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How To Retain Internal Staff

  • What drives staff satisfaction? Staff repeatedly emphasize the importance of senior leadership. In multiple staff survey questions, from both the current and previous SIA surveys, respondents indicate that quality of senior leadership is the #1 driver of staff satisfaction. Nine other drivers are also examined and evaluated.
  • Staff satisfaction is the key to retention. Among staff giving their firm a net promoter “likelihood to recommend” satisfaction score of 0-4, the share saying they were open to quitting was in the 82%-88% range; that share declined with each subsequent score increment; above a score of 7, the share open to quitting was less than 10%.
  • What else matters? Allowing at least some remote work time is important to staff satisfaction, and with some staff it matters a great deal. More pay doesn’t necessarily get better job satisfaction, but it’s important to not underpay. Staff also listed their most wished for incentives and benefit improvements.

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