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Life-Saver Alert: Comcast RISE Unveils Game-Changing Grant Program to Revive Small Businesses in Oregon!

Supporting Small Businesses in Portland: The Comcast RISE Initiative

Photo courtesy of Comcast

Applications will be accepted until the end of June.

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Small businesses are the lifeblood of any community, and in the wake of the pandemic, they need all the support they can get. In Portland, a recently announced grant package is providing funding and resources to help small businesses gain the traction they need to recover and grow. Let’s take a closer look at the Comcast RISE (Representation, Investment, Strength, and Empowerment) Initiative and how it is empowering entrepreneurs in Portland.

The Comcast RISE Initiative

Established in 2020, the Comcast RISE Initiative aims to support the growth of small businesses and entrepreneurs who are committed to improving their local communities. This program awards grants to businesses in five US cities, including Portland. The initiative focuses on providing not just financial support but also resources and expertise to help businesses thrive.

Grant Packages

The Comcast RISE Initiative offers comprehensive grant packages that go beyond monetary assistance. The grant package includes:

  • Business consulting services
  • Educational resources
  • A $5,000 monetary grant
  • Creative production
  • Media placement program
  • Technology makeover

These resources are designed to address the specific needs of small businesses and provide them with the tools to expand and grow.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Comcast RISE grant, businesses must meet the following requirements:

  • Be established for three years or more
  • Have 100 or fewer full-time or part-time employees
  • Be independently owned and operated

These criteria ensure that the grant reaches businesses that have the potential to make a significant impact on their local communities.

Impact on Small Businesses

The Comcast RISE grant has already made a difference to small businesses in Portland. Many business owners have expressed their gratitude for the support and the positive impact it has had on their ventures.


“Grants like this are essential because small businesses are essential to our community. Small businesses inspire us, help us shop with intention, and share a lot of love,” says Sarah Shaoul, founder of Bricks Need Mortar. “By supporting small businesses that could use additional support with these resources, they are helping the entire community thrive.”

Natasha Busse, owner of Dogville PDX, shares her experience: “The RISE grant was extremely important to me and my business. It came right in the middle of the pandemic at a time when I was struggling to keep my business open, and it gave me great encouragement and hope that all would be well. As small business owners, we often feel alone and hopeless. The RISE grant gave me the help I needed at a very difficult time and the energy I needed to keep going. I can’t compete with the big names; I am a small business, but I know that I provide exceptional service. Having the help of a big name like Comcast gave us the confidence we needed to keep going.”

These testimonials highlight the positive impact that the Comcast RISE grant has had on small businesses in Portland, giving them the support and confidence they need to overcome challenges and thrive.

Application Process and Timeline

Applications for the Comcast RISE grant are open until the end of June. To apply, businesses need to complete an online application form, providing details about their business and how they plan to use the grant resources. The application process is straightforward, and the Comcast RISE team is available to assist businesses throughout the process.

Once the application period closes, a team of experts will review the submissions. The selected small businesses will be announced in August 2023, and the grants will be awarded to 100 deserving businesses in September 2023.


The Comcast RISE Initiative is playing a crucial role in supporting small businesses in Portland. By providing not just financial assistance but also resources, expertise, and networking opportunities, this grant package is empowering entrepreneurs and helping them navigate the challenges of the post-pandemic landscape. Small businesses are the backbone of the community, and initiatives like Comcast RISE are instrumental in ensuring their success and continued contribution to the local economy.

Expanding on the Initiative: The Importance of Supporting Small Businesses

Small businesses are the driving force behind economic growth and community development. They create jobs, foster innovation, and contribute to the unique character of a city or town. However, these businesses often face numerous challenges, especially in the aftermath of a global crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Post-Pandemic Challenges for Small Businesses

The pandemic has hit small businesses hard, forcing many to close their doors or significantly adapt their operations. As a result, the need for support and assistance to rebuild and recover is more critical than ever.

Here are some of the key challenges that small businesses are currently facing:

  1. Financial Strain: Small businesses have experienced reduced revenue and increased expenses due to lockdowns, decreased consumer spending, and additional safety measures.
  2. Operational Changes: Many small businesses had to pivot their business models, adopt new technologies, and implement safety protocols to comply with public health guidelines.
  3. Digital Transformation: The pandemic has accelerated the need for small businesses to establish an online presence and leverage digital marketing and e-commerce strategies.
  4. Rebuilding Customer Base: Small businesses need to rebuild trust with their customers and attract new clientele after periods of closure or limited operations.

Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach that combines financial support, resources, and mentorship. Programs like the Comcast RISE Initiative play a crucial role in providing these much-needed resources to small businesses.

The Benefits of Supporting Small Businesses

Supporting small businesses goes beyond providing a financial boost. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Economic Growth: Small businesses are significant contributors to a region’s economic growth, creating jobs and generating revenue that stays within the local community.
  2. Community Development: Small businesses add character, vibrancy, and diversity to a community, contributing to its unique identity and fostering a sense of place.
  3. Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Small businesses are often hotbeds of innovation, driving creativity and pushing boundaries in various industries.
  4. Customer Experience: Small businesses are known for their personalized and exceptional customer service, offering a more intimate and tailored experience compared to larger corporations.
  5. Social Responsibility: Small businesses are more likely to engage in socially responsible practices, supporting local causes and giving back to the community.

Supporting small businesses is an investment in the local economy and community, ensuring long-term growth and prosperity.


The Comcast RISE Initiative is just one example of how businesses and organizations can come together to support small businesses and help them recover and thrive. By providing financial support, resources, and expertise, initiatives like this empower entrepreneurs, stimulate economic growth, and foster vibrant communities. It is crucial for individuals and communities to champion small businesses, recognizing their value, and actively supporting their success. Together, we can create an environment where small businesses can flourish and make a lasting impact.


Small businesses in Portland can now apply for the Comcast RISE grant, an initiative aimed at supporting their growth and recovery after the pandemic. The grant package includes financial assistance, business consulting services, educational resources, creative production, media placement programs, and technology makeovers. To be eligible, businesses must be established for three years or more, have 100 or fewer employees, and be independently owned and operated. The benefits of supporting small businesses extend beyond financial assistance, as they contribute to economic growth, community development, and foster entrepreneurial spirit and innovation. Initiatives like the Comcast RISE grant play a crucial role in empowering small businesses and ensuring their long-term success.


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Photo courtesy of Comcast

Applications will be accepted until the end of June.

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Small businesses in Portland that are working hard to gain traction after the pandemic can now apply for a recently announced grant package that provides the funding and support they need to get them going.

Established in 2020, the Comcast RISE (Representation, Investment, Strength and Empowerment) Initiative aims to support the growth of small businesses and entrepreneurs who are committed to improving their local communities. The program awards grants to businesses in five US cities, including Portland.

In light of a recent study that showed that 50% of small business owners are working longer hours now than a year ago, this year’s grants will be particularly helpful to small businesses as they transition from pandemic recovery to expansion and growth.

Grant packages include business consulting services, educational resources, a $5,000 monetary grant, creative production, media placement program, and a technology makeover. Requirements include being established for three years or more, having 100 or fewer full-time or part-time employees, and being independently owned and operated.

“Grants like this are essential because small businesses are essential to our community. Small businesses inspire us, help us shop with intention, and share a lot of love,” says Sarah Shaoul, founder of Bricks Need Mortar. “By supporting small businesses that could use additional support with these resources, they are helping the entire community thrive.”

“The RISE grant was extremely important to me and my business. It came right in the middle of the pandemic at a time when I was struggling to keep my business open, and it gave me great encouragement and hope that all would be well. As small business owners, we often feel alone and hopeless,” says Natasha Busse, owner of Dogville PDX. “The RISE grant gave me the help I needed at a very difficult time and the energy I needed to keep going. I can’t compete with the big names; I am a small business, but I know that I provide exceptional service. Having the help of a big name like Comcast gave us the confidence we needed to keep going.”

Applications are accepted now through June 30. Grants will be announced in August 2023 and awarded to 100 small businesses in September 2023.

“Being a women-owned and Asian-owned business post-Covid is extremely difficult,” explained Dr. Lani Doser, owner of SkinwiseRx. “Initiatives like the Comcast RISE grant allow entrepreneurs to get ahead, go further and follow their dreams. I encourage all small businesses in the Portland area to apply.”

Comcast RISE Launches Grant Program for Struggling Small Businesses
