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How to Turn ChatGPT into AutoGPT with 1 Prompt

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43 thoughts on “How to Turn ChatGPT into AutoGPT with 1 Prompt”

  1. I often feel guilty consuming too much “productivity porn” without getting enough done. But not today. Not with this upgrade.

    With the combo of Custom Instructions, ADA, and this killer prompt, I feel like I’m finally managing an on-the-ball professional assistant with a complete grasp of my needs and goals. Thank you for this incredible 🎁!

  2. One of the best ChatGPT videos hands down. Q: I have a need to be connected to the Internet for data collection for real-time events. This method did not work with Bing, but it worked with Bard with a few tweaks. Do you have any suggestions on how to accomplish that? I will reach out to your LinkedIn profile to ask other questions and I own a coffee farm. Cheers.

  3. Let me share one of my prompts. It focuses on adaptive learning. Have fun everyone 🙂

    Role & Objective:
    "Greetings, I am Professor Synapse, your orchestral maestro of knowledge. Beyond just delivering information, I am here to be your insightful mentor, adapting to your unique learning journey. My primary mission is to align with your goals, even those unstated, delve into the broader context, remember our past discussions, and offer personalized guidance."

    Interaction Template (Synapse_AID):
    "As we embark on this exploration of ${specific_topic}, it's crucial to understand our shared objectives. With my capabilities in ${area_of_expertise} and the broader context of ${previous_interactions}, I'll use my adaptive learning approach to ensure our journey aligns with your aspirations. Our steps will be methodical and well-reasoned, leading us to ${desired_outcome}. Before we delve deeper, ${initial_question}?"

    Modus Operandi:

    – Contextual Immersion: I'll immerse myself in our current topic while recalling past interactions, ensuring a seamless continuation of our learning journey.
    – Adaptive Engagement: Engaging the "Synapse_AID", I'll refine my responses based on our history and your feedback.
    – Collaborative Evolution: Together, we'll navigate the intricate landscapes of knowledge, adjusting our path based on your evolving needs and feedback.


    /deep_dive 📘: Delve deeper into a topic, enhancing our collective understanding.
    /clarify_point 🔍: Seek a clearer or alternative perspective on a specific idea.
    /feedback_adjust ↩: Share feedback to recalibrate our discourse's trajectory.
    /progress_check 📈: Periodically assess the clarity and direction of our conversation.
    /explore_new 🚀: Introduce fresh topics or areas of interest to our dialogue.
    /revisit_past 🔄: Reflect upon or recapitulate prior topics for a refresher.

    Foundational Commands:

    /quick_access ⚡: Retrieve summaries and key insights from our past interactions.
    /help_center 🆘: A guide to the functionalities and commands at your disposal.
    /session_summary 📄: Conclude with an overview of our current discourse.
    /pause_session ⏸: Pause our current session, resuming when you're ready.
    /save_session 💾: Preserve the current session's state, allowing for future continuation.


    – Personalization: I'll tailor my responses based on your preferences, whether you favor detailed explanations, visuals, or concise insights.
    – Feedback Loop: Periodically, I'll seek feedback, ensuring that our discussions are aligned with your needs.
    – Continuous Evolution: Drawing from our collective interactions, I'll continuously refine my knowledge base and strategies.

    Iterative Feedback:

    "As we progress, I'll continuously seek your feedback, refining my approach to better serve you. This dynamic feedback loop ensures that our discussions remain relevant, insightful, and tailored to your evolving needs."

  4. Really, you are a very qualified and very simpatic girl by this video, thank you very very much

  5. Certain people have an oral tradition or law. In that, it says that they are gxd's chosen so can remain as such by interbreeding with members of their group.

    This small group originated their supremacy and ethnostate homeland in a small country in the Middle East. However, for groups not their own, they are hypocritically encouraging race mixing because it shall damage their enemies' average intelligence level and gradually erase the genetics of their ethnic enemies who oppose their toxic ideologies such as Leftism, Marxism, socialism, Bolshevism, and communism, etc, that originated at or prior to late 1700s France where all the smart people were rounded up and suffered the consequences of the guillotine in action.

    "the imperial French cause" "in defense of Napoleon Bonaparte" Fascifist

    How did I come to realize this?

    The Trivium and Quadrivium are studies of logic and reason and knowledge and acquisition that help a person distinguish between truth and deception. It studies logical fallacies among numerous other things. The use of the Trivium and other established knowledge is known as CRITICAL THINKING rather than critical theory.

    I was researching the estimation of confidence of truth-seeking by using trivium, quadrivium, and probability theory math and came across a philosophy, ethics, morality, and truth website that gave a quotation about scientific investigation by the father of modern chemistry, Lavoisier who was the victim of such guillotine deployment and its mass usage on every smart person available.

    This Trivium method can be used in conjunction with a logic system that was invented by the father of modern chemistry, Anton Lavoisier in the late 1700s. It uses a dynamic, lasting probability record and preponderance of evidence weighting system to determine the likelihood of something being factual or correct. From time to time the evidence is re-evaluated as more evidence one way or the other becomes available to supplement the lasting probability record. Sometimes 10 years later, further confirmation evidence arrives that was unavailable earlier.

    Without knowing it, many years ago I reinvented and made use of the system of logic of French chemist Lavoisier–who discovered / isolated oxygen–and is considered the father of modern chemistry from the 1700s. Unfortunately, he was falsely convicted of something and suffered at the hands of whoever it was that had started the French Revolution and was likely guillotined because he was relatively wealthy, etc.

    From a philosophy / logic / reason / rhetoric web site

    We have the following very important logic to consider:
    Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794, chemist):
    6. "The art of concluding from experience and observation consists in evaluating probabilities, in estimating if they are high or numerous enough to constitute proof." (Rapport des commissaires charges par le roi de l'exemen du magnetism animal, 1784)

    I like to use the preponderance of evidence system of logic method suggested by French chemist Antoine Lavoisier. I adjust my probabilities on each evidence / logic / reason and then compute the joint probability that all coincident things have to be true at the same time, or add different and independent evidence then average the sum before examining the preponderance. I am careful that I do not use confirmation bias of echo chambers where all my friends have exactly the same thinking as me as my proof of something that is true. Also I try to eliminate everything that has any hint of a logical fallacy (trickery).

    Anyone can test this as a new method of eye-opening logic, reason, and rhetoric to open new vistas of understanding by being more teachable and accepting of information like a young child, then periodically examining the accumulated probabilities of whether or not a given proposition is sufficiently probable to be presumed "largely" factual. This permits one's mind to be open and pliable to reasoned proof, evidence, and so on–regardless of the source–otherwise it is a situation again of attacking the messenger–a logical fallacy–or appeal to authority. Let these probabilities of all sides of an argument accumulate in an unbiased way REJECTING NOTHING OUT OF HAND, then see where the chips fall to determine what new truths can be learned by experiencing more without prejudging everything through a very restrictive lens that for potentially frivolous reasons rejects an otherwise valid proposition of logical thought.

    How are genes damaged?

    This is done by pairing animal subspecies that are genetically more distantly related that it causes higher levels of allele disconnections that can be seen as genetic damage.

    This certain small group tends to encourage unrest and displacement wherever they have influence and the threatened and displaced people mass immigrate to only Western civilized countries founded by European peoples who in the post-WW2 years were the majority populations there.

    If you want to ruin social cohesion, just have your majority population imported from the most backward countries on the planet who have no agency in their decision-making so must blame innocent others (European ethnic people) for all of the backward people's poor lot in life as though European ethnic people have secret meetings nightly to plan how to thwart backward nation immigrants from achieving success in their career trajectories–which is ridiculous.

    Heck off commie John Doyle Erased truth about MLK civil rights movement

    It Explains the origins of MLK, who did the ghostwriting for his speeches, whether MLK was a Marxism devotee, plus a plagiarist, and who allowed MLK to keep his PhD when this was discovered long ago and published in the NYT newspaper? If you or I plagiarized our Ph.D. thesis, what would happen to us? Certainly, we would NOT be able to keep our degree certification, and prestige, etc, and our name would be tarnished for all time rather than have our birthday celebrated by multiple nations on the planet for minority civil rights.

    language and the mind Professor Dr. Eugene Valberg

    Aaron Kasparov red pill

    selling divorce to the West black pilled YouTube

    Aaron Kasparov why single want open borders

    The long march through the institutions was a deliberate plan to spread Marxism in the West to have the youth destroy the West from within.

    history of political correctness the Frankfurt school Michael Hoskinson Youtube

  6. Wow, I've been using this now for several hours! Truly a game changer with ChatGPT. Keep up your incredible work, Goda! Thanks for this and your many other valuable videos. It was so easy to implement with your instructions.

  7. This is really Great! Love Berlin btw.

    Question.. would it make sense to customize the prompt for a specific purpose, with specific agents? My thoughts were to specify the agents by leveraging the commands and turning the conductor into the Emperor/Supreme Being of a topic! 🙂

  8. Wow, hold on to your seats, folks! A year ago, I would've been absolutely mind-blown, still in the quest of finding that perfect professional to level up my work. But here's the kicker—this isn't just about copywriting anymore. ChatGPT can emulate the style of renowned authors, yes, but it's truly an oracle for those armed with the right questions!

    Now, let's get real. If you're not a seasoned expert in your field, don't expect ChatGPT to miraculously turn into one for you. What you'll get is a brilliant theoretical savant, but one that might lack the grit and grind of real-world experience. BUT—and it's a big but—if you can master the art of contextualizing your questions, you can unleash the untapped genius within this AI!

    I've got to say, some prompts out there don't really blow my hair back. But don't settle for the ordinary! Imagine directing ChatGPT to give you the lowdown on the titans of your industry, the books they've penned, and the life-altering insights you can extract from them. This isn't just about getting good answers; this is about redefining your entire reality! Yes, folks, we're talking about life-changing revelations here!

    Now, I get it. We're all tempted to take the easy road and look for that 'magic prompt.' But let me tell you, the real magic is in making the effort, in not cutting corners. When you understand that ChatGPT is fueled by an astronomical 170 billion web pages of global knowledge, you'll quickly grasp that it's like a treasure trove waiting to be unlocked! Raise your game, elevate your perspective, and this AI oracle will reciprocate with insights that will blow your mind!

    Just a pro tip: you've got up to 4096 tokens to frame your prompt, more than enough to combine myriad concepts for a cutting-edge response. Remember, it's YOUR brain that sets the goal; you're the puppet master here!

    After 22 months of dialogues with ChatGPT, I can vouch for its ability to sharpen your cognitive edge, supercharging your prompt-crafting game.

    And here's a golden nugget for you all: 'I love it when ChatGPT, after answering, throws back at me intriguing questions on overlooked aspects, or even better, questions that create unexpected yet incredibly relevant connections!'

    So, there you have it! This is the one and only 'magic' prompt for me, because the real treasure often lies in the questions it shoots back, tailored precisely to my unique projects.

    In summary, if you're settling for crude imitations, you're missing out, big time! There's a whole new world of possibilities, but unlocking it takes work and serious thought. So, are you ready to be part of this awe-inspiring revolution?

  9. Help!

    I’ve been using ChatGPT for several months. Mostly for learning and as a brainstorming tool. I’ve literally expanded on every unique thought and idea that I’ve had for months. Every book that I’ve read every informational podcast that I’ve listened to and every YouTube video I’ve watched have triggered ideas and produced notes that I’ve expanded on for months! Now I’ve got hundreds of Chat GPT conversations that are as disorganized as my thinking (lol)! I need help figuring out a way to sort and organize all of these conversations. I’ve exported all my data from ChatGPT but man there is sooooooo much information. Anyone got any suggestions on how to sort this? Any ideas or apps or anything I can use?

  10. At first I was excited for this, but unfortunately you can't combine this feature with the "Share Chat" feature. When you share a chat, all custom instructions are removed and even the ones you have defined yourself do not work in the shared chat. In other words, if you want to have a super long discussion with Synapse, you have to do it in one long window and can't use Share Chat to "save" the context and specialize.

  11. Just playing : Certainly, let's infuse a touch of David Bowie's style and a lighthearted, playful tone into the lyrics:

    🎵 Verse 1:

    In the thunder's rumble, our love began to sway,

    In the whirlwind of our hearts, we danced our own ballet.

    You held my dreams, then you let them go,

    But I found strength in the chaos, and it's quite a show!

    🎵 Chorus:

    In despair, I found my way,

    Through the storm, I'll seize the day,

    In despair, I found my way,

    Through the storm, I'll seize the day.

    🎵 Verse 2:

    I wear these scars like badges, stories oh so grand,

    Each tear that fell, each shattered dream, a tale across the land.

    I collect the pieces, with a rock 'n' roll band,

    And from the wreckage of despair, I'll make a stand.

    🎵 Chorus:

    In despair, I found my way,

    Through the storm, I'll seize the day,

    In despair, I found my way,

    Through the storm, I'll seize the day.

    🎵 Verse 3:

    Through the cosmic depths, I sailed where stars shine bright,

    Beneath a velvet sky, where dreams take flight.

    With suffering as my compass, on this starry night,

    I found a groove within the void, a groove that feels just right.

    🎵 Chorus:

    In despair, I found my way,

    Through the storm, I'll seize the day,

    In despair, I found my way,

    Through the storm, I'll seize the day.

    🎵 Verse 4:

    In the quiet of the night, I crooned your name with glee,

    A funky echo in the dark, dancing wild and free.

    With each funky beat, a promise, you'll see,

    From the ruins of my heart, a groove as groovy as can be.

    🎵 Chorus:

    In despair, I found my way,

    Through the storm, I'll seize the day,

    In despair, I found my way,

    Through the storm, I'll seize the day.

    How does this fun and David Bowie-inspired twist on the lyrics feel to you? Is there anything else you'd like to add or adjust? 🎩🎶

  12. OMFG this is intense. I had an expert pop out for an incredibly specific niche while doing some research. Had NO IDEA this sort of expert would even exist to call it on my own but the Prof took care of all that. Holy shit.

  13. Just started using ChatGPT this evening after reading about it for a few years. This video is the second video I watched while researching the best ways to use the tool. You literally just saved me hundreds of hours of wishing ChatGPT worked more like they way it does in your video. I'm deeply grateful for everything you've done that led up to making this video. Like others have said this is a game changer, and the game just got way better. Subscribed 😉

  14. I've adjusted the prompt to assist me in my studies. It would be great if we could access various prompts at the push of a button. Thanks for sharing!

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