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If you take 26 minutes of sleep in the afternoon, you can become the best employee, what is ‘catnap’, in which companies are asking people to take a nap? – catnap improves job performance nasa study and which companies allow employees to take a nap at workplace ntc mdj

While working in the office, if someone’s eye falls on him, he is not only made fun of, but there is also the fear of losing his job. But now many companies themselves are asking their employees to take short naps. Some are fixing time for this, while some are creating such a space where people can go and return after taking a nap. This will not cause loss of work, but will increase productivity, NASA itself says this.

What does NASA’s study say?

In December 2019, a NASA study came out, which says that there are great benefits of taking a nap ie a few minutes to 45 minutes of sleep, especially if the sleep is taken in the afternoon. The space agency found during experiments on pilots that if they take a nap of about 25 minutes before flying, they remain very alert during flying and also see improvement in work by about 34 percent.

According to NASA, a nap of 10 minutes to about half an hour is enough. After sleeping longer than this, the person remains lethargic for a while, and remains less alert. This can cause loss of work. Taking this short nap is being called catnap.

catnap improves job performance nasa study and which companies allow employees to take a nap at workplace
There have been many studies on increasing productivity by taking a nap. Symbol photo (Pixabay)

Where did the word catnap come from?

No one knows what is the history of the word catnap. Maybe it is inspired by cats. The cat keeps taking short naps throughout the day and remains equally alert. There is another logic behind this word as well. In the olden times, the people who run the ship or work on the ship used to tie a strip like a whip on their waist. This strap made of leather and metal used to keep the people alert by continuously stinging. This whip, used to prevent accidents on the ship, was called Cat-O-Nine Tails, which was linked to staying alert.

Japan leads the way in taking naps

Now companies around the world are talking about the benefits of catnap, but Japan is at the forefront. There is a Japanese term for it – inemuri, which means sleeping in the middle of work. Go to any office in Japan, you will see people sleeping on their desks in the afternoon. People will also be seen sleeping in shopping centers, departmental stores, cafes, hotels, restaurants and metro. People taking naps are not considered lazy or weak there, but are considered hardworking.

catnap improves job performance nasa study and which companies allow employees to take a nap at workplace
Employees are being encouraged to take short naps in the office. Representational photo (Unsplash)

why on the desk, sleep in the nap box

Such boxes are being prepared so that an adult man of a height of a little more than 6 feet can fit there. These are also being called nap or flamingo boxes. Tired employees after long hours of work will be able to sleep for 10-15 minutes by going to their own size compartment. The nap box will be of wood, which will be such that the employees can be more relaxed by resting their hands. Care was also taken that the head of the sleeping worker should not be injured by hitting the box.

There is also controversy over catnap

By the way, many benefits of taking a nap are being counted, but this is not a universal practice. In most places, if you are seen dozing off in the office, then questions will arise only if you are professional. Employees are also no less scared about catnap. They believe that if they are given half an hour to nap in between work, then they will be made to work for long hours. At the same time, traditional companies believe that the working people will take advantage of this and start doing other things, such as gossiping among themselves, or doing unnecessary things on the laptop. This will cost both office time and electricity.


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