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I tried using AI. It scared me.

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39 thoughts on “I tried using AI. It scared me.”

  1. I hear this all the time and I'd love to be corrected but the idea that gpt4 is a next word predictor is nonsense. Gpt4 was trained using next word/ token prediction and after expending gigawatts of energy and after analysing petabytes of data using next token prediction it understands the structure and logic of language and code in a very deep way. It is not merely a next token predictor as Ilya Sutskever and anyone else who knows will agree.

  2. ChatGPT is NOT just a system trying to predict the next word you are going to say. It's far more complex than that. Your statement is like saying cars are "chunks of mass that are moving".

  3. The more important sigmoid curve we're on is climate destruction.
    Technology looks like it's about to change the world but all the imminent advances could get aborted by the utter devastation we're inflicting on ourselves.

  4. The computer knows what's next…the scary thing is the new company's now pulling the strings, controlling it, making money and society dancing like a 14th century puppet on strings soon. The new company's tech pulling strings and laughing at the ease of it. Programming computers to give reality as per it's Programming instructions.
    The movie 2001 Space Odyssey live. [Hal]

  5. Algorithms recommend what we like to watch, and if we're not actively looking for different points of views, most likely we'll be exposed to views we agree with most of the time.

    I’ve made many videos teaching Chinese language vividly and in a humorous way. I hope somebody can recommend my videos to those who want to learn Chinese. For beginners, Chinese characters may look complicated. But once you learn about 100 basic radicals, most characters become easy.

    I hope more people can learn Chinese to get comprehensive firsthand information about China and most likely seek more job opportunities.

    Know ourselves as well as our partners, competitors, adversaries…..

    Hope people can have lots of fun in learning Chinese.

  6. This video is a bally masterpiece. No one but Tom Scott could so elegantly and nonchalantly integrate the seagull cries in the video like that, by the way.

  7. Automation has always been a thing, but this time is different. Because while in the past the automation closed a door to an old job but opened up other to a new one. This time, the same product that automated your old job can be duplicated and made to work the jobs you would've gone to instead. That trend will continue, and it will all be owned by one tech company who will possess all the economic and political capital. You will be un-personed in a democratic sense.

  8. I'm concerned that people will become to dependent on the tech. If you learn no basic skills of survival and the grid goes down, well orders don't get shipped or filled, cars can't tell you where you are, in fact they might not even run and can the bank still give you money? Sadly if grid power went down and you had no idea what to do to make up a small part of the gap, well, you're toast. Seeing people continually staring at a phone screen, even when talking to you almost seems a type of mental illness. there was a kid texting frantically with someone else and said if I could only talk to him. I pointed out that he was holding a phone. Oh, he said, surprised. Yep, you can lose yourself in the tech.

  9. I still don’t know exactly how this is going to affect engineering as a whole, and it’s a little worrying.

    Especially since chat-GPT released a version with access TO THE INTERNET recently.

    The amount of data it is going to have is a little bit scary. it is similar to Ultron if you think about it a little too long, just without direct access to big guns.

  10. I'm open mind about this program that reason I end up here in this program, thought? If i not get in this trapped how you got me as victim, how your game play without this chess 🙄 how crazy I am


  12. 6:24 I love hearing about people's dreams. And telling people about mine. They're like fun little stories that you then get to theorise together about what they might mean about your subconscious. It's always either interesting, funny, or both, and it's always a fun thing to talk about.

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