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Last 5 minutes of MotoGP™ Q2 | 2021 #CatalanGP

Late drama here in Barcelona as the field battled it out to try and break Fabio’s pole position streak – but could they do it?

41 thoughts on “Last 5 minutes of MotoGP™ Q2 | 2021 #CatalanGP”

  1. I think many fans hate Marquez for dominating..but with Fabio just running away with each makes me wonder if we missed a potential MARC vs FABIO rivalry..I mean what is happening now did not happen with MARC bcoz Rossi and Jorge were there to give us great competition..we all want to see battles till the last laps..but it seems no one is on Fabio's level with that Yamaha..I wish Marc hadn't got injured…we would be having great races with him and Fabio..this season is becoming like 2017-19 when Marc had no competition..boring

  2. FQ needs a competition…. there is no one to challenge him till the last lap… He nanages to break himself from the group and manages to win it from there… If there is someone challenging him till the last corner then his weakensses are exposed

    Edit : I told yaa… oliveria , Zarco and Miller just brutally exposed FQ

  3. My prediction is alwasy correct , it is proven that my prediction happened again Marc was crash again, devils are in joy In another dimension, because Devillegion is happy to be able to help god to punish him for karma, you see. coming soon, He will crash brutally And He will retire early, karma is fulfilled HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  4. Arite first things first VR46 is unreal, now if these Marc Marquise tactics are barely legal why not then follow being the leech we see and then get redemption the next lap lead????

  5. Thats not right, if a rider crashes and ends a session, they should be penalised and sent to the back or at least back to 13th. They ruin the session and stop any potential runs that could beat theirs

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