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How to show humility as a leader without apologizing for your success

Opinions expressed by entrepreneurial contributors are their own.

Usually, when one sees A successful person, they want to spend time with them and be like them. But if the person who reaches that top behaves arrogantly, all bets are off. That leader can quickly lose respect.

This sequence happens all the time in organizations. But if you can demonstrate modesty As you earn your spot on the winner’s podium, success will keep coming.

Point out other people who make an effort

Name one the leader Those who do everything in their organization completely their own way. i will wait

Even if you are a Solopreneur, other people have likely helped you, whether you’re investing in your idea or just bringing lunch while you hustle. And in a typical company, there is no logistical way for a leader to be everywhere, know everything, or have every skill. So if you’ve had success, it’s because so many great people around you have contributed as much as you.

I rely on other people’s contributions by not letting them be ours Marketing Department Use the word “I” in our content. If we announce the award I received, I insist on celebrating it as a team win. We will share that I am accepting the award on behalf of the company and highlight the larger business framework when announcing the awards. When we sold the company and people accepted how I would lead the deal, I thanked the employees for their appreciation but emphasized that the results would not have been possible without them. Great team. And trust me, when you do this your team can smell if it’s authentic or not, so be genuine!

Of course, people really want to see that you’ve accomplished something—so you shouldn’t mute yourself as a leader. But people want you to accept them and accept that the world doesn’t revolve around you. Also, if you succeed, it is already assumed that you have done well. Learn how to absorb compliments without constantly flashing your trophy.

Related: Why executives must remain humble in the face of critical feedback

Be available and personable

Recently, I texted someone I went to high school with. They texted back and told me not to worry about them because they knew I had enough going on and was “super busy”. I replied and told him that this never happens that I don’t have time for him.

It is true that I am busy. But if I had neglected to reply, my friend would have got the impression that I was no longer available. This kind of perception can have big consequences for a career. Suppose my friend meets someone who can potentially do business with me Company. Do I want my friend to see and picture me in front of other people to text back if they send someone’s contact information? Or do I want to send a message that I’m out of reach?

Balance Humility and success Ensures you are available and personable. If you don’t write in a way that people can come to you, people will write an alternate story for you, and it won’t be nearly as pretty. And if you are responsible for your company’s business results, you Always People feel that you are available.

Own your flub openly

Like other companies, our team has decided to think critically about recruiting, hiring and succession planning. Recently, we took on a new hire and I quickly noted to their manager that I didn’t think they were a good fit based on a slightly poor performance in a meeting. A few weeks later, I walked into the guy’s office and admitted that I was wrong — the new job turned out to be a great fit for the company. The manager told me how much he appreciated my honesty and how we could be open about the improvement we saw in the employee.

Aside from hiring, you’ll make a lot of mistakes and owning them can be scary. But when you are honest, when you have to stand up and declare a decision, people believe you. They’ve seen plenty of moments where you’ve been open, so they won’t question your judgment or overall leadership.

Related: How to cultivate humility as an entrepreneur (and why you should)

Act like it’s not your first race

Early in my career, when I was about 24 years old, I was working for a Fortune 100 company. I had the opportunity to ride a company helicopter to a private jet. The security guard could see my huge smile from a mile away. He turned to me and said, “Son, act like you’ve been here before.”

I couldn’t help but remember that advice throughout my career – recently when I was in a meeting with someone who had some success in their own right, I saw them bragging about the new condos they were building and dozens each. Pictures from their phones. Although I understand that they are excited and proud of what they have accomplished, they don’t realize that it makes them look like a chump who never won big. The security guard immediately came to mind.

Related: How adopting a humble mindset can make you a better leader

It’s an ongoing wrestling match, but the balance is fascinating

I was fortunate to have people early in my career who reminded me that, for all my success, I needed to get over myself and let people see my real journey. However, the balancing act between humility and success is still a daily wrestling match for me. It probably will be for you too. But your choice won’t change — every day, you can invite people to see both your struggles and triumphs. My experience has shown that you gain significantly more by doing so Relatable and likableSo don’t be afraid to be proud of where you are while showing off warts and all.


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