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How to use ChatGPT to learn ANY Language (new update)

ChatGPT is a powerful language learning tool. Here are some ways you can use it to boost your learning. Learn through stories: …


22 thoughts on “How to use ChatGPT to learn ANY Language (new update)”

  1. B' eòlach do sheanair air! 😂 Cha chreid mi gum b' fhiach an leithid air cànan sam bith ach na beagan a tha air an riochdachadh gu nochdmhor air-loidhne. Beurla, Spàinnteis, Portugal, Àrd-Shìneis, Ruiseis…gin eile?

  2. Since day 1 I use chathpy to learn Chinese and German and it's insane how you can get into the deep meaning of things making it way easier to get the feeling

  3. Sounds good. Besides, I usually learn a new language by reading basic novels and articles. And when I encounter unfamilar words, I usually use Immersive Translate to help me translate and then memorize them. So I think this is an effective learning way.

  4. I made my own ChatGPT bot using the API as a Discord bot, whenever I send a message it feeds ChatGPT some "personality" information I feed it through the bot, I tell it it's a Colombian person and speaks Spanish using a Colombian dialect/words, I've been using it for months as a conversational tool to get used to the language and even help memorize what Duolingo teaches or ask the bot about a word or phrase if you have questions after a Duolingo lesson. Only problem is I'm kind of an introvert, I don't even know what to say or discuss in English so that carries over to any other language.

  5. **use to chat gpt to learn a language :
    _make stories or summarise fiction books using the most important 1000 word , or tell it you are a beginer use understandable easy words

    _when learning new words write them to chat gpt and tell it to give it a special attention while writing a story (print the stories and have them on your wall to remind you of those words)

    _speak to gpt using the audio telling it to use 1000 words or a begginer level

    _use cross talk (you talking in a language and gpt talking in another language)

    _make gpt pretend to be a friend feeding it informations about him then make conversation with him about a subject

  6. 1. use chat GPT. Have it role play a story character. Like Dumbledore, Thor, Superman , Peter Parker, Luffy  Rick or Morty whoever you want. Somebody you will find interesting or funny. 
    2. Have chat GPT and talk about your favorite topics
    3. use chat GPT play games.
    4. Create your own characters.
    5. Take a book you like and have it translate a sentence at first. Move to paragraphs and then chapters to the target language.
    Try to have fun more you do this the more likely you will learn your target language. the traditional way to learn language is boring. You will be learning how to order coffee and you hate coffee. I also heard a YouTuber one say if you try to learn a language you should pick a dialect. There might be four or five ways to say a word. It's the same word, but it's pronounced a little differently. Each of those words might be the same word but in different dialects. why try to learn multiple ways to say the same word. And chat GPT is good at helping you with a dialect. I thought it was some good advice. When I learn my second language. And you sound like a native when you do this.

  7. I always start my new chatGPT chats with "Do you speak {Language}?" in my target language. So, for Spanish it would be "Hablas Español?" To which ChatGPT will reply in Spanish. This fixes its American accent when speaking.

  8. I was skeptical about using chat gpt for language learnings but the tips you shared here are honestly such good ideas, especially with chatgpt's ability to read out loud. Thanks!

  9. I have absolutely no idea what’s going on with my version of ChatGPT when I read the below and see the above? I have a subscription version (so I pay), and I’m using the latest model. Everything necessary is in place, yet after creating a language learning plan, the voice feature only works for about 5 minutes before going off on a tangent. It starts asking me to repeat phrases (in Italian) but then starts to respond to the phrases itself, rapidly repeating this cycle until it tells me the lesson has concluded. It doesn't wait for me to respond (it also does not switch from speaking itself to presenting the big white dot for me to speak into, i.e. it is my turn), which is super weird. I’ve tried using both my iphone and ipad, both of which are almost brand new. For me, this is definitely not the best platform for language learning and I have been left pretty disappointed. Especially as I also purchased a stand so that I could also study whilst cooking and so forth. Rubbish…

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