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How to Use ChatGPT as a Powerful Tool for Programming

In this Programming Tutorial video, we will be learning how developers can harness ChatGPT as a tool to help us in our daily …

39 thoughts on “How to Use ChatGPT as a Powerful Tool for Programming”

  1. Hey everybody. I'm trying something new and would like your feedback after the video is uploaded. I get a LOT of comments each day on older videos and it's impossible for me to answer them all. So today, I'm going to try uploading a YouTube premiere for the first time. The only big difference between a premiere and a regular upload is that I'll be able to hop into a live chat with you all during the launch of the video and do my best to answer questions that way (as long as they're not coming in too quickly). I'll never schedule these premieres far in advance because personally, as a person who watches a lot of YouTube myself, I hate waiting once the premiere is announced. So I'll always schedule these just a few hours before the video is live so that the wait isn't too long. I do this with regular uploads as well because I like to make sure the video is fully processed and that there are no issues. Sooo long story short, I would love your feedback after the video launches today and to let me know if you enjoyed it better than a normal upload, if you were indifferent, or if you weren't a fan of the premiere style.

  2. Comments in the code gets rotten in time. Write a private method instead. And unit test method names should be written in semantic naming convention. Just my personal references as a side-comment.
    Excellent video! 👍 Thank you!

  3. Hi Corey, nice to hear you are on the mend; checled out your video and it's really helpful; one question: I get an error message saying: no module named yfinance" …what gives?

  4. me: What's the best resource for learning Python on YouTube?

    As of my last training cut-off in January 2022, there are many excellent resources on YouTube for learning Python. However, the popularity and quality of content can change over time. Here are a few channels that were widely regarded for Python tutorials:

    1. Corey Schafer (CoreyMS)
    -> So you are still popular on ChatGPT 😆

  5. So happy to see you back! Your videos have helped me so much and just recently decided to go poke around and see if you've returned and voila here you are!
    I pray that you are doing well and I look forward to Future videos! Keep them coming you are a great instructor

  6. Hi Corey, love your videos! You're pretty much my go-to channel for python related tutorials. It's a bit sad seeing no new uploads from you, but I hope you're doing great!
    If you ever plan on making videos again, I was wondering if you'd be interested in teaching us Flet? It's for making apps for web and mobile based on Flutter/Dart.
    Idk if you'll see this, but if you do, I'd just like to tell you how much I appreciate the way you deliver so much info in such a well-constructed and organized manner! Thanks a lot!

  7. instead "its not gonna be AI replacing programmers, its gonna be programmers who use AI replacing programmers who don't use AI", can I say "programmers who use AI helps AI being better programmer and makes us all loose our jobs who even don't use AI" ???

  8. Hey 👋nine months later and i've heard many people claim chatGPT is bad but like you said, I think just like how googling something is a skill, so is chatGPT. Also unless chatGPT gets WAY more advanced, people's fears about it replacing coding jobs is pretty unfounded. Like your examples, it really only does small code, never anything huge and definitely nowhere close to whole games. I've used it a ton for when I forget how to do certain things and it's just quicker to keep chatGPT running rather than 400 different pages.

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