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Keto and Paleolithic Diets Rank Low on Heart Health, Report Says

April 28, 2023 – The paleo and keto diets have a huge following, but they’re not necessarily good for heart health, the American Heart Association said in a ranking of popular diets.

The top 10 list was published Thursday in the magazine. Circulationand it is the first time that the association has classified popular diets. in a Press releaseHe said he hoped the list would help the public and medical professionals decipher the misinformation about diets that has surfaced on social media.

The keto and paleo diets can help people lose weight in the short term, but both “are high in fat without limiting saturated fat. The consumption of high levels of saturated fat and low levels of fiber are related to the development of cardiovascular diseases,” said the Heart Association.

“They are highly restrictive and difficult for most people to follow long-term,” said Christopher D. Gardner, PhD, chair of the report’s writing committee and a professor of medicine at Stanford University. “While there are likely to be short-term benefits and substantial weight loss, it is not sustainable. A diet that is effective in helping a person maintain weight loss goals, from a practical perspective, must be sustainable.”

The list was based on how closely the diets align with the Heart Association guidelines for heart-healthy eating.

DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) scored 100 points and was ranked as the best diet for heart health, according to those guidelines. The pescatarian diet (92 points), the Mediterranean diet (89 points) and the vegetarian diet (86 points) were also classified at the highest level of the association. The press release noted that the Mediterranean diet lost some points because it does not address added salt and allows for moderate alcohol consumption.

Vegan and low-fat diets were placed in the second tier by the Heart Association, with very low-fat and low-carb diets in the third tier. In the fourth and final tier were the paleo and ketogenic/very low carb diets, including the Atkins diet.


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