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Jamie Foxx Reportedly Left Partially Paralyzed And Blind Following Health Scare – CH News

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UK Artful Impressions Premiere Etsy Store – According to a new source, Jamie Foxx’s road to recovery would reportedly happen after the …


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48 thoughts on “Jamie Foxx Reportedly Left Partially Paralyzed And Blind Following Health Scare – CH News”

  1. Pfizer and politicians will make sure the truth the story has nothing to do with the poison jab. How many people have been seriously injured or unalived by it in the news and there is always some cover story and NEVER EVER the vaccine.

  2. I think the Jamie Fox issues in regards to first off his health and second the Hollywood pro cuo are unfortunately the price of being a mega star or High society celebrity, similar to when Martin Lawrence collapsed and slipped into a coma while on a jog, which he was doing to loose weight for a movie, everyone knows the Las Vegas motto, "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas", but Hollywood's is much older and fairly unknown to outsiders but it's similar to the military's, "Don't ask, Don't tell", Hollywood had this unspoken code of, "don't tell, if asked", "Keep it to yourself or you might not work in Hollywood again", and "be whatever they want you to be, even if your not", in reality it's the old, "my age is whatever you want it to be", "sick, injured and strung out addicts are not wanted, needed or permitted on set", and if you are injured or end up hospital while preparing for a film or while filming then it's not their fault, thats why disclosure is never forth coming, and in cases of death when you hear about a celebrity's death you'll find out two ways, either several days after their death the coroner, celebrity's publicist or manager and their significant other will simultaneously release the information when they're ready or if their a very beloved celebrity and are their family is close and loved too then you'll get the death of the celebrity's info with in hours because their loved ones are hurting but also recognize that their beloved fans need to know so the family is quick with releasing the info, clearly Jamie is hurt, and hurt bad, he may never be or most likely he will never be the same, or he'll end up like Tracy Morgan, my prayers go out to him and his family, and I pray he makes a strong recovery

  3. CH is TRASH! They showed us who they really are when they interviewed Earthquakes ex-wife… And now they are on some Dutch courage interviewing people who had beef with a person who is now sick… Bringing up the situation between Terence and Don Cheadle. CH is pretty much recycling old beef. CH is TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. First of all he no God he have always no God . We have to strat back believe . God we keep letting people and the world tell us what to believe. But want here frome I lord. What is wrong with us. Please give he to God he will take care of him like he all Ways do. Pray for him. I mean really pray . Not say you going To pray and don't . Pray . Thank you lord for him and keep your arms around him take care of him lord like you. All ways have done. And his children. And family . Please lord thank you for him lord. And I thank you for all of us. My lord love you . Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏

  5. CH should not post this nonsense. What happened to Jamie Foxx has ZERO to do with the vax. The guy has for years suffered from hypertension and in african american men having hypertension and not taking care of it will lead to strokes. Stop using his medical issue as leverage for the anti vax nonsense. Dummies

  6. Love Jamie..but at this point I don't care anymore! They lost me when his daughter said he was playing pickleball…smh..over it..but hope he recovers well!

  7. The Socialist/Libertine culture in the entertainment industry operates no different than the Communist governments of Cuba, NKorea, China, Venezuela etc. join the Socialist Party or die. It's that simple.

    WTF do you think the Communists mean when they plaster "Socialism or Death" all over their prison nations? That's a promise made, not a snowflake marketing cool banner, it's not fight to the death slogan, it is a promise, accept it or die

    So FJB and F all of you out there supporting the "DNC" Communist Patty USA

  8. I thought he was doing well and playing some pickle ball. I tell you not telling the truth can be just as damaging.

  9. Did Jamie Foxx contracted AIDS an dying from AIDS?. Are y'all aware that blindness an paralysis can be cause by advance AIDS?. Do y'all know that the late George Michaels an Prince died from full blown AIDS?!.

  10. Hate to see it happen. Ppl that were deemed crazy. Y’all owe us apologies soon enough. That jab was never the answer. It was all a game.

  11. Why can't they talk about the shots ? They don't want them influencing normal people? Even tho they're fkn people up, they want this info silenced? Think about it. Wtf.

  12. Oh, but it's perfectly okay to spew all kinds of shit about Trump, even though it's not Trump who is destroying America and sending BILLIONS and BILLIONS to a foreign country so they can protect THEIR BORDERS yet leaving their OWN BORDERS wide open….give me a fucking break…🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  13. Just reading some of the comments its kinda funny. Nobody fucking knows this guy yet some are getting emotional as if its their own father. Jamie foxx doesn't give a shit about any of you. And if he is vaccine injured in anyway, so be it.

  14. I've had 5 Moderna vaccines.(3 boosters) I'm fine. Caught Covid after 3 years. Ran a fever, slept for about a week. No long Covid, no breathing issues, nothing. Never even went into my lungs. Thank God for the vaccine!!

  15. I’m praying for Jamie’s recovery but I would prefer hearing live from Jamie, his doctor, his publicist before I believe what anyone else or media types have to say about his health situation.

  16. AJ benza? Yeah he cites unknown sources. These conspiracy theorists cite the vax but all the actors and actresses were vaccinated and no one else came up with any health issues.

  17. Even here in California they haven't been requiring vaccines for a good while now. And the film was being shot in Georgia. Georgia has been lax on C-19 vaccines from day one. I find it hard to believe a star of Jamie's caliber was given an ultimatum of taking the shot or not doing the film. At this point he's the bigger star than Cameron Diaz. The film needs him more than her. This version of the story, while more sensational, doesn't seem true either. I don't believe any of the reporting about Foxx at this point.

  18. Jamie Foxx's career is over if he really is partially paralyzed… Time for him to speak up for the benefit of all others instead of worrying about being vilified!
    I call it a bit selfish if he is unwilling to speak out, especially knowing he has probably millions in the bank already and it's not like a single mother raising kids at home that would face homelessness for her family.

  19. "The Powers That Be" are currently tryna track down which hotel that artwork in the background is located & they'll… you know, take it from there 🤷🏿‍♂️!!!

  20. Why did Comedy Hype report on this like it was the truth. All this story was was click bait. I don't know anymore now than when I watched this. It was a waste of time.

  21. I think he had all the signs of a stroke but thats my opinion. Hope whatever happens is something he can recover from. I think he has a better chance than most with his resources.

  22. My stepfather was vaccinated and boosted. He told me to shut up when I asked him if he knew what was in the vaccine. He said he didn't want to know. I respected his wish and didn't take it personally. He died of double covid pneumonia six months later.

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