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Is This the WORST Play Area Ever? Housing Estate’s ‘Laughable’ New Playground Leaves Residents in Shock!

A Stump in the Playground: The Astonishing Play Area on Ashton Rise Estate


On the Ashton Rise estate, near Market Harborough, a peculiar sight awaits visitors – a children’s play area comprised of a pile of nine logs. This unconventional play area has become a subject of ridicule and disappointment for residents, who expected something more impressive given the prices of the homes in the neighborhood, some of which were sold for £600,000. In this article, we will delve into the controversy surrounding this play area and explore the reaction of resident John Lewis, who took to social media to voice his dissatisfaction. We will also shed light on the response from developers Linden Homes and the management company overseeing the play equipment.

The Disappointment

Resident John Lewis, a 51-year-old self-employed computer systems engineer, captured the attention of many when he shared a video online showcasing the underwhelming play area. He expressed his disappointment, suggesting that developers should be ashamed of providing such a lackluster space for children to play. The video reveals the fenced area with the nine logs, a wooden climbing feature, and a single bench. Lewis’s incredulity is evident as he questions whether he would even allow his dog to play in such a place.

Criticism and Explanation

Linden Homes, the developers responsible for the Ashton Rise estate, responded to the criticism, emphasizing that there are additional play equipment installations elsewhere on the site. They clarified that the management company overseeing the equipment now has the freedom to install more play equipment if residents desire it. This response aimed to assure residents that their concerns were being addressed.

The Role of FirstPort

The play area on the estate is operated and maintained by FirstPort, a proprietary service that oversees its upkeep. The company made it clear that the park was not created by them; they were merely responsible for its maintenance. This distinction highlights the division of responsibilities in providing and caring for recreational spaces in housing developments.

John Lewis’s Reaction

John Lewis, in his video, humorously speculates whether the play area is an example of modern art or a practical joke. His disappointment stems from the expectation of something more substantial and engaging for the children in the neighborhood. He also expresses concern about the lack of security measures or “exclusion” signs to prevent the potential theft of the equipment. Lewis’s video resonated with many, exposing the general sentiment of dissatisfaction among residents regarding the play area.

Developer’s Perspective

Linden Homes defended the design of the play area, highlighting the presence of a main play area with a wide range of equipment within the development. They clarified that the toddler log pile and open space, shown in John Lewis’s video, were located in a different part of the estate. These smaller amenities were intended to provide a safe environment for younger children and their guardians, complementing the main play area. Linden Homes assured residents that the management company had the flexibility to add additional equipment if the community deemed it necessary.

Community Infrastructure Investment

It’s important to note that Linden Homes had already invested over £2,000,000 in local infrastructure during the development of the Ashton Rise estate. This investment was made as part of the Section 106 agreement with Harborough District Council. The funds contributed to various aspects of the community, including education, outdoor sports provision, children and young people’s services, town center improvements, and local policing. This demonstrates Linden Homes’ commitment to the overall welfare and enhancement of the neighborhood.


The play area on the Ashton Rise estate has stirred controversy and disappointment among residents who expected a more captivating space for their children. While developers have defended the design and highlighted the presence of other play areas within the development, it remains clear that the current play area falls short of residents’ expectations. The response from the management company overseeing the equipment, as well as the investment made in the community’s infrastructure, demonstrates an effort to address concerns and accommodate the needs of residents.

Overall, the situation on the Ashton Rise estate serves as a reminder that the design and maintenance of recreational spaces in housing developments play a crucial role in enhancing residents’ quality of life. It is essential for developers and management companies to carefully consider and cater to the expectations and needs of the community to create a fulfilling and enjoyable living environment for all.


Residents of the Ashton Rise estate have expressed dissatisfaction with the children’s play area, which consists of a pile of nine logs. John Lewis, a resident, took to social media to highlight the disappointing state of the play area, prompting a response from developers Linden Homes. The management company overseeing the equipment has assured residents that more play equipment can be installed if desired. The video posted by John Lewis went viral, shedding light on the underwhelming state of the play area. Despite Linden Homes defending their design choices and pointing out the presence of other play areas within the development, residents remain disappointed. The investment made by Linden Homes in the community’s infrastructure showcases their commitment to overall improvement. This situation underscores the importance of careful consideration in designing recreational spaces in housing developments to ensure residents’ satisfaction and well-being.


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On a housing estate where some new houses sold for £600,000, a children’s play area was ridiculed for being a pile of nine logs. The fenced play area on the Ashton Rise estate, near Market Harborough, has a wooden climbing feature and a single bench.

Resident John Lewis, 51, took to social media to highlight the dingy play area. The self-employed computer systems engineer claimed that developers “should be ashamed.”

Developers Linden Homes completed the ownership of 119 homes at the end of 2020, where, according to local reports in 2018, the maximum purchase of a home was £600,000, with others starting at £384,995. Linden has said in response to criticism that there is other play equipment installed elsewhere on the site and that the management company that oversees the equipment is now free to install more play equipment if residents so wish.

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One resident was perplexed in the playground.(Image: SWNS)

John is heard saying in a video he recorded last month: “Apparently, this is a small children’s play area. Of course, no dogs allowed, no smoking and no riding bikes. So obviously, we’re expecting something pretty amazing here.”

“The equipment is operated and maintained by proprietary service FirstPort. ‘Please report any damage to customer service,’ it says, okay. So, here we go.”

The footage shows John panning to reveal the pile of logs in the fenced area. John continues: “I don’t think I’d let my damn dog play with this, would you?
