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Major Cruise and Waymo Revelation: Humans Exposed as Horrible Drivers While Robotaxi Permit Hangs in Limbo! Find Out Why!

Title: The Role of Autonomous Vehicles in Road Safety: Exploring the Cruise and Waymo Perspectives

Autonomous vehicle companies Cruise and Waymo have recently emphasized the significance of their technologies in enhancing road safety. Through full-page advertisements and blog posts, both companies have sought to persuade the public that human drivers are inherently flawed, highlighting the potential of autonomous vehicles to address this issue. However, critics argue that autonomous vehicles pose their own set of challenges, with malfunctioning robotaxis and concerns over public transportation. This article delves into the narratives presented by Cruise and Waymo, exploring the merits and limitations of autonomous vehicles in promoting road safety.

I. Autonomous Vehicle Companies’ Claims: Humans as Inadequate Drivers
A. Cruise’s Perspective
1. Full-page ads targeting major newspapers
2. Cruise’s assertion of safer automated driving technology
3. Highlighting human faults resulting in accidents
4. Comparative safety records between Cruise and human drivers

B. Waymo’s Narrative
1. Blog post analyzing aggregate speeds of vehicles
2. Showing human tendency to exceed speed limits
3. Promoting Waymo Driver’s ability to follow speed regulations
4. Emphasis on predicting and responding to other vehicles’ moves

II. Skepticism and Criticisms of Autonomous Vehicles
A. Concerns Raised by Safe Streets Advocates and City Agencies
1. Complaints about malfunctioning robotaxis and impact on traffic
2. Impeding public transport and emergency services
3. Arguing for the promotion of public transportation and micromobility

B. Imperfections of Autonomous Vehicle Technologies
1. Cases of Cruise AV malfunctioning on roads or intersections
2. Waymo vehicle involved in an accident with a dog
3. Addressing the limitations and ongoing challenges of autonomous vehicles

III. California Regulators’ Role: Permits and Delays
A. CPUC’s Hearing Delay and Further Review
1. Stated reasons for postponement to August 10
2. Uncertainty surrounding the approval of permit expansions
3. Impact on Cruise and Waymo’s operations in San Francisco

IV. Public Perception and Contrasting Perspectives
A. Cruise’s Efforts to Shape Public Opinion
1. Full-page ads targeting influential newspapers
2. Contending that technology can reverse the negative road safety trend
3. Citing alarming statistics on accidents caused by human error

B. Critique of Tech Solutions and Advocacy for Public Transportation
1. Arguing that cities should prioritize public transit and micromobility options
2. Questioning the efficacy of autonomous vehicles as the ultimate solution
3. Balancing the benefits and drawbacks of various transportation approaches

Additional Piece:
Title: Reimagining Urban Mobility: Exploring the Intersection of Safety, Efficiency, and Sustainability

In addition to the narratives presented by Cruise and Waymo, it is crucial to delve deeper into the broader context of urban mobility. Advancements in autonomous vehicle technology have the potential to revolutionize how we commute and reshape our cities. However, ensuring safety, efficiency, and sustainability is a complex undertaking that extends beyond autonomous vehicles alone. This section aims to explore key considerations within the realm of urban mobility and the interplay between different modes of transportation.

I. Rethinking Transportation Systems: Beyond Autonomous Vehicles
A. A Holistic Approach to Urban Mobility
1. Integrating autonomous vehicles with existing transportation infrastructure
2. Optimizing interconnectedness between various transport modes
3. Factors influencing decision-making in transportation planning

B. Promoting Public Transportation as the Backbone of Cities
1. Addressing the limitations of private car ownership
2. Benefits of efficient and accessible public transit systems
3. Enhancing multimodal connectivity for seamless journeys

II. Micromobility Solutions: Redefining Last-Mile Connectivity
A. Emergence of Micromobility Options
1. Electric scooters, bicycles, and other shared mobility alternatives
2. Addressing short-distance travel needs and reducing congestion
3. Incorporating micromobility into city infrastructure and regulations

B. Challenges and Opportunities
1. Ensuring safe infrastructure for micromobility users
2. Regulatory considerations for shared mobility services
3. Balancing the benefits of micromobility with concerns over safety and sustainability

III. Data-Driven Approaches: Shaping Smart Cities
A. Harnessing Data for Efficient Urban Mobility
1. Utilizing real-time information to optimize traffic management
2. Enhancing safety through predictive analytics and AI
3. Connectivity and smart infrastructure for seamless mobility experiences

B. Privacy and Security Considerations
1. Ensuring adequate data protection measures
2. Building public trust in data-driven mobility initiatives
3. Collaborative efforts between service providers and regulators

Combining the narratives presented by autonomous vehicle companies Cruise and Waymo, it is evident that they view their technologies as crucial in improving road safety. However, concerns have been raised regarding the impact of malfunctioning robotaxis and the need for promoting public transportation alternatives. Additionally, public perception varies, with some advocating for a comprehensive approach to urban mobility that extends beyond autonomous vehicles. Exploring the intersection of safety, efficiency, and sustainability, it becomes evident that a holistic approach is necessary. Promoting public transportation, embracing micromobility solutions, and leveraging data-driven approaches can help shape smarter and more sustainable cities. By considering various transportation options and optimizing interconnectivity, we can strive for safer and more efficient urban mobility for all.


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Autonomous vehicle companies Cruise and Waymo have separately pushed a narrative this week that humans are bad drivers and that their technologies are crucial to making the roads safer. The Moves: Full-page ads in major newspapers for Cruise and a blog post Waymo: It comes as California regulators delay for a second time granting expanded permits that would give both companies the authority to charge for driverless, human-behind-the-wheel robotaxi rides in San Francisco 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Offensive tactics that paint human drivers as the real problem are an attempt to sway public opinion in favor of autonomous vehicle services, even as residents, safe streets advocates and city agencies like the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority (SFMTA) complain that malfunctioning robotaxis they add to the city’s congestion problem and have impeded traffic, public transport and emergency services.

Both companies currently offer limited robotaxi services in the city. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) had scheduled a hearing to approve the permit expansions on Thursday, but pushed the hearing date back to August 10. The agency did not say why exactly, saying only that the issues required “further review.”

As part of a push ahead of next month’s vote, Cruise ran full-page ads Thursday in the San Francisco Chronicle, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and the Sacramento Bee with the headline: “Humans Are Terrible Drivers.” ”.

“You may be a good driver, but many of us aren’t,” the ad says. “People cause millions of accidents each year in the United States. Driverless cruise cars are designed to save lives.”

waymo posted a blog post with a similar sentiment on Tuesday. The Alphabet-owned company used its robotaxis to analyze the aggregate speeds of cars in San Francisco and Phoenix over a 10-day period and found that the vehicles accelerate 47% of the time. Many cars went 25 miles per hour over the posted speed limit.

the mentioned company Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration it showed in 2020, speeding accounted for one-third of all traffic fatalities and 13% of injuries in the US.

“Unlike humans, the Waymo Driver is designed to follow applicable speed limits,” the blog reads. “Our driver can also detect the speed of other vehicles on the road. Doing so helps the Waymo driver to predict the likely next moves of the vehicles around them and respond accordingly.”

Both Cruise and Waymo promoted their own security records. Cruise said his cars were involved in 92% fewer crashes as the top contributor and 54% fewer crashes overall when compared against human drivers in a comparable driving environment.

“Local leaders and regulators should safely explore every possible option to reverse the terrible status quo on our roads, rather than lock down critical technology with a strong safety record,” said Drew Pusateri, a spokesman for Cruise. “Last year, pedestrian deaths in the United States reached their highest levels in 40 years, often due to preventable human error, and the public deserves to know that there is promising emerging technology that could help improve road safety.” .

Narratives that humans are unsafe drivers are not without truth, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that robotic taxis and autonomous vehicles are the solution. In fact, many safe street advocates argue that cities should be promoting public transportation and micromobility, not Big Tech solutions.

While Cruise and Waymo vehicles have yet to be involved in fatal collisions with humans, the technologies are far from perfect. There have been multiple cases of Cruise AV malfunctioning and just stopping in the middle of roads or intersections, and a Waymo vehicle struck and killed a dog in the city last month, although that accident seemed to have been inevitable.

The CPUC did not tell TechCrunch what caused its second hearing delay. The agency seemed almost ready to approve the expansion of both companies’ territories in May when it launched draft resolutions.

In San Francisco, Cruise’s permits currently allow it to offer paid passenger service in limited areas of the city from 10 pm to 6 am, as well as free passenger service throughout the city any time of day, with and without a safety driver present. By the end of April, fully autonomous robotaxis for the entire city are only available to employees.

Waymo operates a fee-based service throughout San Francisco at any hour of the day, but a human security driver is required to be present in the vehicle. The company also operates a fully autonomous service throughout the city, but that is still free. Waymo also provides a free service with a security driver present in parts of Los Angeles and in and around Mountain View.

Cruise, Waymo say humans are bad drivers amid robotaxi permit delays
