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Christian Horner looks like a guy who knows this championship win is about as Legit as my long lost Nigerian Uncles bank account.
"Mikey!!! This isn't right!!!"

Someone knows which Honda is that?

This is gonna get stripped
What a job! Well done Max
But guys whatchout Corona
What a poor celebration

, at the end Redbull also pay this people to get invited 

.. WOOOW the BIGGEST GAMBLE OF THE HISTORY IN F1!! everybody knows that reality this guy Max is a fake champion 
..Max drop down the
and save your face before is too late
Fake champ look at him he knows he didn’t win it was given to him by fia
I'd be embarrassed the way I won that championship

The orange smoke was too hide the presence of Michael Masi
Max Verstappen 

Sergio Perez and Red Bull Team 

Now we can say this was a great last hurrah for honda
championship handout
I hope honda make nsx type s max verstapen special edition with orange color
Surprised michael masi not there as Max would not have won without some rule bending by the race director to hand him the win.
T-shirts only in December in England ? I thought it would be colder ? Well done Max
Fake champion hope he enjoy it haha . Make sure you get masi a nice Christmas present

Sorry Mercedes you chickened out because of F1 politics. You had a cast iron case and reneged on all your fans so disappointed and supporting you from here on will be difficult. Your only consolation will be that Max Verstappen will never be viewed as a real champion as the whole world knows about this fixed race! Horner and Newey should hang their heads in shame celebrating a race where a race director effectively fixed the race to allow the ‘win’!
I’m sure the Verstappen fangirls will berate this comment, who cares? The world knows what has gone on and the tainted result will last forever because it is all over the internet and the stigma will never go away. More so because until Masi and the FIA management are replaced nothing changes.
F1; you and millions of fans are the losers here. I hope the sponsors think twice about placing their support in a corrupt FIA regime.
I wouldn’t celebrate if I did not win fair and square
The boy don’t deserve it worst champion ever …
Great job Max. Loving the orange NSX
How can Max really be satisfied that he defeated Lewis fair & square on the track with the way that shambles of a race ended. Should have been red flagged. Lewis had him beat by a country mile and Max surely knows it. Anyhow, the title has been loaned to Max by Michael Massi for a year & lewis will have it back next year.
Compliments to all employees of the racing team from RB, great family, and also to Adrian Newey the best designer in f1, hopes he will stay at RB for many years, thanks to you all, greetings from the Netherlands.
He's surely still over the limit
it a shameful win, not a true champion?
2:08 LoL. Best part.
How can anyone tune in and listen to this utter nonsense…..box tickers …..that’s being POLITE !
The smoke is poison not healthy
Grand Theft Auto
Masi sets up Super Max for the 2021 WWE racing title
I take alot of joy in the fact that dutch colors are flying high on uk soil for max .
He absolutely had a bet running on Lewis

Let's hope Max's and Red bull, and you know who I'm talking about. That they learn how to win on their own.
They didn't win the Constructors Championship.
Sky always have to make it about 'the british'
Most people think lewis is the best ever? please, schumacher, senna, lauda. all stand ahead of lewis. None of them had the car and $$$ that lewis has had, they all had to fight for their wins.
Verstapoen did an excellent season. But the last race was rigged by the FIA for him to win. If was not a race.
Keep celebrating your fake win

Simply simply lovely!
2:18 GO ON MAX
Wow max and redbull and their fans really have no honour, shame or morals do they
celebrating a fake and fixed championship with smiles like that on their faces
enjoy max it will be your only one ever GR will out perform you next year 100%
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