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How Women Can NATURALLY BALANCE Hormone Health For LONGEVITY | Sara Gottfried

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38 thoughts on “How Women Can NATURALLY BALANCE Hormone Health For LONGEVITY | Sara Gottfried”

  1. Patients that suffer from unecessary procedures like turbinate reduction have been gaslit for decades when adverse events have occured. Horrible how many patients through the years have had committed suicide due to the mistreatment from those who perform these surgeries and no way of completely reversing the injuries caused.

  2. I fired a woman doctor who contradicted my surgeon who had told me to be sure to tell any doctor that hereafter that I had had radical surgery to save my life. Dr Linda over a dozen years later said @No you didn’t “ snd she would mock me, ridicule me, and laugh in my face over any health concerns I expressed. I recently got all my records and read what she had pu into the computer about me. She had recorded that I said to her that I was as going to report her to M dictate and the not s showed what effort she went to in tryouts no to make me seem like a difficult patient instead of a patient that did really good advocacy for my own health concerns. I recently went to ER and I as referred out for an emergency ER follow up with a new Dr Jenna who apparently is s also a narcissistic dr because her assistant asked me an inappropriate personal question when taking my high blood pressure and then de Jenna said she didn’t have time for my Emergency ER follow up and she curtly walked out without asking me anything about my 4-hrs at ER or explain the ER test results to me. She never discussed anything whatsoever, was rude and dismissive like the previous Dr Linda who is no longer there. Neither were civil, dignified, or respectful to me as a 73 year old. This is unacceptable and I won’t return to her. The ER doctor ran all kinds of tests and I deserved to know the results and to be treated with civility, dignity, and respect but the follow up doctors only allow 5 minutes total snd if their assistant takes up the time allotment by asking personal and inappropriate questions that have nothing to do with why a person is wanting a dr appointment then the doctor just says “you used up your time”. It’s abusive.

  3. Let’s also just name the elephant in the room: some doctors intentionally gaslight their patients because they don’t want to help, they’re just going for the paychecks

    And some intentionally gaslight their patients when they don’t understand the illness

  4. 1st time I met this Endocrinologist I always ask are you willing to be a partner in my health not a dictator a partner and if they say yes I proceed.
    He told me that what I was saying was a lie he didn't know me he wasn't listening to me I told him I don't feel like myself these are the blood tests I want To see what is happening because I have severe thyroid disease he further told me I don't need that I said I don't feel like myself he says like how I said like I feel like putting my fist through your face and that's not me he said I'm writing you up for a psyche Evaluation and then proceeded to check a Box for my thyroid medication I'm not kidding

  5. It’s true about personalizing your dietary food preference. As I get older I develop arthritis and because of that, certain foods I’ve cut back and some just totally avoid. I wish I made food choices before based on what is good for me instead of always trying to keep my weight down. I think if I did that, I wouldn’t have been following a diet fads as much as trying to have a healthy living as my main motivation.

  6. I was never told to eat less and exercise which I should have been, but my husband was cheating for 37 years. Doctor only wanted me to take pills.

  7. I am Dawn Horizon wire club i have stage 1 breast cancer and estrogen overload estrogen dominance I'm huge 195 pounds to 315 pounds in 1 year
    And i have had each oncologist say to me try to excercise *
    I have medicaid each oncologist said no you only qualify for radiation & hormone therapy you will not qualify for immuno therapy immune therapy and holistic and hormone balance therapy ..u fortunately having medicaid I have no say in my health * if the doctor doesn't believe in it I'm not having a reference I have had medicaid people say your in charge of your health * and I canot make 1 decision because the oncologists are against it and will not give me ther references only for hormone therapy and radiation and I don't want radiation * yet they won't allow me to do immuno therapy or immune therapy holistic and balance hormones *
    Only radiation they brought it up again I replied again have you decided what you want to do again no words were spoken again I've been literaly left one month like this nothing*
    Asks me again I repeat immuno therapy immune therapy holistic hormone balance haven't heard back again *
    I even had a oncologist who said to me you can't count that as cancer when I explained that I had early detection and a lump or cyst or tumour removed every 3 to 6 months for 5 years * I had a two year break and couldn't get in for my apointment amd now have stage 1 breast cancer and she literaly said to me a oncologist you can't count it *
    Said I will get a date to you when I can do surgery already had in my mood no way .. & she picks the 13 th * in Portland oregon I couldn't anyways it was to far to travel and I had to have lymph nodes removed ..

  8. The same kind of treatment from doctors in the cardiology field. I think the breakdown is in the medical schools and internships that is failing the students with a curriculum that is lax and incomplete. Then Private Equity firms that are jurisdicting how the doctors behave and how they give treatment. These are boardroom insurance companies making the call on your mortality.

  9. at 6:27 she mentioned that she needed to take more ownership over her situation. That she wasn't being forced to take that many antibiotics and that she never stopped to ask why that was the case. The fact that she took ownership over her health to fix it. While is the absolutely the right answer are a couple of reasons why this might not work.
    Its wrong because many doctors will react very negatively to their patient second guessing their treatment regimen up to the point of categorizing their patient as non-compliant and dismissing them from the practice. To anyone who doesn't otherwise have a clue as to how the healthcare industry works, this will lead to more difficulty getting another doctor, issues with self confidence and dissuade that person off of the path of actually trying to fix the problem in the first place.
    You can't seriously tell me that most people are going to be defiant anyways and go their own way despite many doctors pushing back and some gaslighting them as well. Its impossible to do without help from others. Healthcare especially in America is too nebulous to navigate this way alone.

    What I often find in many of these stories is that they skip to the part where they found that 'special doctor' that somehow descended from heaven and made them better. If that's not evidence that medical systems are broken I don't know what is.

  10. 55:19 "[Women] your health is less valuable if you are not trying to procreate" This one hit me hard because I feel it everytime I try to get care. At one point, I couldn't get in to see a gynecologist at a family health clinic for a women's wellness exam and to talk about elevated hormone levels because they were only prioritizing women who were pregnant or trying to become pregnant unless you had a specific referral from your PCP for a GYN. It was like that 2 years ago, and it's still like that today. It's maddening, exhausting advocacy bullshit.

  11. It's not just misunderstandings I used to be a nurse and so did my aunt and doctors purposely Gaslight their patients to make them sicker so that they'll come in for more appointments and my sexual assault counselor said that she was being gaslighted and lied about her test results on the phone so she requested them on paper form and it turned out she had full blown skin cancer and she researched this and a lot of people are getting lied to on the phone not just her it happens too often to be a mistake she said the medical field doesn't money market doctors often lied to people who have cancer even children and say you have to do chemotherapy and you don't to get rid of cancer my thermal x-ray specialist said that I had a number 8 out of one of 10 chance of the vasculitis turning into cancer and he just put me on a cancer diet and he gave me a referral to see a mammogram expert and he said you don't need chemotherapy to get over a vasculitis or cancer that doctors don't make money off of verbs and natural remedies so they lie to their patients and tell them they have to do chemotherapy which actually makes them more likely to die from cancer because you're lowering your immune system when you have cancer you want to boost up your immune system not destroy it it's just horrible that they even do this to children to make money to get rich they put them through all that pain and they don't even need chemotherapy so I listen to my doctor and I just did the cancer diet and I stay away from processed foods the rest of my life and the vasculitis went away and 4 months and it stayed clear ever since he said mostly what's causing cancer is processed foods and chemicals and I already use natural cleaners so I just continue to use natural cleaners and I try to stay away from areas that have a lot of pollution I live around a lot of trees to help suck up carbon and other pollutants most doctors don't care about their patients I do have a handful of doctors that do care in our honest with me but most of my doctors in the past that I stop seeing lie to me about my test results and I had to get them in paper form but I had to re get new paperwork in with some of my paperwork cuz in my storage unit some of it got moldy and the second time around when I requested my medical documents they used a third party metacopy and c i o x and they didn't give me all my paperwork there was missing diagnosis and I went on Yelp reviews and it turns out they're doing this to a lot of people and I bet you it's not on accident cuz they had to hire lawyers just to get their paperwork and they even then struggled to get their paperwork they try to pretend it doesn't even exist and I'm like a couple of my documents were still in storage but it was too far away for me to travel to there cuz I have a bone marrow condition and the metacopy and Sioux tried to say that those two medical documents don't exist I told him that's not possible because I have those two documents in my storage unit right now so I realized they purposely lied to people purposely keep their documents from them cuz it makes them have to go back in and get new test done to get rediagnosed which makes the medical field more money so I'm guessing this is the reason they do that but some people that have Aflac insurance complained because they needed that medical diagnosis during that time period that was close to their accident in order to get money from Aflac and they could never get there medical documents from metacopy or CIO X my sister also ended up with skin cancer they removed it with surgery but it kept coming back so I recommended her to use natural remedy celery seeds and going on a whole food diet so she did and it took a certain amount of months but it disappeared and it never came back so whether you have vasculitis or cancer you don't need chemotherapy she had it in the later stages too so even in the later stages you can use Herbal remedies to cure it it's also because the pharmaceutical company gives doctor's a big payoff to prescribe Pharmaceuticals that's why they try to recommend Pharmaceuticals and not Herbal Remedies they try to say that herbs don't work but most Pharmaceuticals come from herbs like aspirin comes from The Mark of a tree only when you modify something it increases the side effects there is a Native American woman from sisquamish tribe who actually did a study she's a chemistry Medical specialist and she actually did a study you can bioengineer pharmaceutical drugs to have more side effects and she said they do this to get you sicker so you have to buy more pharmaceutical drugs which makes them more money you can also buy engineer Pharmaceuticals to have no side effects like pregnancy depression medication and anti-nausea medicine for example you should still not take antidepression pills cuz according to biofeedback specialist it causes brain damage because your brain waves are supposed to go up and down and those pills make them go straight but supposedly the anti depression pills do not cause harm to the fetus I disagree it probably doesn't damage their body liver or kidneys like regular depression pills do but it probably does damage the brain my friend Jason took metformin and I just recently found out that metformin diabetes medication pulls out B12 out of your body and I remember him saying he was tired all the time and now I know why he later died of kidney damage and covid virus his kidney damage came from the metformin pill tons of people are suing the pharmaceutical company for not telling them that the metformin can cause permanent kidney damage pharmaceutical drugs using them long-term can cause organ damage it's not worth it I hope this info helps others I've used herbs for many elements and they help with heart problems kidney liver Etc autoimmune disease and they are strong enough humans have survived long without modern medicine don't get me wrong surgeries are very beneficial and hydrobactic treatment but the long-term Pharmaceuticals not even more my mom even used a special herb to get rid of gangrene on my mom's ex-boyfriend's foot there's some herbs that are so powerful when you put it there's some herbs that are so powerful when you put in your palm of your hand you can actually taste it in your mouth even though you didn't put it in your mouth you can take spicy herbs to speed up regular herbs to make them work faster some herbs take time and work slow but are powerful enough to kill enough of the bacteria virus or cancer to keep it from spreading so it's safe for it to work slowly some instances you need herbs to work quickly like if a pregnant woman is bleeding too much and losing too much blood there is herbs that will stop the bleeding quickly Native Americans have used that particular herb for that specific reason the herbs that are so powerful that you rub it on the outside of your skin and it can actually heal your bone more quickly when it's damaged there are herbs that can get rid of a bruise if you have a bruise and you put the medicine on the next day the bruise is gone normally a bruise takes a week or two to go away calendula can heal a wound a lot quicker and take away the pain quicker and can even fill in lines and gaps and scars and wrinkles it's got tons of silica in it which gets realize when you soak it in water and I keep it in the fridge to keep it fresh I say try herbs before you just listen to a doctor and believe whatever they say and research the doctor and how many complaints people make before you trust them and I recommend Chinese herbal books because they have more info on allergic reactions and how to take herbs properly because a lot of American books leave out info and you have to read a lot of them to get all the info certain herbs you can't take for example if you have autoimmune disease or you have to modify it in order to take it like I have autoimmune disease I can take a echinacea in small doses smaller than what a normal person would take and I soak it in water and I take the whole plant for bidirectional usage cuz when you take the whole plant instead of just one part of it it helps you have a less allergic reaction to it because it will lower or increase your immune system according to what your body needs that's what bi-directional means there's certain bitter herbs I can never take because people thought immune disease have a weaker liver and it damages more easily like blood cleaners I have a bone marrow condition as well called Mega b l a s t i c anemia and before I had it I was able to take lion's mane milk thistle and Rishi cordyce mushroom but it now that I have a bone marrow condition and my immune system is attacking itself more I cannot take the full form of those medicines they're too strong and they make the bone marrow condition worse but mint tea I can handle and it helps my stomach aches a lot I mostly need rest from chores the bone b o n e anemia comes from menstrual anemia which comes from Lyme disease I can handle nonscented herbal rub but a lot of the herbs that are in the rub I could not eat in whole form it has to be condensed but when it's in a rubbing cream it's completely safe for me and it works great it keeps my bones from shrinking well I try to rest and grow my bones thicker to help reverse the disorder you said to stand up to doctors but what are you supposed to do when a doctor just plain wrong do anything to save your life I've seen this happen to others I agree some people do well in a meat diet and others do better on a vegan diet I have to have me I tried the vegan diet and I got real sick I don't break down synthetic pills very well because of irritable bowel syndrome so I can't take B12 not even in liquid form my sister however does really well with a vegan diet meat actually hurts her stomach

  12. I disagree it is the doctor's fault because when patients researched up or tell the doctor they want to research something the Dr guilt trips them and brainwashes them into trusting the doctor and doctors will Guilt Trip people and tell them that herbs don't work quick enough or strong enough which is a lie and guilt trip people and most people are susceptible to brainwashing and can't handle confrontation and elderly from my era where you just don't fight with the doctor you just do what they say and trust them and a lot of people aren't knowledgeable how to take herbs properly and their insurance doesn't cover it so they're more up to go with what the doctor says to do and a lot of people can't afford an herbal doctor it's way more expensive I happen to be medically smart I used to be a nurse so I can research things on my own and figure things out on my own and doctors all the time refused to do the right blood test for people even if they look them up and find good ones to have done and their insurance covers it doctors can still refuse to help them and then you have to spend a bunch of money going through other doctors trying to find a good one and that everybody has the money to go through 10 doctors before they find a nice one I do blame the doctors don't get me wrong people should research things whether their doctor says so or not but some people aren't medically inclined even when they do research something and some people have brain fog so bad and there's so medically declined and have no relatives to help them that they can't even have the energy or the brain capacity to look up and research things and advocate for themselves there's all different sorts of scenarios that can happen also insurance doesn't cover the alternative thyroid doctor clinics that do better tests to diagnose thyroid disease because it's not a one-size-fit-all test but a lot of doctors do the one size fit all test because what's high for one person is not high for another everybody's normal is different when it comes to the thyroid test so a lot of people go undiagnosed for that reason so I still blame the doctors and for that particular reason I have hormone problems and I went to a nursing seminar in Poulsbo Washington and the nurse said it's because most women are getting thyroid disease from processed foods and it causes malabsorption and a lot of food is over farmed and it doesn't have enough selenium and iodine in it and this is causing thyroid hormone issues in women many and men too but mostly women and I took selenium and kelp and that helped a lot until I got Lyme disease from a tick also when people eat processed foods it destroys the good Flora you're the good bacteria in your gut sends a signal to the brain to make chemicals for your brain and your glands also eating gluten especially when you get older and your digest truck gets sluggish and taking too many pharmaceutical drugs damages the floor and kills off the good bacteria damages the liver in the kidneys and most of those pills people don't even need to take if they just ate a whole food diet and stayed away from processed sugars cuz that's mostly what's causing medical issues and people Doctor actually wrote a book on this and there's actual studies to prove it I'm not sure why the pharmaceutical company still doing studies and having people with Alzheimer's take these pills and MS when there's already a cure just not eating gluten and processed foods in fact summer Blair a famous woman got gaslighted for 10 years and she finally got a better doctor and the MRI showed she had MS and she had it for the whole 10 years and they gave her a pill to reverse Ms and it was pharmaceutical and it actually made her worse she stopped taking it she had a I think a T cell blood transfusion treatment in that reversed it to a huge degree she's able to walk better now and she doesn't shake a lot she can talk better some people are allergic to gluten and they get brain fog even early and dementia from it early in age if they have reported just to track even as a young person but mostly older people have trouble breaking down but nobody should eat gluten it causes inflammation whether you're young or old but you can eat bread from gluten free flower a referral from a bone doctor to see a hematologist cuz I have mega blastic anemia a doctor actually wrote concern for Mega blastic anemia cuz even though I gained on my way back my blood levels were not completely normal they should have been and my balls are shrinking not growing and they pressured me to leave the hospital cuz my insurance was running out and he gave me a referral but that didn't help me any from menstrual anemia from folate anemia from Lyme disease and I only have an outward diagnosis I had a ring around the bite wound it's really hard to diagnose lyme disease without a spinal tap in the later stages and the hematologist said my insurance wouldn't cover get my bone getting drilled into to get a bone marrow test done but I found out way later she could have done a receptacle blood test which my insurance does cover but she just plain sent me away and wouldn't help me when she could have cuz my insurance did cover several different types of bone tests I actually found out later and she could have told me this and now I'm medically worse in fact when I was in the hospital for 3 weeks trying to gain weight back cuz I only had 40% of my blood left they should have done these tests on me automatically and I had X-rays showing degenerative bone loss and the bone doctor tried to say that degenerative bone loss doesn't mean bone loss I said I'm a nurse you can't lie to me I know what to generative means in fact there's 75 different medical conditions that can cause bone loss and despite they know I'm an ex nurse they still try to lie to me and Gaslight me so I'm just deteriorating and probably going to die cuz nobody will help me and my family disowned me because I called CPS on a relative that's a rapist molester in a physical domestic violence abuser and they scared off all my friends and spread rumors and light about me so I have no one advocating for me I'm on Social Security this happens all the time to people when they die cuz of it oh and the doctor did a CAT scan of my skull I asked for an MRI because those are more accurate and he says they don't use MRIs for bone problems and I know that's a lie because some Selma Blair had an MRI to diagnose MS and it's used to find lesions and the CAT scan did find a lesion just one but I told him that I have bone loss all over my skull there should be lesions everywhere and he wouldn't even touch my head to fill the lesions I had dips and holes all over my skull from bone loss and he's theorizing I have tumors possibly but he didn't see any tumors and sent me home and told me to see a doctor the next day cuz it's that dangerous of a possible condition causing the lesion even though I told him I get worse from doing chores and can't take care of myself and have memory loss and need to be impatient in and he said that bone loss doesn't exist and I said what it's in medical documents that 75 different medical conditions can cause the laws including bone marrow conditions called Mega b l a s t i c anemia which I've been diagnosed with in the first stage of diagnosis cuz if you don't have enough bone marrow then your bones shrink and it can eventually cut off the blood flow to your artery and cause of brain aneurysm or heart attack and he said that's not true and of course I disagreed with him and he was shocked he probably gets a lot of naive patients and it's not their fault and I feel really bad for them I seriously think I'm going to end up in the hospital again and likely die cuz I can't get medical attention cuz they wait until you're near death before they impatient you and if I have a heart attack or brain aneurysm that's permanent damage on my body and I shouldn't have to wait and risk that and the doctor at the emergency room asked me why I didn't keep seeing doctors to get medically better and I told him because I didn't have the energy I was living in a tent because my rent got up so high I couldn't afford it with Social Security and then I ended up living in a apartment that had chemicals in it from the Victoria era the woodwork was from the Victoria era and I didn't know that until later when someone told me they were five people were suing the owner because they weren't told us and they have autoimmune disease and they ended up in the hospital too and I was attempting to get in home care I had a referral from a doctor and I just got on Paratransit so that I could rest more and I have to walk to the bus stop so I can recuperate and get my blood levels up so I was attempting to get my health better but I simply just did not have the money to go through 10 doctors to find the right one and I already went through a bunch of doctors and got denied help and instead of blaming the doctors that I saw he blamed me and called me delusional when I talk to the Natural path doctor she says I don't feel your delusional just sounds like you had bad doctors I felt like I was seriously gaslighted and when doctors right that kind of stuff it hurts your future with other doctors cuz they're going to read oh she's delusional it's in her head and not take me seriously even more even though I have diagnosis and x-rays proving I'm sick I've been diagnosed with autoimmune disease before I ended up in the hospital before I got bit by the t i c k I was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome as a child so obviously I'm not delusional and it's not in my head parsley root the inner part of the root you don't need the outer part is so getting water that's warm it will kill a yeast or UTI infection in one day to two days but it will kill off some of your gut Flora just like antibiotics do but I just take probiotics while I'm taking the parsley root like yogurt it can be dairy-free

  13. You can also eat parsley root to kill off bad bacteria and it gets rid of yeast infections and UTIs and 1 to 2 days and I take a probiotic while I'm taking the parsley root what you soak in warm water and you eat the inner part of the root not the outer I also eat bananas because it's a Prebiotic it feeds the good bacteria and banana is really healing to your digestive tract and it's easy to digest and it actually heals your gut so if you have leaky gut syndrome banana is the way to go also if you have liver damage it can help heal your liver and your GI tract banana has a lot of medicinal healing properties in it cuz I had liver damage from autoimmune disease and all I could eat was bananas and rice O Meal for a long time months oh and licorice root and I eventually healed my gut and I also eat papaya because it can kill foodborne pathogens which causes food poisoning and it also helps restore good Flora by putting enzymes back into your gut that help you break down foods that you're normally allergic to from not having enough good gut Flora I like to take the probiotics while I'm taking parsley root you can also take probiotics while you take antibiotics my cat had a major infection in her foot it was brown pus and it snowed and we try to get to the vet but we couldn't because we're stuck so I just gave her echinacea to drink just a Sprinkle in water and you also soak the foot in warm Epsom salt and it will naturally pop open and you drain it daily for a week and you put echinacea on top of the wound after you drain it and that killed the infection all on its own you don't actually need antibiotics to kill bacteria even if it's in your blood I don't know if you need a stronger or than echinacea if it's in your blood but she had a really bad infection and echinacea cured it my mom used I think I think she used arnica on my step dad's foot when he had gangrene and that got rid of it I could be wrong but I remember it was some kind of herb I think that's the one c o m f r y will heal up your bones when you rub it on your skin you have to soak it in water so you don't get itchy from the I also drink mango juice without no added sugars and that got rid of my degenerative bone loss in my neck from a car accident I drank it for 4 months and then I don't drink it as often now that my neck is healed so just because you have to generate a bone loss doesn't mean it has to be permanent even though doctors say it is you can actually reverse genitive bone loss even if it's osteoporosis especially when you're younger it does get harder to heal when you get older but still possible I mean I've seen people who are called centurions they're 105 years old and they're running marathons but they eat really healthy food but this was before I had Lyme disease in the later stages I heard getting IV fluid of vitamin C helps reverse it which I might have to do if I can get a doctor to take me serious cuz I can't afford a Lyme disease doctor with my insurance they don't cover those type of doctors cuz a lot of Lyme disease expert doctors don't take insurance there's the Avril Lavigne Foundation they pay for it I might go through them some people take Nani juice to restore their gut Flora or if they have acid reflux disease vinegar can reverse acid reflux disease to I don't do well on the keto diet I need lots of carbs to keep my weight up sometimes I do just eat vegetables and meat I do take breaks from carbs once or twice a week but I can't do it on a long-term basis I lose too much weight but I heard it does work for some people I think people do need to eat carbs once in awhile on the keto diet cuz some people get constipated if they don't eat some carbs early to eat some vegetables cuz it takes a lot of carbohydrates to break down meat better so you don't get constipated and just eating carbs once or twice a week can help you keep you from at least getting constipated and you don't need depression medicine you can take s t John's Wort it's a flower from Germany it's a cousin of the chamomile plant much stronger than chamomile gets rid of depression and anxiety you can take it while you're trying to work out why you are feeling depressed with the counselor psychologist I prefer yoga chakra healers and self-help books a lot cheaper and a lot quicker cuz a lot of times counselors and psychologists withhold info that can help you get better they usually slowly give it to you or never give it to you coping methods it's because they want you to keep coming back and if you get better then you won't be coming in as often or at all so according to biofeedback specialist studies with specs scans of the brain which is the most accurate 3D print of the brain you can get the pharmaceutical drugs to get rid of psychological problems or neurological problems cause brain damage because your brain wage is supposed to go up and down these pills make you brainwise go straight which causes you to feel euphoric out of it seizures in some people it actually has caused some people to commit suicide in fact . there's two different coping methods there's reading taking a walk taking a bath those are temporary coping methods actually getting to the core of what's wrong with you what's making you feel depressed is the second coping method and fixing it I agree women are just meant to be grumpy at times it's normal it does motivate us to make differences in the world I mean it shouldn't be excessive grumpiness but a little bit of grumpiness is fine I have high functioning autism in ADHD and add and the doctor put me on Ritalin and it gave me seizures and I trolled and stared at the wall and my aunt took me off the Ritalin and put me on St John's w o r t and it worked amazingly great it was strong enough to get rid of my depression and my anxiety and what was giving me Depression was the abuse from my uncle because as soon as I moved out my depression went away and anxiety too living paycheck to paycheck it gives me a lot of anxiety but I found ways to adapt eventually and went to college to get my degree so I can get a better job I'm on disability right now though cuz of the bone marrow condition which is a whole new type of stress being on Social Security because doctors gas light people on Social Security even more they don't like taking Medicare and Medicaid payments they hate Medicare more than Medicaid I hear so many people that have these two insurances that complain about getting bullied but I've been on American Blue Cross Shield insurance and I got bullied as well and gaslighted and lied to that's even worse when you're on Medicare and Medicaid I think I'm going to bring in a video camera next time I go to the doctor so that they can't say the opposite of what I say on my medical notes they write cuz I read the notes they wrote and they put in a lot of stuff that I never said and then they even put stuff in there they never said or left out stuff they did say that were important I've tried talking to doctors at gas like me and it's like talking to a brick wall you have to usually get just get a new doctor and I can take going through 10 doctors just to find a good one which not everybody has the money to do when you have to pay 20% or more after insurance I'm just going to start bringing in my phone video camera and this video card the doctor gaslighting me I saw someone on YouTube do this when a doctor was harassing the patient and telling them they're not really sick and same racist things and the doctor got fired and it was on the news I would use this as a last resort but it does work when I was at the hospital I told him I wanted to put a restraining order on my sister Hospital one and cuz I grew up with domestic violence and I'm not getting medically better bone-wise cuz of the harassment from family and the call centers across the room for me and they told my sister where I was so they broke the rules and they told me that if I put one person on the list then nobody's allowed to visit me which does not sound right cuz when I came to visit my sister in the hospital she had someone on her restraining order Hospital list and it was her ex-husband's sister and her husband and me were still able to visit her and this was the same Hospital so gaslighting can also come in that form and I have watched a comedian talked about the politicians at outlawed abortions in many states cuz lately women have been having less kids due to global warming and covid virus and the comedian said the real reason isn't religion thing against killing the baby for religious reasons it's actually our government because they want women to have enough children so they can have enough soldiers for their Wars cuz once the baby is born then they don't care about the baby because we don't have enough programs to even feed all the children in America and women were talking about how they felt it was more cruel to have another baby they couldn't even feed due to food shortages because of the global warming and pandemic and this woman had her EBT food stamps electronically stolen from a hacker and DSHS would not replenish it and they said go to the food bank and she said there's no food at the food banks there's food shortages she literally cannot feed her children that month and that is why the government has their foot in the door of what doctors say in their training to give hormone test if a woman wants to have a baby but not if they don't want to baby we're also overpopulated so they're trying to lower the population by having less women that's why doctors treat men better and women get gaslighted more often by the doctors your gut Flora the good bacteria send signals to your brain to make chemicals for your brain and for your glands and that's why it affects your hormone levels as well and that's why you need the right foods to keep good bacteria alive and thriving there'

  14. I take crushed chia seeds for B vitamins it's really easy to absorb and I have malabsorption problems and I'm able to absorb it with Chia seeds and chia has tons of vitamin B in it and it's an anti-inflammatory and it also kills Lung and breast cancer and it has tons of calcium in it which you need more of when you're fighting cancer I had vasculitis of the breast and It reversed it in 4 months no chemotherapy my sister had full-blown skin cancer and they kept removing it and it kept coming back and then I told her to try celery seeds she tried the celery seeds and went on a whole food diet I also went on a whole food diet to get rid of the vasculitis and I went on a cancer diet and her skin cancer went away and it never came back and you have to stay on the whole food diet for life cuz once you have cancer it can come back easily processed foods and chemicals that are harmful to the body or the two main causes of cancer of course doctors don't tell you this most of them don't my doctor did he's a thermal x-ray specialist and I'm very good doctor I had to pay out of pocket it was only $200 not too bad and he recommended a good mammogram doctor and it took 4 months to reverse the vasculitis and you get vasculitis before you get cancer he said it was a high chance of it turning into cancer and the cancer diet is eating red vegetables and fruit not not make sure you get all your colors of course in the vegetable and fruit area but when fighting breast cancer and lung cancer you want to eat red vegetables and fruit more and raspberries also help regulate hormones especially female hormones and if you don't get enough periods it'll help induce it if you have menstrual anemia I would avoid eating too many so it depends on your condition you have chia seeds also have tons of calcium and you need to increase your calcium three-fold to fight cancer because most of your immune system is in your bones the second place your immune system is strong as your GI tract and third I think you're a liver I mean a lot of parts of your body have to do with your immune system but those are the three biggest your brain is another important one when it comes to her immune system so back on the diet for cancer eating red meat or chicken once the cancer is gone you can eat those two again you can have all the salmon and tilapia fish you want Seafood actually kills cancer especially salmon it builds up your interfer on your army white blood count there's different types of white blood count and the chia seeds worked in less than 5 minutes usually 3 minutes my pain was gone you have to eat three to four handfuls of certain foods that kill cancer like my vasculitis was in the breast so you want to eat red raspberries for my sister it was celery seeds for brain cancer tumors organ g r a p e r o o t make sure you study Chinese Rebel books because they talk more in depth about allergic reaction verbs and what herbs don't have allergic reactions and how to reduce allergic reactions like condensing the herbs taking them in whole herb form like echinacea makes it bi-directional and taking smaller doses if you have autoimmune disease and watering it down and before I got the bone marrow condition I could handle Lion's main cordycepsy Rishi mushroom but now I can so it's good to know that kind of stuff and it goes into detail in the Asian books more about that American books often leave out info that's vital to not end up seriously medically worse or dead cuz herbs can be life-saving but they've taken wrong or if you have a medical condition that makes your body not handle it right then it can be life-threatening most pharmaceutical drugs come from herbs so people survived modern medicine way before pharmaceutical modern medicine came long-term pharmaceutical drugs usually cause working damage including psychological pills all of them cause brain damage according to biofeedback studies you can take St John's Wort it's a flower that gets rid of depression and anxiety while you work on figuring out at the core of what's wrong with you for me it was just living with my abusive Uncle once I moved out my depression went away and my anxiety a lot of doctors won't tell you that chemotherapy actually causes more death than it stays and you don't even need it you can kill cancer with just a cancer diet you want to boost up your immune system not destroy it in the Philippines a lot of people are too poor to see a specialist so they have natural herbal and fruit remedies for leukemia I know a friend she's a nurse and when she was a child she had leukemia and she didn't know chemotherapy she didn't even have the money for it and they just did a natural Filipino remedy and her leukemia disappeared she also ate liver liver helps fight leukemia and lots of bed rest don't overdo it I wouldn't do chores I mean move around enough so that you don't go to atrophy but don't do anything hardcore but yeah people who do chemotherapy don't usually live from it and the ones that do don't live very much longer and the ones that do live long-term have permanent damage on their body like I know a guy that can't taste or smell ever again doctors most of them don't tell you the truth because they don't make money off of herbs so they lie about how great chemotherapy is and now it's your only option when it's not even the later stages you don't have to have chemotherapy and they try to say that herbs don't work and they're not strong enough but that's not true cuz there's herbs that are so strong you put in the palm of your hand you can taste it in your mouth and their suburbs that were quickly if you take spices with them some herbs do work slower but they're so powerful they keep the cancer from spreading quickly same with bacteria viruses when I got covid virus even with a bone marrow condition only took was Echinacea and it was watered down elderberry with zinc and that was pretty much it you can also take cordyceps and reishi mushroom to fight covid virus cuz it builds up immunity in your lungs and lines May and helps with nerve damage from covid virus I have too strong of what immune system it's overactive because of the bone marrow condition so I can't take those mushrooms but I took a tiny dose of echinacea the first time I had covid it was just one dose a day the first time I got covid it was four doses it was a worse virus so it depends on how strong it is it was hard on my bones but I had to take the echinacea because four times that time to but I rebuild my bones back up overtime and you don't want to take steroids long-term use it causes bone death it was on the news that tons of people got bone death from taking steroids so cuz she was talking about side effects of birth control pills and I agree totally on her on that I have now obsession with potassium and hormones pharmaceutical grade often take potassium out of your body and I had horse cramps in every inch of my body I had to get off of them and heart problems now I just use foods and herbs to regulate my hormones like she's talking about

  15. Andrew Huberman and Sonnenburg in their podcast spoke of micro biome diversity in a vagina is a sign of disease. Just a passing comment, and both were here only because they have mothers. They would not be here if their mothers had diversity in their mother’s vaginal micro biome. This is why we need women speaking and studying women. The men said they no longer craved sweets? Could it be from brain damage from Covid? I admit I have too many stories of doctors to easily trust any doctors..

  16. Obsessed now with Dr. Sara Gottfried. I took charge of my health at age 44 told the doctor she was not listening and fired her @ss. I was diplomatic and professional. Started searching for a good ob/gyne and endrocrinologist and thyroid doctor. I took charge and now returning to a modified keto health regimen like I had back in 2019 I looked amazing felt great looked younger it was great then the pandemic hit and that screwed us all. Ladies take your power back! Demand change and get a good doctor!

  17. I don't have my period SIX months now, all blood tests and USG shows that definitely I still should have my period. After taking medroxyPROGESTERone, my period didn't back. Next doctor prescribe metFORMIN 500MG together with birth control. I know it is wrong and make me so sad. I wish doctor Sara is available in Illinois. Why every doctor have to prescribe all the awful medicine, not even listen whats going on with the patient.

  18. A doctor was asked to prescribe zolpidem controlled release which is 12.5 mg. That was ineffective and patient asked the doctor if he could just prescribe the IR at 1 – 1 1/4 at night if needed. Patient is familiar with the medication and there is no concern about side effects. Doctor said, No, the 10 mg zolp and the 12.5 extended release are the same thing, no difference. (??)

  19. Once women are over 50 and cannot bear children anymore, medical doctors seem to ignore their hormonal issues completely!!
    I simply wanted a blood test to see where my estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels where at, since I had my last period 4 months ago. At the mere mention of losing my period, the doctor interrupted me, shut me up and immediately referred me to a gynaecologist. Two weeks later at the gynaecologist, a man as well, I was met with the same attitude. I wanted to discuss menopause issues, talk about treatments for hot flashes, vaginal dryness etc. He just kept saying it´s natural, it´s natural, it´s natural… I other words: get out of my office, I dont´give a F.

  20. Ha ha… I was gaslit by a doctor who told me I was being hysterical … a month later I almost died of intestinal gangrene — from something HE did!

  21. I was told by my GP that my stage two anal cancer was a hemorrhoid. I took it upon myself to go get an ultrasound seven hours away through somebody who did not require a doctors office only to find that it was a neo plasma tumor. We all have to advocate for ourselves, or we are doomed.

  22. This is encouraging as someone who suddenly gained somewhere around 20lbs withing 3 months of a round of antibiotics… when I was 39… and I'm hypothyroid (but on meds), so I'm sure that whole combo of things may have given space for a hot mess.

  23. OMG, I freaking love Dr. Gottfried! I ran full marathons in my 30's, joined the military at 35, always slender and active. Had my son at 38 and then in my early 40's I gained a lot of weight, deep depression, extreme fatigue, zero quality of life. I was put on thyroid medicine, testosterone, antidepressant as they continue to prescribe me birth control pills. Third doctor said my blood work looked great, and I burst into tears, telling her that something was very wrong. She point blank told me that I was fine physically, and that I should seek therapy. I went to a psychologist who said he couldn't diagnose me with anything but he encouraged me to do research into nutrition and lifestyle. I poured myself into the research and became my own advocate. It had been years since I had been to any doctor, because I had regained my health and was thriving by changing my eating and doing a lot of internal work. Now I'm in perimenopause with hormone levels of post-menopausal women, and again, the doctor (different woman, but the same bs) refused to put me on HRT until I am full-blown in menopause, despite me telling her the severity of my symptoms. Like I'm just supposed to suffer for potentially the next 5-10 years of my life. The difference is now, I dug my heels in, showed her the clinical research, had done my research on the different types of estradiol and progesterone, got a mammogram that came back great, and I advocated for myself. She begrudgingly put me on the lowest dosage of each, all while talking down to me. Don't care, the HRT has helped me feel SO much better. Now the integrative medical doctor I want to go to is no longer in network with my insurance, so I am currently looking for a doctor who will partner with me and LISTEN to me, since I won't go back to any doctor who could give a fat rat's ass about the women they see. I am 49 and feel so good and am so healthy. It is so important that we listen to our bodies, show ourselves a ton of grace, and stand up for ourselves!!

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