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Life-Saving Flood Alert System Unveiled in Leicestershire and Derbyshire! You Won’t Believe How It Works!

New Flood Warnings in Leicestershire and Derby: Protecting Homes and Communities

New Flood Warnings in Leicestershire and Derby: Protecting Homes and Communities

The Importance of Flood Warnings

When it comes to protecting our homes and communities, there are few threats as significant as flooding. The Environment Agency understands this all too well, which is why they have launched eight new flood warning services in Leicestershire and one in Derby. These new warnings will help hundreds more homeowners stay informed about the risk of flooding, empowering them to make informed decisions about how to respond.

Expanding the Flood Alert Service

This expansion is part of a national investment to expand the flood alert service, ensuring that more individuals and families have access to timely and accurate information. By signing up for flood warnings, homeowners in the newly added communities will receive phone, email, or text alerts when flooding is expected. This proactive approach allows individuals to take necessary precautions and minimize potential damages.

New Flood Warnings in Leicestershire

The following communities in Leicestershire will now benefit from the newly introduced flood warnings:

  • Bushby Brook in Thurncourt, Evington, and North Evington
  • Bushby Brook in Thurnby
  • Melton Brook
  • Evington Brook in North Evington and Spinney Hills
  • Willow Brook in North Evington and Belgrave
  • Braunstone Creek
  • Thurnby Brook in Thurnby

New Flood Warning in Derby

Additionally, a new flood warning has been introduced in Derby to provide vital information to residents. This warning will cover the areas of Markeaton and Bramble Brooks, ensuring that those living in these regions are alerted in the event of a flood.

Understanding Flood Warnings

It is important to understand the different types of flood warnings issued by the Environment Agency:

  1. Flood Watch: This type of warning alerts individuals to the possibility of flooding. While not an immediate threat, it is crucial to take preparatory measures, such as packing essential belongings and creating an emergency plan.
  2. Flood Warning: When a flood warning is issued, it signifies that the risk of flooding is imminent. In such cases, it is vital to take immediate action, including turning off gas, water, and electricity, and moving to a safe location with family and pets.
  3. Severe Flood Warning: This is the most severe type of warning and indicates that there is an immediate danger to life. Individuals must follow the advice of emergency services promptly to ensure their safety.

By providing these warnings, the Environment Agency prioritizes the safety and well-being of communities.

Registering for Flood Warnings

Residents within the flood warning areas are strongly encouraged to register for the free flood warning service. To do so, individuals can call the Floodline or visit the official website of the Environment Agency. Registering ensures that homeowners receive timely notifications and can take appropriate action to safeguard their homes and loved ones.

Government Funding for Enhanced Flood Warning Services

The expansion of flood warning services in Leicestershire and Derby is made possible through additional government funding. This investment enables the Environment Agency to acquire the latest technology and infrastructure required to provide flood warnings in over 200 communities across England. In total, another 62,000 flood risk properties will receive flood warnings by the end of 2023, significantly enhancing their ability to respond to potential flooding.

Checking Your Home’s Flood Warning Area

Curious to know if your home is located within the new flood warning area? You can easily check by visiting the official website of the Environment Agency. By using their specialized tool, you can determine whether your home falls within the designated area. If it does, signing up for flood warnings becomes even more critical to safeguard yourself and your loved ones.

Preparing for Floods

Receiving a flood watch should prompt homeowners to take necessary precautions. This could involve packing a “flood bag” containing essential items such as medications and important documents. Being prepared helps individuals act swiftly and effectively when a flood warning is issued.

Providing Timely Information to Protect Communities

Paul Lockhart, East Midlands Flood and Coastal Risk Manager, emphasized the importance of providing communities with ample time to prepare for floods. The expansion of flood warning services in Leicestershire and Derby ensures that more residents have access to these vital alerts, allowing them to make informed decisions and protect themselves and their property.


Investing in and expanding flood warning services is essential for safeguarding our homes and communities. The new flood warnings in Leicestershire and Derby mark an important milestone in the ongoing efforts to protect vulnerable areas from flooding. By providing timely and accurate information, the Environment Agency enables individuals to plan and respond effectively, minimizing potential damages and ensuring the safety of their loved ones. To stay informed and receive flood warnings, residents are encouraged to register for the free service provided by the Environment Agency. Together, we can build a resilient and flood-ready society.

Context Information

To further explore how to respond to flood warnings and to download our comprehensive three-point flood plan, visit


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  • New flood warnings added at nine locations in Leicestershire and Derby
  • Hundreds more homeowners will now receive alerts if they are at risk of flooding
  • Part of national investment to expand the flood alert service

The Environment Agency has launched eight new flood warning services at locations across Leicestershire and a new warning in Derby that will help warn hundreds more homeowners of the risk of flooding.

Flood warnings inform the public of an imminent risk of flooding to their home or business and help people make informed decisions about how to respond.

New flood warnings are being introduced in the following communities:

leicester city

  • Bushby Brook in Thurncourt, Evington and North Evington.
  • Bushby Brook in Thurnby.
  • Melton Brook.
  • Evington Brook in North Evington and Spinney Hills.
  • Willow Brook in North Evington and Belgrave.
  • Braunstone Creek.
  • Thurnby Brook in Thurnby.


  • Lubbesthorpe and Thorpe Astley Brooks at Braunstone Town.

derby city

  • Markeaton and Bramble Brooks

By signing up for flood warnings, homeowners will receive phone, email or text alerts when flooding is expected.

There are three types of messages: Flood Watch, Flood Warning, and Severe Flood Warning. Each type can be triggered by particular weather or river conditions that cause flooding. Flood watches and alerts are not available in all areas.

Residents are encouraged to prepare if they receive a flood watch, which could mean packing a bag that includes medications, insurance papers and anything else they don’t want to lose if a flood hits. A flood warning calls for people to act now, which means turning off gas, water and electricity and moving family and pets to safety. A severe flood warning means that you are in immediate danger and you should follow the advice of the emergency services.

Paul Lockhart, East Midlands Flood and Coastal Risk Manager, said:

“We want to make sure everyone has as much time as possible to prepare for the floods, so we’re pleased that more communities in Leicestershire and Derby will now be able to receive our free flood warning service.”

Additional government funding has enabled the Environment Agency to invest in the latest technology and infrastructure required to provide a flood warning service in over 200 communities across England. In all, another 62,000 flood risk properties will receive flood warnings between now and the end of 2023.

To check if your home is located in this new flood warning area, visit If your home is within the flood warning area, it is vital that you sign up for flood warnings to better protect yourself and your loved ones.

To sign up for the flood warning service, the Environment Agency encourages people to register directly by calling the Floodline on 0345 988 1188 or by visiting where you can register yourself or your vulnerable family/friends.

Context information

Learn what to do when you receive a flood warning and download our three-point flood plan:
