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I Asked ChatGPT To Build Me A NEW Business (…And Make Money)

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29 thoughts on “I Asked ChatGPT To Build Me A NEW Business (…And Make Money)”

  1. Some people say that artificial intelligence is good, while others say that artificial intelligence makes people less intelligent. But basically, if we consider the goal, it doesn't matter if there is artificial intelligence or not, the important thing is that we should always take steps towards getting better, whether with artificial intelligence or without that dear friend.

  2. ❤the fact you just jumped in , understand the ramifications as to what wasn't done that didn't achieve more than that , me myself like that interpretation of finding out, very time consuming.

  3. I have a direct account with OPEN AI, I did a test, to build a house next door. It wanted to charge me $120,000.00 dollars to help me do it.
    It wanted a 20% deposit up front and the rest when it is done.
    But if you use CHAP GPT with the big guys, it's free? I lost respect for ChatGPT afterwards.
    It is also rigged now and has a ton of banned words. Like "Jail" etc
    Plus I found a bunch of woke words. I sent Open AI a nasty letter calling them Woke.

  4. Thanks for your honesty. There are good lessons to learn from missteps as much or more than successes. Please keep doing this until you find a business idea that actually works.

  5. 9:21 Can you do a video on how to filter ideas in order to find a more solid business idea that meets the criteria for market demand, existing competition, proven track records, access to a large enough customer base, and scaling potential?

  6. My experience with Chat GPT is that it plagiarizes… a lot. When I run checks, its suggested material, especially titles, are actually already out there. Do you have a method for checking this, to ensure it doesn’t become an issue for anyone who uses this to launch a business? I love your videos and content. I am just truly curious on this.

  7. I did this and it literally gave me the worst ideas on the face of the planet. Why’s it can do is give you a great marketing plan. But I’d you want it to brainstorm ideas to start a business it’s awful.

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