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How to Use ChatGPT Voice to Learn Any Language for FREE

In this video, I’m going to give you 10 ChatGPT voice prompts to learn any language easBy the end of this video, you’ll know how …

31 thoughts on “How to Use ChatGPT Voice to Learn Any Language for FREE”

  1. The point is that GPT will help a lot in practising any language, even with these few errors …personally, I’m learning mandarin, but where I live most of the chinese people speak cantonese, so for me to be able to practice mandarin using chat gpt is fantastic…

  2. I was so excited for this until I heard the Italian pronunciations. They are Italian words pronounced as if they were English. Nice idea, but currently a horrible learning tool.

  3. ChatGPT can speak English and Spanish quite well but I believe it doesn't do so well in Italian. It pronounced 'cane' as you do in English. So, if it does that with certain or most words in Italian, Italian speakers are not going to understand you at all.

  4. I never thought about using ChatGPT to learn languages, definitely will give it a try! I'm currently learning a few languages (korean, italian and french), I'm not a native english speaker (I'm from Brazil) and I normally don't have anyone to practice idioms with, so chatgpt will suit me perfectly!

  5. Thank you for this. Even if it may not be perfect it's free and better than nothing, especially when trying to speak a new language. Most people are scared of using their new language with someone, this may allow people to overcome that hurdle.

  6. First I was very excited by these tips but once I heard Ms ChatGPT say Cómo te lamas and cane (as in Patrick Kane), ummm…. if it messes up beginner-level words in very well known European languages, what can I expect when using it with lesser-known languages?

  7. In the part "vocabulary quiz" CANE (dog) in Italian is NOT pronounced as cane in English (the way ChatGPT pronounces it). How are you supposed to learn a language if the pronounciation used is wrong? Cane in Italian is pronounced with an open [a] [kane] not with the diphtong [kein] and no final [e]

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