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Megyn Kelly Explains Why She Will No Longer Use “Preferred Pronouns” as Trans Ideology Grows

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Megyn Kelly begins the show with a monologue explaining why she is done using “preferred pronouns” and will base her …


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35 thoughts on “Megyn Kelly Explains Why She Will No Longer Use “Preferred Pronouns” as Trans Ideology Grows”

  1. I am a man and a father of a son and a daughter and I agree 100% with M.Kelly.

    These times are pointlessly confusing for our kids. I'm afraid this new non-binary ideology will do more harm than good for young people.

  2. Thank you Megyan for saying what so many women today want to say and can't. I don't know what the feminist movement was for as now men can just dress as a woman and force themselves into our sports our bathrooms and any of our other private spaces so that these men can dominate us again. We have gone back in time not forward.

  3. Did we all forget the horrific brainwashing and experimentation done to children in Natzi Germany and communist countries during WWII?? How is this different? What will future generations say about this? How will we explain this to your grandchildren?

  4. Women fought decades for their rights!! They were still fighting for rights (maternity, equal pay, work opportunities)! You're telling me all we had to do was just claim we are male and get aaaaall the rights men have been enjoying?! Can we now let black people identify as white females and males and get their rights too (black lives matter)?? Where will this stop?? When will it stop?? LGBTQIA (will they leave any alphabets for normal use?!) are all an extension of each other's idealogies and now trans is trying to take things beyond all limits! 😢😢

  5. What gets me is VA employees using them in their work emails.
    I asked one of these employees and she said it was to send a signal that she was all-inclusive. Excuse me, but that’s what we do through one on one communication. But no, this administration has us so divided that personal communication can’t exist, and so many in this country can’t think beyond those stupid pronouns, use their ability to think and question, and have no guts to stand up for what is right and sane.

  6. Well, men used to like to spend time among other men, but then women wanted to participate in everything intended for men… so….

  7. Remember PG 13? Teaching sex in schools makes this laughable. Sadly it no laughing matter. You are XX or XY, the only available options barring medical anomalies like hermaphroditism. The rest is mental and private. Sex should be private, or legalize prostitution. How can one be a pedophile when it’s okay to approach children and talk about sex? There are no “private parts.” I knew of alphabet people in school in the 60s, but it was private. Girls that played boy sports were simply allowed to do so in school.

  8. I'm 70 and I think if one is born a female then it's a girl, born male then it's a boy – simples! None of this nonsense of chopping and changing sex like it was a new outfit. Obviously if they are born male then later having it's bits chopped off and having taken female hormones – does not make them female no matter what, their strength is still the same so totally not fair to the real females.

  9. The trans crisis is just the next opioid crisis. An institutionalized system promoted by government, medical, and business leaders propogated to a feeble population for a false sense of freedom and choice. There’s so much money being made from the trans movement, from surgeries to crowdfunding for campaigning to bribes for promoting this ideology. This was never about rights, just more power for the “elite”.

  10. Why communicate that you're done with it? Because of the degree to which it's passive aggressively used, yes, by a minority of trans, but it is. It's deployed by some as a means of feeling like every other person in the world can be browbeaten into becoming the avatars frustration for ppl blaming everyone for identity crises.

  11. Good on ya, Megyn. Lead by example. I'm sure I speak for many when I say, I admire your humility and devotion to Truth.
    A lot of online personalities might punch right after this. Ignore them. This is one of the best and most comprehensive takes out there. Good job!

  12. Thank you Megan for a very accurate and detail account of the damage that has been caused and a stop that needs to be made against it continuing.

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