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I Tried Making $500/Day Using These 12 Side Hustles

“12 side hustles that you can do with just your phone and an internet connection.” That’s the claim. I tested these side hustles that …


36 thoughts on “I Tried Making $500/Day Using These 12 Side Hustles”

  1. I absolutely love you for making this video!! You’ve made me laugh and I appreciate what you’re doing here for people like me who are few months ago wasted so much time doing these side hustles and getting no where .. lol thank you for being a funny honest and caring guy!😊

  2. Can you debunk more people who are doing this? It seems like they make $ tossing crap at people and selling their merch and e-content etc. Also, what is your opinion of making $ without showing your face? I will check your channel about any side hustle that just pays ok without a bloat of caveats.

  3. This video along with 2 other videos were sent to me and was told to like the videos for 12 USD..
    These likes are bought. Watch out!

  4. Absolutely NEEEDEED THIS VIDEO ATM.. ugh I’m so tired of being broke and stressed and have been praying to find some type of extra side hustle that works and of course just like a lot of sh*T on the internet… basically 99% is fake or doesn’t actually make you even a little money much less be worth the time 🫠 but THANK YOU!

  5. I unsubscribed from Mr. Mayo awhile ago after I realized his channel is a non-channel. Technically, there's content, but it's pointless, therefore a waste of time.
    I much prefer ones like these where you actually left your house and tried what you're hawking

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