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Jack Dorsey thinks Elon Musk isn’t doing the right thing on Twitter

Jack Dorsey has been using Blue sky, the app he partially funded and which is based on an open and federated social networking protocol that he champions, to tell the truth about Twitter, Elon Musk and the decision to take the company private under the direction of the Tesla CEO. Dorsey admits that Twitter is doing poorly under Musk, but he also blames the board for forcing the sale and says Twitter had little choice as a public company that would have ended well.

Dorsey responded to a question from Bluesky user Jason Goldman about whether he felt Musk proved to be the “best stew possible.” [sic](okay Jason, we all make typos and we know you meant steward) with the following:

No. I also don’t think he acted well after realizing that his timing was bad.
I also don’t think the board should have forced the sale. It all went south. But it happened and all we can do now is build something to prevent that from happening again. So I’m happy that Jay and the team and the developers at nostr exist and build it.

Washington Post writer Will Oremus later quoted from that post and attempted to frame it as Dorsey avoiding self-blame, which Dorsey strongly objected to, noting that he previously apologized for his role in the fate of Twitter.

In addition to lamenting the state of Twitter under Musk and the circumstances that led to it there, Dorsey also shared his view that Twitter “would never have survived as a public company,” suggesting that market conditions combined with the state of the company at that At the time they meant it was destined to be manipulated by activist investors and private equity firms seeking to take it over. Dorsey also recontextualized his now-infamous tweet by stating that “Elon is the singular solution I trust,” clarifying that he was specifically referring to the result of taking Twitter private (presumably in front of other activist hedge fund investors).

Dorsey also took issue with the allegation that he “sold out” by selling the company to Musk, which is a frivolous accusation to be sure, but especially since, as Dorsey pointed out, public companies are inherently subject to sale and acquisition. given the right (or wrong, I guess, depending on where you sit) market conditions.


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