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Local advocates encourage women to prioritize well-being during ‘National Women’s Health Week’

National Women’s Health week starts on Mother’s Day this Sunday and runs through May 20.

News Channel 3 spoke with local physicians and a cancer survivor who are advocating for women and girls to take the time to prioritize their health.

Shay Moraga is a breast cancer survivor who’s been in remission since 2017, and she’s sharing her story to help other women.

The CDC is recognizing National Women’s Health Week starting on Mother’s Day and share these recommendations:

  • Getting regular checkups
  • Talking to a healthcare provider about any health concerns you have
  • Getting Active
  • Eating a healthy and balanced diet
  • Prioritizing your mental health, and learning techniques to cope with stress

Moraga even recommends finding a support group to help you get started on your health journey.

“Have fun doing it, go for walks, we’ve met at our mural and we go for a four mile walk right around here on El Paseo, and then afterwards we’d go for coffee or tea,” says Moraga.  

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends a ‘Well-Woman Exam’ that includes a yearly physical, breast and pelvic exam.

Alison Mayer Sachs of Eisenhower’s Lucy Curci Cancer Center encourages women to consider risks for other diseases.

“Besides breast and cervical cancer screening, women need to be discussing with their doctor, are they at risk for lung cancer? We screen now for lung cancer, you have to meet certain criteria. What about esophageal cancer? There’s certain criteria for that,” says Sachs.

Both Moraga and Sachs also emphasize the importance of being your own advocate.

“Now had I not been that advocate at that time. I probably wouldn’t be talking to you today,” says Moraga.

Sachs also adds, “Speak up, ask for what you want. You’ll get it. Just don’t skip on the screenings.”

Moraga says the more she’s shared with loved ones, the easier it’s been to combat the stigma surrounding Women’s Health issues.

“The best thing that we can do is talk about our health and talk about the good and the bad. We don’t need to be ashamed of it,” says Moraga.


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