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Judge John Hodgman on Baby Shampoo

Daniel writes: My brother insists on using Johnson’s Baby Shampoo, saying there’s no reason adults can’t enjoy the “gentle to the eyes” experience. I say that now that he’s 26 and off our parents’ insurance, it’s time for him to graduate to adult shampoo. Who is right?

You wrote to the wrong judge. I used baby shampoo well into my 20s, and I honestly don’t know why I switched. I suspect I was lured by labels with cosmopolitan typefaces and empty promises to thicken my wispy, pathetic baby hair. But in any case, it has never worked! My hair is still thin, childish and deserving of the gentle wash that baby shampoo affords. Your brother can do what he wants because, as you point out, he is a grown-up. If you don’t like it, get out of his shower, weirdo. Sorry to be harsh, but you’re being a bully, not a brother, and you can be sure: When I next shower, I shall shed no tears for you.