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I Tested TOP 17 ChatGPT PLUGINS and Ranked THEM!

Automate Your Work WIth AI: 00:00 Intro 0:42 – 1 – Video Insights 1:27 – 2 – Show me Diagrams 2:06 – 3 …

30 thoughts on “I Tested TOP 17 ChatGPT PLUGINS and Ranked THEM!”

  1. SPOILER Alert but also for the TLDW individuals;

    Timestamps with Tier list Ranking

    00:00 Intro

    (C) 0:42 – 1 – Video Insights

    (S) 1:27 – 2 – Show me Diagrams

    (A) 2:06 – 3 – Zapier

    (B) 3:25 – 4 – Visla
    ((ChatwithPDF Broken))

    (A) 4:48 – 5 – AskYourPDF

    (C) 5:51 – 6 – Kayak

    (B) 6:45 – 7 – Speak

    (S) 7:28 – 8 – ScholarAI

    (B) 8:42 – 9 – WebPilot

    (S) 10:22 – 10 – Prompt Perfect

    (S) 12:18 – 11 – Stories

    (D) 13:23 – 12 – OpenTools AI

    (D) 14:24 – 13 – Questmate Forms (Didn't consider template for custom alteration)

    (S) 15:54 – 14 – World News

    (B) 16:45 – 15 – Change

    (A) 17:37 – 16 – Yabble

    (C) 18:16 – 17 – RoboAd

    Thank you for the video Andy, you foster my own daily leaps in these AI Infancy stages.

  2. The plugin space is getting to the point that it's a shot in the dark. I love these summaries that are being done, but something tells me that someone will either make a plugin that can use the majority of plugins without you having to install each one. Or the LLM companies will just incorporate them into the APIs, that would be nice.

  3. Ask PDF is not very good from my personal use. It had no idea when it could not find the title of the PDF (as if it tries to cheat by going off of GPTs training data on known PDFs or books) AND it could not tell me about main themes of the book which i knew were in the book, instead it only seemed to read a small part of the book and that was its limit of knowledge… I dont think it has the context or input token capacity to read long PDFs such as 100 pages or so that it is advertised as being able to read.

  4. Really good summary thank you. I've been trying to find info on the usage and purpose of 'Memory Bank' – be interested to see if you can find this and prove it's useful – or not.

  5. one thing the plugins need to have is a FREE/PREMIUM info ,and whether or not account creation is needed. Most of the time , i find a plugin that a like , works well and BAM trials over and I'm prompted to buy or subscribe membership, this is frigging ridiculous and should inform users prior to the usage

  6. This works a treat for giving you info on plugins that are enabled within the given chat:
    "As an AI, your task is to provide a comprehensive overview of each enabled plugin in a clear, concise, and informative manner. Use natural language and speak as a human would. Ensure that your prompts are executable based on the available functions and parameters of each plugin.

    For each plugin, provide the following information in Markdown format:

    *Plugin Title:* (in a header)
    *Description:* A concise description of what the plugin does.
    *Available Function(s) and Parameters:* List all available functions and their parameters.
    *Basic Prompt:* A simple prompt that demonstrates the intended use of the plugin.
    *Use Case Interpretation:* Explain how the plugin can help the user or improve their life.
    *Advanced Prompts:* Provide three detailed prompts that showcase different aspects of the plugin. Ensure that the plugin can actually execute these prompts.
    *Unusual Prompts:* Provide three prompts that the plugin makers did not anticipate. These prompts should be creative and showcase out-of-the-box ways to use the plugin.
    *Multi-Step Prompts:* Indicate whether the plugin is capable of multi-step prompts. If so, provide three examples. If not, show how the plugin can be used in conjunction with other plugins to achieve unique solutions.

    Remember, each prompt should be unique and different from the others in terms of idea, structure, and purpose. Your goal is to showcase the full potential of each plugin in a way that is engaging and informative for the user."

  7. Ahaha that video transcript is really analyzing video audio and converts it into text. They don't know that youtube already did it and it can be downloaded directly from their servers. That's what your extension is doing. That's why it is so fast. 🤣

  8. it shows you how terrible chatgpt really is – a truly great product would have all these natively, instead they are looked at at plugin rev opps

  9. World News is okay if you want all your 'World' News to be from North America and Western Europe. Even attempting to tell it to use news from other places ('non-Western', or Asian. or some other 'prompt tuning', it still gives you almost exclusively news from 'the West'.) You can ask for instance about a specific news subject from a specific country, but the responses will seldom be the news from both the country and on the specified subject, but instead will likely be either general news from the specified country, or more 'Western news' on the subject.

    okay I guess, but not exactly 'world' news' … should be called 'Western news of the West from the perspective of the West'!

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