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level of Parenting in Indonesia #kids #indonesia #parenting #muslimshorts


20 thoughts on “level of Parenting in Indonesia #kids #indonesia #parenting #muslimshorts”

  1. Soleha,, dan berbakti pada kedua orang tua kita,,, wajib,, sebab selama kita dan kedua ortu kita masih di dunia,, jgn dia siakan,, kasihan,, pengorbanan ortu kita sangat berhargs

  2. This is also a video that proves that Islam only likes believers. When you see this comment box, you can understand how much people of other religions are respected. If something happens to people of other religions, Islam has nothing to do with it. That is the specialty of this religion. Indonesia is not considered a country by anyone. There are few slaves. Religious slaves are educated only in madrasas. This is a country where women are circumcised .Indonesian culture is only for Islam and Indonesian does not like others.😂

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