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IBM says 7,800 of its roles could be replaced by AI

Prompt-driven AI chatbots like ChatGPT have gained worldwide attention and tech giants artificial intelligence Running with urgency, machine-learning tools are making everyday tasks easier. Now, as a new technological frontier has dawned, the question arises of where humans stand in the future of an AI-driven world.

World Economic Forum on Sunday published Its “Future of Jobs” report, which is approx 14 million jobs Could be eliminated by 2027 – mainly due to increased automation of many work tasks.

While the report’s predictions used a five-year time frame, AI has already disrupted a host of industries.

International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) CEO Arvind Krishna said on Monday Bloomberg That the company wants to pause or slow hiring on roles it believes can be fully outsourced to AI. Krishna estimates that adopting AI could replace about 30% of its workforce, which equates to 7,800 jobs.

In January, Alphabet (Google’s parent company) announced 12,000 job cuts to focus on AI development – a Same move By Microsoft, which also cut thousands of jobs and increased AI spending.

But AI isn’t just affecting tech giants competing in new technological frontiers or business magnates looking to automate tasks — many businesses have already reported losses due to the widespread use of machine learning tools like ChatGPT.

Related: AI may eliminate millions of jobs by 2027, but cognitive skills are increasingly important to employers

Homework help platform Chegg, which focuses on essay writing and other related matters, said In an earnings call on Monday, it said ChatGPT has had a broad impact on its business. As of Tuesday morning, the company’s stock is down more than 60% year-to-date.

Chegg is working with OpenAI to develop its own AI technology, Chagmate. The tool is positioned to guide student learning and be interactive, so students can ask new questions or prompt the tool to explain things in a different format.

Chegg’s somewhat “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” approach isn’t unusual as artificial intelligence disrupts tasks that – until recently – seemed impossible without human cognition. Other companies like Snap and Tinder have Artificial intelligence is used Streamlining processes and gaining greater engagement as competition increases. The increasing integration of AI will only further the World Economic Forum’s prediction that millions of jobs will disappear at the current pace of adoption.

However, even in the wake of the AI ​​revolution, human intelligence is still valuable — perhaps now more than ever. The report found that with the increasing integration of technology, creative and Analytical thinking Skill was one of the most desirable traits among workers now and in the next five years.

It may be too soon to tell, but critical thinking skills and creativity can be the difference between job security and elimination.

Related: Google CEO Sundar Pichai says AI needs government regulation: ‘There must be consequences’


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