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Learn Anything FASTER With ChatGPT (13 ChatGPT Prompts For Studying)

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43 thoughts on “Learn Anything FASTER With ChatGPT (13 ChatGPT Prompts For Studying)”

  1. 1. Use ChatGPT To Create A Mind


    Knowing where to start with mind maps takes

    time. ChatGPT can help you build an effective

    mind map.

    //Example prompt//

    Topic: {Hypertension] Create a mind map on the

    topic above.

    List out the central idea, main branches, and subbranches.

    2. Use ChatGPT To Create Active

    Recall Questions

    Creating recall questions can take time. Question

    banks can be expensive. Ask chat GPT to write

    questions in the style of your exam which you can

    practise later.

    //Example prompt//

    Topic: {Multiple Sclerosis]

    Write a multiple choice question with 1 correct

    answer and 4 incorrect distractor answers.

    Answers should be labelled A to E. Each answer

    should have an explanation.

    3. Write An Essay

    Knowing how to start an essay can be difficult.

    Being persuasive in your argument is a skill in


    Ask chat GPT to write an essay on a key topic.

    //Example Prompt//

    Topic: {The War Of The Roses]

    I want you to act as an essay writer writing an

    essay on the topic above. You will need to

    research the topic above, formulate a thesis

    statement, and create a persuasive piece of work

    that is both informative and engaging.

  2. in brief:
    This video discusses 13 techniques to use ChatGPT for studying, which can save time and help learners study more effectively.
    These techniques include:

    1. Creating mind maps: ChatGPT can help build mind maps based on specific prompts, making it easier to start studying.

    2. Creating study timetables: ChatGPT can create daily, weekly, or monthly study plans based on the user's preferences.

    3. Generating active recall questions: ChatGPT can create exam-style questions for practice.

    4. Writing essays: ChatGPT can be used to write essays on various topics, helping with thesis formulation and persuasive writing.

    5. Creating fill-in-the-blank worksheets: ChatGPT can generate fill-in-the-blank questions for testing comprehension.

    6. Explaining math and technical subjects: ChatGPT can break down complex topics and provide step-by-step instructions.

    7. Translating and improving English text: ChatGPT can act as an English translator and improve grammar and fluency.

    8. Generating Choose Your Own Adventure games: ChatGPT can create interactive games that stimulate creativity and imagination.

    9. Using the Socratic method: ChatGPT can question beliefs and develop arguments using this method.

    10. Summarizing key points: ChatGPT can summarize text or topics in a concise and easy-to-understand manner.

    11. Simplifying complex topics: ChatGPT can break down complex topics into simpler terms for better understanding.

    12. Creating flashcards: ChatGPT can generate flashcard questions and answers in a spreadsheet format.

    13. Live quizzing: ChatGPT can quiz users on any topic in real-time.

    A bonus technique involves using ChatGPT to review code and help with coding principles.
    Additionally, the video suggests using ChatGPT to summarize YouTube video transcriptions to retain key points from the content. (that's correct)

  3. What congress need to do is create laws and it loop holes of And company who layoff and replace that position within a year has to still pay that worker monthly
    Wages in a different A,I. Taxes in level taxes brackets. Cause the objection is the worst future outcome that is states and city government will be less, and the only way they can make up for it it through raising utilities, sewer, property, parking. Police, etc. or more inflation. As alway, leader are too late, reality is all that about 230 thousand jobs lost majority will not come back. Congress is sleeping only thinking about a green future and running the world so they are wanting to take down china and Russia together. Business, worker, and government are a circle cycle.
    You take away worker done by computer A.I really computer software that rewritten so it make the decision off a scanned instruction book
    That A human was taught as a job that bring in taxes to run each state that run the Country. The only solution to that is a new type of communism state where everybody are payed a their set amounts of money to live with. And rules and regulations. Worker taxes gone replace by A.I can never be recovered. How can you get company's to pay taxes later of that work or worker they don't need that A.I. Doing? It's a one way street and can't logically work with less state taxes.

  4. I used ChatGPT to summarize this video. Here you go:

    1. Mind Mapping: Ask ChatGPT to create a mind map on a specific topic, listing out the central idea, main branches, and sub-branches.

    2. Study Timetable: Ask ChatGPT to create a study timetable for you, specifying the subject, topics, and how you want to study, and when (daily, weekly, or monthly).

    3. Active Recall Questions: Ask ChatGPT to write questions in the style of your exam on a specific topic, with one correct answer and incorrect answers, and explanations for each.

    4. Essay Writing: Ask ChatGPT to act as an essay writer on any key topic, research the topic, formulate a thesis, and write a persuasive piece of work that's both informative and engaging to read.

    5. Missing Word Content: Ask ChatGPT to act as a fill-in-the-blank worksheet generator on a specific topic, creating worksheets with a list of sentences where the student's task is to fill in the blank with the correct word.

    6. Explaining Complex Topics: Ask ChatGPT to explain a complex topic in simple terms, including step-by-step instructions for solving a problem and demonstrations of various techniques.

    7. Translation: Ask ChatGPT to translate any text into English and even improve English for you, correcting your spelling and improving any synonyms that you use.

    8. Choose Your Own Adventure Game: Turn your study materials into a Choose Your Own Adventure game with ChatGPT.

    9. Quiz Game: Create a quiz game with ChatGPT by asking it to generate multiple-choice questions with one correct answer and incorrect answers on a specific topic.

    10. Summarizing Text: Ask ChatGPT to summarize a lengthy text on a specific topic, providing the main ideas and key points.

    11. Exam Study Tips: Ask ChatGPT to provide exam study tips for a specific subject or topic, including effective study techniques, time management strategies, and ways to reduce exam anxiety.

    12. Vocabulary Builder: Ask ChatGPT to help you build your vocabulary by generating lists of words and their definitions on a specific topic.

    13. Practice Conversations: Ask ChatGPT to help you practice conversations in a foreign language by generating dialogue prompts and responses.

  5. If you are on a learning platform online that does not offer a transcript. You can use Google Docs record to text feature. The sound has to be loud enough for it to pick up. Just start the video and then hit record and you are now transcribing. Then at 2,000 letters at a time ask chat gpt to summarize. Notion AI however does not have a 2k letter cap that I have seen.

  6. I don´t think any of that is learning; is organizing to help you memorize within specific time gaps; you only think of what you want and it spits it up (within its limits). I don´t think it helps in any way if you´re not dumb as shit

  7. I would not recommend it for studying but would for building reports or templates. The reason is because I tested it for what I do and gave false information. Always ask it for yhe sources before using and check them carefully.

  8. I frequently use it as a dictionary and thesaurus. It's actually easier and quicker than using a dictionary or thesaurus. As well as helping with grammar and syntax, rewriting sentences to flow better for instance

  9. This is a great misnomer. I struggled to find code on ChatGPT for a coding problem, and it failed miserably. Regarding chatgpt as teacher, its effectiveness is purely contingent on the interest and motivation of the student. It is not the great smoking gun to solve learning issues and it never will be. It is simply a teaching aid.

  10. I love using it to help me review lectures! Sometimes my professors don't explain things in a way I understand very well, or a question in my head pops up during review and it saves so much time compared to trawling through Google looking for answers 🙂

    I'm intercalating right now, and I can imagine it being very helpful over the summer when it comes to making flashcards and reviewing content before I go back to my Medicine degree. Of course it does give some false information, but I find that it gives a good starting point and the specifics need to be cross-checked from the most uptodate/relevant sources online anyway.

  11. Timeline:

    00:00 – Intro

    00:42 – Technique 1 – Create Mind Map

    01:13 – Technique 2 – Create A Study Timetable

    01:50 – Technique 3 – Create Active Recall Questions

    02:25 – Technique 4 – Write An Essay

    02:57 – Technique 5 – Fill In The Blanks

    03:32 – Technique 6 – Teach Math

    04:08 – Technique 7 – Translation & Languages

    04:45 – Technique 8 – Teach Creativity

    05:24 – Technique 9 – Learn Reasoning

    05:54 – Technique 10 – Summarise Points

    06:17 – Technique 11 – Feynman Tehnique

    06:41 – Technique 12 – Create Flashcards

    07:19 – Technique 13 – Live Active Recall

    07:56 – BONUS Technique 14 – Learn To Code

    08:20 – BONUS Technique 15 – YouTube Notes

  12. This is from a legal website:

    "ChatGPT is subject to certain accuracy and bias risks. Like any other AI chatbot, ChatGPT can only generate text based on the data on which it was trained. This means that if the datasets ChatGPT is trained on contain errors, inaccuracies, or biases, these will be reflected in the ChatGPT’s responses and if the datasets ChatGPT is trained on do not contain sufficient resources, ChatGPT may produce a lucid and comprehendible answer, but one that is incorrect or incomplete. Due to the risk of inaccuracy, it raises concerns about ChatGPT’s potential to create misleading content which may have serious consequences, such as damaging reputations or spreading misleading information."

  13. I wish I found out about all this sooner!
    I thought that ChatGTP was just some glorified search engine, and I'd only have use for it if I were to try and cheat on homework. Wish I actually got to know the program earlier.
    This is the first time I've ever had a timetable which seemed to actually fit my needs, and I'm actually excited to try out next week (coincidently, it's Monday tomorrow)!

  14. I will say there is a lot of debate and conversation in higher education about ChatGPT and other AI programs falling under plagiarism — it can't think for itself and pulls information from various places online. Ignoring the possibility of incorrect or false information, many universities are including AI in their policies regarding plagiarism. When thinking about Essay Writing, schools are upgrading plagiarism detecting tools (or just using them) to detect possible AI authoring tools being used. Popular programs like Turnitin already are "excited to share" their developments in being able to detect it. So while things like ChatGPT are fantastic for study practice, mindmaps, brainstorming, review or practice questions, it is a hugeeeeely important to note that any essay or written submission using AI will often result in breaking plagiarism policies within universities. Again, finding sources, starting points for essays (like a mind map), review questions, etc. –pretty much in the clear as it is publicly available information, but submitting an essay or parts of an essay is consider breach of many university's academic honesty policies.

  15. That was really good. I stopped your video and indulged in a Socratic discussion about the existence of God. We went at it for 15 minutes. I think I won! But not sure. I went with the argument of a First Cause – a Prime Mover which I named ‘God’. The response from Chatgpt was amazing. It’s given me lots of ideas as a teacher. Thanks for that tip.

  16. I have just discovered your channel today, and I am so grateful! I am back in College and all of the ChatGPT capabilities (tutorials that you provide) for structuring an essay to StudyBuddy, Productivity Pal are immensely helpful. Thank you so much.

  17. SmythOs is an AI agency that provides custom AI solutions and services for businesses, focusing on automation, data analysis, and process optimization. ChatGPT, on the other hand, is a conversational AI developed by OpenAI designed to understand and generate human-like text based on user input.

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