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learning AI and ChatGPT isn’t that hard

Create your own machine learning model RIGHT NOW: START HERE: Create a FREE Oracle Cloud account: …

29 thoughts on “learning AI and ChatGPT isn’t that hard”

  1. Create your own machine learning model RIGHT NOW:

    💥💥START HERE: Create a FREE Oracle Cloud account:

    🧪LAB 1 – Data Extraction:

    🧪LAB 2 – Model Building with scikit-learn and AutoGluon:

    🧪LAB 3: Build a Neural Network:




    -Join the Oracle Slack community:

    -another fun Hand-on-Lab: Oracle RedBull Pit Strategy

    Anyone can learn machine learning. You don’t need a fancy college degree nor do you need to be a math genius. No matter where you are in your journey, you can start learning machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. In this video, NetworkChuck will show you how you can get started with Machine Learning, an insanely lucrative path. So, don’t wait, start learning the technologies behind things like ChatGPT and OpenAI.

    Learn more about Santiago (a REAL ML Engineer)





    🔥🔥Join the NetworkChuck Academy!:

    **Sponsored by Oracle Cloud

  2. The hardest part of this tutorial will be signing up for Oracle cloud. Leave it to Oracle to make signing up for something a near-impossible undertaking.

  3. Learning is awesome, but the witch next door has learned witchcraft and projected its fucking stupor from constant drug abuse onto me, then the assholes use worthless advice to make it seem like it’s just you homeless fruendless familieless man

  4. OCI is absolute trash when it comes to signing up for their free tier. Runs you in loops trying to figure out why a transaction fails. Anyone else have this issue? Been on the phone with them and live chat, reddit, etc. Seems like it's an issue they don't care to acknowledge or fix.

  5. Oracle course suck they are just copy past and explain nothing moving to AWS since there is at least plenty of content on YouTube to explain everything note I really don't like Amazon but Oracle seriously needs to make there products more understandable how to use.

  6. bro why do you have to promote that machine learning is smth like air,
    you cannot just learn to import a model and use it and call urself an ML engineer

  7. Just know signing up for Oracle is a life-long commitment that will cost you 50% more each time you try to cancel a renewal. These clowns use every trick in the book to empty your pocket and customer service doesn't exist. I've been fighting Oracle for a decade.

  8. 3:55 So, big difference to realize here is that since its about making a computer learn, the results given always have some error margins compared to when instructions are given to the computer, that instruction and result is always logically predictable when following the code logic.

  9. Analog chips are interesting for AI neural networks. I wouldn’t be surprised if eventually they start including analog chips in PCs to run the AI.

  10. Hey Chuck can you make a video about pro contra betwen coding, cyber security and AI .. trying to chose a bachelor and i cant realy find whats more fun to do .. 28 with a bachelor in social work with a wich to change my path !!!! THX

  11. The answer to this limitation is to go quantum!! Quantum!!! We have the data to reach the answer, what we don't have is the proper speed to sort it out… am I right?

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