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It’s Time to Pay Attention to A.I. (ChatGPT and Beyond)

Imagine being able to have a language conversation about anything with a computer. This is now possible and available to many …

27 thoughts on “It’s Time to Pay Attention to A.I. (ChatGPT and Beyond)”

  1. What congress need to do is create laws and it loop holes of And company who layoff and replace that position within a year has to still pay that worker monthly
    Wages in a different A,I. Taxes in level taxes brackets. Cause the objection is the worst future outcome that is states and city government will be less, and the only way they can make up for it it through raising utilities, sewer, property, parking. Police, etc. or more inflation. As alway, leader are too late, reality is all that about 230 thousand jobs lost majority will not come back. Congress is sleeping only thinking about a green future and running the world so they are wanting to take down china and Russia together. Business, worker, and government are a circle cycle.
    You take away worker done by computer A.I really computer software that rewritten so it make the decision off a scanned instruction book
    That A human was taught as a job that bring in taxes to run each state that run the Country. The only solution to that is a new type of communism state where everybody are payed a their set amounts of money to live with. And rules and regulations. Worker taxes gone replace by A.I can never be recovered. How can you get company's to pay taxes later of that work or worker they don't need that A.I. Doing? It's a one way street and can't logically work with less state taxes. Freedom and capitalism was build around the cycle of worker taxes eliminate taxes you lose freedom and gain new rules of a new system that need figuring out, and as alway we end up paying.

  2. AI will kill humanity. Dont make life complicated, just live simple life.
    Imagine in coming years the world will lost 14 million job. 14 million job is a lot of lives defend, many will hungry…stop AI

  3. ChatGPT is clearly biased. It doesn't allow you to submit certain words. If you submit certain queries, ChatGPT will say things such as "your question as it is based on a flawed and offensive belief system". How does a computer program ascertain ethical questions? Questions regarding highly opinionated moral standpoints are so subjective that a soulless computer program cannot calculate such decisive topics without having influence from the programmers or the data collected from the data collected by the software. ChatGPT positions itself as the 100% "end-all-be-all" with completely factual information, but the verbiage of its responses indicate a clear bias. If an algorithm were to be as unbiased as possible, it would have to accept all inputs.

    Computers will never be as good as humans with logic because computers only recognize "true" or "false". Humans can recognize the "maybe". Computers will always have to simulate the "maybe" with an algorithm to get as close to "true" or "false" as possible, but even the best algorithms are not as effective at understanding that "gray area" in a way a human can understand.

  4. <The wisest thing that should be on everyone's mind currently should be to invest in different streams of income that doesn't depend on the govt. Especially with the current economic crisis around the world.>

  5. it is not that I'm anti-tech, but I must say that I really couldn't care less….
    AI will certanly change things around here and there and… no, not everywhere; the sun will still come up every day, you still need water and to go to the bathroom every now and then and some things that bother us will never go away.
    AI is more about economics, in stead of people and what it could mean for us, as most big decisions made are. In my opinion we should ALSO take a step or two back(-wards) and focus more on the needs of (ALL) humans (no, not just whites, western people or otherwise) and make sure we all have basic needs, up to usable electricity and internet. From that point on, I don't care (even less than now, which means >> nothing) how much wealth people are amassing for themselves.
    Also nature is overlooked too much in my personal opinion, you might have other ideas about that… but this is how I see it.

  6. To think that a new/latest model A.I can start off with all the learning and understanding capability that the old model has put together and the gathering and understanding of technology and knowledge the other learned and then start its life journey from there its going to leap forward so quickly and fast we just won't see or even have a clue as to how or why it would be going down certain paths/routes to better itself we will be left in the dark as it becomes all knowing. It would treat humans as semi literate children. The A.I,s thinking for self preservation would certainly be higher than our preservation in the A.I mind.
    We are going to be left so far behind in terms of where a.i is going in the future and indeed our future its going to be the end of us and we won't even see it coming.

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