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How to Use ChatGPT – Beginner’s Guide

ChatGPT is one of the fastest platforms on all time and I wanted to show you how to use ChatGPT in this video. ChatGPT is an …

22 thoughts on “How to Use ChatGPT – Beginner’s Guide”

  1. Thanks, I know this is 'old' now, a la 5 mo ago, but useful as an initial introduction pre ChatGPT V4, functionally. Where I take issue with your slant here is maybe a moot point. But I need to say your graphics are sadly rife with male bias here. Particularly for what I assume you want to become as a 21st century tech-savvy cutting edge org? The minute I saw you pull up the graphic for the image of who created Chat GPT (the anti-free speech nazi Elon Musk aside) – the element featuring all the white-looking men in suits beside the other solely male founders is archaic, sexist and pretty bizarre in an age where you could use any kind of signalling to message that particular info. Respectfully noted, that is, but being the person I am – and using human intelligence here – I suggest getting more granular with these minute details. They may appear insignificant, but being tech savvy is becoming increasingly less important to being identity and human diversity savvy – if the world data on the demand for Transversal / Human Skills is anything to go by. Ask ChatGPT V4. I believe they will agree.

  2. I wanna know when and how to use it to service my computer , is that possible now ? Let say i wanted the AI to go into windows/my computer and delete tone.exe , can it "service" your computer ?

  3. good organization and presentation. This is more of a historical piece for ChatGPT since version 4 was not available when this video was made. Now with this introduction to ChatGPT, I can continue on with the latest version – 4.

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