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How to use ChatGPT to automate PowerPoint

A PowerPoint tutorial showing how to use ChatGPT with PowerPoint. ChatGPT can help create macros to easily automate …


13 thoughts on “How to use ChatGPT to automate PowerPoint”

  1. Good if you want ChatGPT to also write the content of the slides.
    If not, simply save your titles in a text file, then in Powerpoint, click the down arrow in the “New Slide” menu button; select “Slides from Outline” then pick your text file.
    All slides will be created instantly.
    If you do it with a doc file and add some tabs, you will have bullet points in the slides too. Enjoy.

  2. Good stuff. ChatGPT returned my request saying, "I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I cannot create macros or generate PowerPoint presentations. However, I can provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to create a macro that creates 10 slides with the specifications you've provided.". Any idea why it wouldn't generate a macro for me like your video did? I effectively used the same prompt as yours. Thanks

  3. write a PowerPowint macro that creats a new x slide PwoerPowint deck. the title slide should be called ''xyzxyz'' font and size 60 and bold. The slide should be bright yellow

    each of the (x-1) slides should should be light blue and the title of each slide should be size 30 Comic Sans font style

    Here are the titles of each of the x-1 slides:

    Save the powerPoint to my default Documets folder

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