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How to use ChatGPT to easily learn any skill you want

In today’s video, I show you how I’ve been using AI to help me learn any skill or subject that I want. I’ve been attempting to …


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48 thoughts on “How to use ChatGPT to easily learn any skill you want”

  1. If Chat-GPT could accurately assess the 80/20 principal this would be an absolutely brilliant approach

    However chat-GPT isn't actually actually intelligent, so this is potentially risky

    Still, learning successfully using a flawed tool is much like for woodworking if you used a crappy Home Depot tool instead of using a professional grade bandsaw…

    So good job being resourceful

  2. The pareto principle a false "principle" to begin with. Pareto was measuring the amounts of two different things. Ever since JP brought this up, everyone has been using it wrong.

  3. Kinda interesting. Snapchat has an AI that works like ChatGPT and a commenter mentions some good questions to ask it and it’s spitting out some great answers. Thanks for he video.

  4. Do watch out for the subliminal stuff. >>> YOU >>> ARE >>> GETTING >>> SLEEPY>>> You never know exactly what that is doing to your brain.

    So, I will have to look into adding this as one of my learning tools. Thanks for the tip.

    And yes, the explaining something to a child is one of the best ways to learn anything. When I was teaching AutoCad, I learned quite a few things because a few of my students were not of the highest of mental levels. The other method involves developing a bit of computer pseudocode to define the steps. I used to use such a process for writing productions instructions. I would write out the steps and then give that to one of the folks from the front desk at the company. If they could do the process without any trouble, then I knew it was ready for the production floor.

  5. "Learn any subject you want." Um, not quite. For technical topics, yes, seems to be a good adjunct for learning technology. But…Chat GPT has a proven political bias built in which means you cannot learn factual history. Further, its views of science are also corrupted. For instance, Chat GPT asserts there are more than two actual genders which is a proven scientifically false assertion. Our gender is in our chromosomes and therefore in every single cell of our body for our entire life.

  6. loved your comment about pareto, you rock girl. you have a great, easy way of explaining things and I could follow you very well. Thank you for your diligence😉

  7. Love that this exposes learning for more people. However please remember one of the core things with learning, check other sources and references. Just because ChatGPT (or anyone for that matter) can tell you something – if they say in a polite and confident manner; and even if they think they're right – they may not be. ChatGPT is awesome, and AI as a whole is rapidly evolving – but it's not a magic cure all pill. It still messes up, gets things wrong, looses track of the conversation. It's predictive text analytics – not a human brain :).

    Have fun!

  8. Everything minus everything you cannot learn from a computer, e.g. try to learn to play guitar or piano from it. It can only teach you the theory, not the practice.

  9. Your last tip is excellent; I do something similar all the time. I ask ChatGPT to play devil's advocate and debate me on a topic, including asking it to give me resources where I might find arguments against specific points I raise. It helps tremendously in researching ideas and developing reasoned opinions.

  10. Thank you, Bri. Even though I have over 30 years of experience with AI, hearing a novice such as your self, explain things that I was doing, yet not sure of, helps me to learn and grow. Like you, I think that ChatGPT has great possibilities. Please, keep sharing.

  11. my jaw dropped when you mentioned asking for mental models and the long list came up. that's the 20% that's gonna give our lives an 80% forrr sureee! i have a mental condition that's chipping away at my ability to make a mental model for myself and this video gives me hope!!

  12. Wow. Thank you so much for this video. An utterly essential guide for anyone looking to learn but is shi* at self-educating (me)! Amaaaazing!!

  13. I learned how to fly a helicopter using ChatGPT. Then I bought one and accidentally flew it into the side of a building. Now I'm in the hospital prison on multiple offenses including flying without a pilots license because ChatGPT said I did not need one. Luckily no one else was hurt.

  14. I’ve been studying Russian language for some time. My bio isn’t important. That I’ve spent thousands of hours and ££££ and still not making the next levels of proficiency due to not USING the language. Grammar drills are fine but I’m at a level where I can and should be having basic conversations and not screwing up the cases. You’ve given me hope. I LOVE studying and the only thing I’ve ever naturally been good at is being a student. I can’t go back to University in England where I now live, but I can give myself the equivalent of a Masters in Russian language, literature, history and art. That’s the heart’s desire. OK let’s do this.

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