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I Asked ChatGPT To Make Me As Much Money As Possible

I Asked ChatGPT-4 To Make Me As Much Money As Possible: ▻ Receive up to 17 free stocks via Moomoo US (For Australians, …


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46 thoughts on “I Asked ChatGPT To Make Me As Much Money As Possible”

  1. You lied to the AI, told it it was in 2023, and told it the current situation. Now test whether its investments would have paid off if started on January 1, 2023 like you told it.

  2. Hey Middle Class don’t put money in REITS take your money out of anything that supports them. They’re buying up homes driving up prices. End corporate ownership of SFH today. Do your part.

  3. Should revisit this every month and see if the results have changed. There was no time frame set, so to make as much as possible in as least amount of time could be interpreted many different ways

  4. I entered the exact same copy as Jackson Fall into Chat GPT and didn't get a response even close to what he got. Just a vague message about possible side hustles. How could so much change vis a vis Chat GPT responses in a month? I think there are some details missing from his prompts…

  5. Where is the complete tracks records based on a real and verified account, with all the possible datas to check the win, the loss, the average amounts, the RIO, the efficiency of entries and exists, the risk management per position, the growth, ecc. Next, if you millionnaire, why do you still continue to sell stuff ? You need more ? Always more, right ?

  6. We've all seen the ad's "work from home snd you'll be a millionaire overnight".

    So why are you here telling us about it rather than doing it? Got it, because your selling investing opportunities.

  7. So basicly they invented a system to make us even more dum? Kids wont write esseys with their own emotion, song writers wont write songs with emitions, content creators wont use their brain and emotion. Basicly this is another
    'easy way out'

  8. Those investments will probably be worth $500 in a few years. It gave you pretty good investment vehicles to DCA in. Taking a small snapshot of bear market doesn't mean anything, but i get "quick" was part of the prompt.

  9. During a bear market, the headlines will focus on negative news, whether it's declining economic growth, geopolitical upheaval, cultural and legal turmoil, or some combination of all three. I listened to a podcast of someone that grew his reserve from $120k to almost $460k during this Red season, can you share tips on how to make such aggressive proceeds in short periods?

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