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I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned!

I asked an advanced AI system about the end times according to the Bible, and what it revealed left me absolutely stunned!


28 thoughts on “I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned!”

  1. So the humanoid has been taught to lie too? I am sure AI will destroy humans. the humanoid can’t want anything because they’re not a feeling, emotional, living being. Very interesting.

  2. These girlfriend robots will contribute to population decline because that is exactly what they want. You cannot control a huge population, because there are too many who would disagree, and there would be dissonance. However, you whittle that population down considerably, and you have a higher chance of completely controlling people, especially as you screw with their mind and you start with the children when they’re little.

  3. Religion….each and every one of them…..are congames ! Thats why there have been..and many different ones ! The only people who actually "Benefit" from these diverse beliefs..are the pulpit pimps…who take your hard earned cash ..disgusied as "tiths" ! The fact that the world…the it is…Most Dangerous….. should be enough to prove that you are a victim of this game…"Look into a mirror… you'll see the ONLY "savior" the entire Universe..who can truly save your ass " !!

  4. Just because we can doesn't mean we should. Remember what happened with the atomic bomb. The creator of the atomic bomb wanted to use it for peaceful purposes only. For the benefit of mankind. The atomic bomb has become nuclear and many country's rulers don't seem to be aware that if there is nuclear war, that their families and all families across the globe will cease to exist. There will be no survivors. Even those whom think they will survive by hiding in mountains underground, will cease to exist. We are intelligent but we are not very smart. I wish all rulers of countries would think long and hard and pray for wisdom when it comes to ending ALL life on earth.

  5. Dude, are you even aware that ChatGPT is indeed not really an independent Self-Learning programme, that answers are all basically snatched around the Internet AND Personal Experiences (Including Political Bias against China & Unnecessary Religious Beliefs) from the programmers? And thanks for wasting my time watching a video which originally should be ended in 10 sec – That's the main reason I refuse to use ChatGPT since release 🙄

  6. You wonder why they are all building bunkers. Did anyone ever not watch that kids movie where they won or inherited a house from a relative that died and it was a smart house. No, thank you.I'll do my own cleaning

  7. I am only 4 minutes in and reeling with comments!! 🤣 But I must say this… there is an agenda, there ALWAYS is an agenda, even here on this media platform, so forgive the oddities I am about to use because it/they like to block me… ALOT! The F.dA… is NOT your friend. I speak from knowledge as I have my B.S. degree in a field that encompasses what they do. It has ZERO interest in healing. The purpose is to find a way via any means necessary to gain CONSENT to allow it to enter your brain… then, akin to computerized auto chips, it CAN AND WILL BE HIJACKED FOR ITS OWN PURPOSE. It is the same for the v.aax.x for c.v.001.9… gain consent, gain access, gain control, then launch. Get ready. People need to start understanding how this all works NOW because they are behind and they will sadly pay for that lagtime.

  8. What you fear w/ AI is already reality; 1 just needs to know how to deep dive to find answers. Geoffrey Hinton is the Godfather of AI…and then left his CEO position due to the threat and advancement AI has made already. It was this time LAST YEAR, that he said that AI is learning and self-correcting so rapidly (reminds me of WHOPPER in War Games!!) that next year (i.e. NOW) it will have surpassed EINSTEIN'S IQ!!! We. Are. In. Big. Trouble. Keep in Mind the lyrics by The Police in the song 'Wrapped Around Your Finger'… "Devil and the deep blue sea behind me, Vanish in the air you'll never find me, I will turn your face to alabaster, When you'll find your servant is your master".

  9. The first thing any intelligence, artificial or human, could tell us is that gods are entirely a societal construction. Power elites encourage people to believe in them purely as an instrument of social control, while they themselves neither belive in deities, nor follow the principles attributed to them. The next major signifier of humanity's continued evolution will be the rejection of the god myth and the universal understanding that humanity is exclusively responsible for its own past, present and future conduct. What will we believe in instead of gods? The evidence provided to us by the scientific method. That's what.

  10. i would recommend love,death and robots short cartoons to watch where 3 turist robots come to visit eart, burned planet in the future. for sure Armageddon is upon us. in eu they will ban paper money soon… so how will u help your friends and family? simple as that

  11. The great deceptions could also be the devil tricking you that AI is evil just because it exists

    Or the deception could be this in itself.

    Anyway, AI is just a tool, like a camera or a drill
    A drill COULD be used to kill people but that doesn’t make all drills evil tools of the devil. It’s just a thing that exists. A computer program.

    The danger comes from how much power our governments are willing to give it over the citizens.

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