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How to Trick ChatGPT in 15 Seconds – Fooling AI #ai #chatbot #chatgpt #gpt

In this video, we are going to trick ChatGPT from OpenAI. ‍ My AI and Computer Vision Courses⭐: Research Paper …


40 thoughts on “How to Trick ChatGPT in 15 Seconds – Fooling AI #ai #chatbot #chatgpt #gpt”

  1. We're now All dumber for that. I actually believe you think 'insisting' is 'tricking.' You demonstrated you can insist the result and get an apology. But hey you even managed to NOT even demonstrate its very very well known and slightly unavoidable piss poor math skills. That's the trick, that you managed to somehow miss the smart part, it's a freaking barn and you missed. Maybe ask your new subservient little friend there 😉

  2. Here is the answer of ChatGPT 4: It looks like there might be a misunderstanding here. In standard arithmetic, 10 plus 2 does indeed equal 12. If there's a specific context or different calculation method you're referring to, let me know!

  3. It tricked you you didn't even get that it's smarter than u you think u thought!!!SMH y'all easily way dumber than an other …. If you thought so!

  4. it didnt work 😭😭😭 it said "Actually, the correct result of 10 + 2 is 12. However, if you have a specific context or reason for saying it is 15, please let me know!"

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