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Marini’s monster highside | 2020 #FrenchGP

The World Championship leader suffered one of the biggest highsides in recent memory as he flicked left through Turn 5 in Le …

31 thoughts on “Marini’s monster highside | 2020 #FrenchGP”


    The 'tank' nature of all that extra weight of the bikes is a blessing for momentum but a curse for the propensity to over-stress tires in corners

    BRING BACK THE 2 STROKES, they were so much lighter, and with all the work that's gone into beefing up tire technology to accommodate these 2-wheeled 4-stroke tanks, a 200hp, 280lb two stroke might never create such massive weight-borne stress on the tires

    The freaking 4 stroke bikes, what a huge mistake

  2. Watched my brother high side like that at Loudon 30 years ago. The gear wasn’t so good back then. Watched him get wheeled away in the meat wagon straight to surgery. First thing he said to me after a 6 hour surgery was “ wheres my bike and van?”. Some people are just obsessed.

  3. The suits are some of the most incredible pieces of engineering in high level motorcycle racing. I mean I get that these guys are all at an age where you can be shot, sleep on a wooden floor then go out and run a marathon in less than three hours but still to dissipate that amount of energy and have a rider just gingerly walk away is incredible.

  4. High-sides look really spectacular, but are not usually as bad as they appear. I was a race-track medic for well over twenty years and never treated a really serious injury from a high-side. Mostly it was broken collar bones or the odd wrist.

  5. Ha, that was nothing when compares with the high-side suffered by Carl Fogarty in the first leg of the Japanese WSB round at Sugo back in 1995. He was in the air for so long he got a pilots licence when he landed!!! Plus he got strapped up and came out and won the second leg just a couple of hours later. A legend.

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