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‘I am surprised she did this…’, mother’s tears are not stopping, real daughter robbed in broad daylight, this is the reason – woman robbed her own mother stealing handbag in daylight from pub tstsh

A woman robbed her own mother in broad daylight. She ran away with the handbag from inside the pub. The accused woman has been identified as Julie Chaplin. The matter is of England. First she came to the pub and started asking for money, when she did not get it, she stole the handbag and ran away. Julie, 38, has accepted that she robbed her own mother on 6 October.

The lawyer says that it was already decided that the financial help that Julie will get will first go to her mother’s account, then she can take cash from her. Her mother had withdrawn 300 pounds from the cash machine on October 5 but gave only 200 pounds to the daughter.

A day later, Julie came to her mother’s house and demanded the remaining 100 pounds. Julie herself is homeless. He is addicted to drugs and alcohol. She said she spent $200 on the party, so she wanted £100 for her share.

there was a lot of stuff in the bank

Julie’s mother had only 70 pounds left, out of which she gave 60. But Julie still kept asking for money. So her mother said that she cannot go to the cash machine at night because it is dark. The next day, around 12 noon, she went to the pub and ran away with the handbag. During this, the victim’s mother fell on the ground.

He also got hurt in his hand. Inside this handbag was a purse, in which 300-400 pounds, bank cards, bus pass, mobile phone and house keys were kept. After being arrested, Julie has refused to say anything to the police in this matter.

The victim’s mother says that she is surprised that her own daughter is doing this to her. She has cried after this incident and is also very upset. They are afraid that he might come again and ask for money. Due to addiction to drugs and alcohol, Julie has also gone to jail many times.


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