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It’s called “parenting”

It’s been an interesting concept…and it’s making a comeback.


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48 thoughts on “It’s called “parenting””

  1. Too many "parents" want to be their kids friends. I don't care if my kids like me or not. I hope they appreciate what I did for them and taught them when they're older.

  2. Love it!!!!
    I worked in retail on the phone orders and one day a mother called in looking for a device to limit her children’s TV , and game time … I said “ WHY YES THERE IS SUCH A THING ….. it’s called ….MOTHER….” … funny ting… she hung up on me!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂

  3. Wish my family was functional. It's extremely hard being a single mom of 3 now just learning tools at 41 but God is teaching me. Better late than never.

  4. With the world being what it is these days, everything is different from when we were growing up. Parents should be a little more diligent with the rules they give their children for the kids' own protection.

  5. Yup and its a good thing too because then what happens they don't grow up to be trash human beings that are all the rage these days

  6. It is a job of a parent to be able to equip your children with as much knowledge as you can impart on them with the hope that they're going to do the right thing as they get older and go off in life on their own. Sometimes, you need to be more Stern or direct to get the message through because you don't want them to repeat the same mistakes and or be taken advantage of. Even if that didn't happen to you, it's a preventative that a parent does to make sure their child has the best chance of surviving growing up, and when they are on their own fully, they will inherently want to do the right thing and protect themselves with any luck.

  7. Parents are there to educate, guide & provide structure to help their children transition from childhood into adulthood. Honesty the only transitioning a child should be thinking about.

  8. Yep, and anyone who says just let them be kids has never achieved anything worthwhile, because often there's only ONE chance to get something right and those opportunities are never presented again.

  9. And to have all that undone with a nutcase in a school or a politician who couldn't care about your child less if he tried… It is criminal, or at least should be.

  10. I always called it "because I said so". I was stern as well. I only explained myself if the situation called for it. I am the parent and owe no explanation. Every decision I made was with love and good intentions.

  11. That's like MS parents making Jackson a no go zone was it a rule for us growing up? No is it safe for kids to be going into the JX metro area? No

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