’s personality.

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Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life:
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos:…
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32 thoughts on “How To Raise Kids You Actually Like”

  1. 6:01 – "Who are you to impose your rules on your child?"
    "Well, I'm his parent."
    "But what gives you that right?"
    "…It isn't exactly my right, it is my responsibility."
    and, my favourite part: "It's not like I want to put my child on the steps…It's not pleasurable. I don't want the kid to be a squalling, wretched reprobate that everyone hates."

    I often tell my kids that this is not fun for me, when I have to enforce a rule. That it is for their benefit, not mine.

  2. Let’s normalize parents enjoying being parents again please, I have 5 kids and I think they’re pretty awesome. Nothing is better than being a mother honestly no job has ever made me feel as loved and or gave me purpose more than being a wife and mom ❤

  3. We could never tolerate lying or cruelty, so I guess those were the basic rules for our children. The other aspect though was that there was always the possibility to move forward from any disagreement or wrong doing, through acknowledgement, understanding and forgiveness. Mistakes are part of the learning process.

  4. His wife is so respectful, she had opportunities to interrupt him while he was speaking to share something but she decided to let him talk all he wanted without one interruption because the question was for him and she saw no necessity to add anything else. She is so respectful and professional

  5. While this is an intellectual perspective if you play honestly with kids that makes them and you giggle and laugh regularly those kids will be more than happy to do as you say. Just make sense whatever you do say.

  6. You can also think about it this way, when it comes to why you should discipline your children.

    Someone will correct their bad behaviors. That is inevitable.
    Who will do it is now the choice before you.

    If you won't correct their misbehavior, society will, and it will be far more harsh in the ways that the correction takes place.

    It is better that it be you, the parents who have far more love and understanding to give that child than anyone else is likely to offer. Versus, some stranger, law enforcement officer, teacher, babysitter, etc.

    So, choice wisely on who will sculpt and mold your children into fuctioning adults.

    You can avoid a lot of pain and misery for your children in their lifetime, if you would just love them enough to correct their bad behaviors.

  7. 00:01 Mindestens erforderliche Regeln, um die Einhaltung guter Regeln aufrechtzuerhalten.
    01:37 Förderung von Freundlichkeit und Freundschaft mit Geschwistern
    03:03 Die Durchsetzung von Regeln hängt vom Kind ab
    04:26 Zu den wirkungsvollsten Disziplinarmaßnahmen gehört es, Kindern, die sich schlecht benehmen, eine Auszeit zu geben.
    05:44 Als Eltern liegt es in Ihrer Verantwortung, Ihrem Kind Regeln aufzuerlegen.
    07:08 Der Einsatz von minimal notwendiger Gewalt und Auszeiten als wirksame Strategie bei der Kindererziehung.
    08:43 Wutanfälle bei Kindern verstehen und bewältigen
    10:00 Schaffen Sie eine friedliche und harmonische Umgebung zu Hause

  8. Please Dr. Peterson, write a book solely on parenting. You've changed my life for the better and you're helping me be a better person and mother. You're the best mind of our time and I thank God for you and your family.

  9. food love and stability are what a child needs and how a parent conducts themselves not with rules but with honorable conduct that can be immolated even by very young children. Most children only see their parents on the way home from daycare or as they're being put to bed.

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