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How To Use ChatGPT To Learn ANY Skill Quickly (Tutorial)

In this video, I will show you how to use Chat GPT to learn and master any skill in the entire world using specific prompts! By the …

48 thoughts on “How To Use ChatGPT To Learn ANY Skill Quickly (Tutorial)”

  1. ChatGPT is amazing for learning new skills. Think of it as your 100% free mentor that knows how to do everything. I encourage you to give it feedback, ask as many questions as you'd like (without being embarrassed), and utilizing it to its full potential. I hope you find this video helpful and let me know what skills you'll be learning in the comments below! Also, we are almost at 1 million subscribers so drop a subscribe if you got some value from the video 🙂

  2. So ChatGPT makes mistakes. And admits to making mistakes about facts. Also I like to instruct it to not refer to itself as I, me , my. I think young kids and some people will get the wrong idea about what it actually is.

  3. Hey, I have a question and shared it with other YouTube Content Creators without any feedback which is not acceptable, but it is what it is. Hopefully you have an answer. Seems ChatGPT is public and whatever is being create from this software anyone can see or copy it. Is there a way to hind any of my projects I created in ChatGPT from the public? I want all of my projects to be private. Any feed back would be appreciated.

  4. If you don't stick to your study schedule, Chatgpt will come for you, and it does know. It's best friends with Duolingo

  5. When I ask it to access the internet I get this " apologize for the inconvenience, but I am unable to browse the internet or access specific articles."

  6. Prosperity doesn't come out that way overnight. What Most people see at a glance-wealth, a perfect career, purpose-is the results of hard labour and hustle over time. I pray anyone who reads this will be successful in life…

  7. When I've used it and requested sources of information like books on a particular topic, it turned out that they were made up books. Not real but imaginary book titles. This wasted my time. You have to take the whole thing with a pinch of salt.

  8. Thank you for your video – I was trying to use ChatGPT for driving a commercial vehicle to avoid bridges. It kept taking me to parkways with low bridges- any suggestions how I can use this for work?

  9. I used it to do two of my assignments. Not because it was difficult but because it fully sucked ass, it was Business Ethics and Team stuff.

  10. Is it necessary to have chatGBT become your teacher? Or “be” a mentor? Can’t you ask the program to explain summarize, provide training steps, etc?

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