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Men, Stop Doing This

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45 thoughts on “Men, Stop Doing This”

  1. Right, so have an abundance of testosterone coursing through us? For a lot of dudes that maybe ok, but for the ones that can't control themselves already, this would make things exponentially worse.

  2. Absolutely needs to happen. There are NO men anymore. They say they’re straight but they’re becoming women. The talk, the mannerisms, the interest in fashion, the being ruled by emotion, the anger, the need for social approval.

  3. Yeah, blame everything but modern women, eh Matt? Maybe women should be better so men don't turn to whores.

    Catholics really do fail to grasp why things are the way they are, because they're always too busy "protecting" women.

  4. Matt Walsh would rather you try marrying one of the common whores him and other MSM personalities helped create, he considers himself "conservative" so he has to "conserve" modern common whoredom.

  5. Porn is a cancer to society. Men should not consume it. There was a time when feminists would campaign against it and asked for it to be stopped. Today it’s stunning and brave and women sell themselves on OF and worse and claim it’s freeing them from patriarchal boundaries. Right.

  6. Are you saying you should take away my freedom of watching what I wanna watch?
    If you don't jerk off you increase your chances of prostate cancer.
    Also porn is a good way to stay single.
    Who the hell in there right mind wants to date a western women?

  7. I'm happy to see that so many people, especially men are now more and more openly advocating for stopping with watching porn! As a woman I've suffered the consequences of having a partner lose interest in physical intimacy because he gets his sexual pleasure through the internet. And whilst looking for support online, I'd see loads of people on fora saying watching porn is normal and women should stop having a problem with it. I've tried so hard to be ok with it but I can't.
    Thanks to the growing anti-porn movement I've come to see that it's actually not natural to be ok with it because watching porn isn't natural, nor healthy at all. I'm very glad to see many are now turning away from it and encouraging others to do the same!

  8. For one they don't Wana increase fertility all of this bs were going thru is about depopulation and it's an effort of several country's put together Wana know how you get people to stop breeding push a gay agenda

  9. Less laws, parents need to educate. I agree it's good for young men to minimize use. There's nothing wrong with handling urges but we do need slow down the force feeding of it.

  10. So what if you have guys who’s wives aren’t all that interested in sex but want to be faithful to their wives? Ever walk around without , well you know , for like a few weeks? It turns you into an animal. 23 secs of guilt versus feeling like some sort of rabid animals for who knows how long. Let me be clear , I’m not condoning porn and I hate myself when I use it . What’s the fix though? I refrain as much as I possibly can but it ultimately ends in , well you know . Just being honest. Again, not making excuses , just being honest .

  11. Ejaculation results in changes in prolactin (increase) and dopamine (temporary decrease), but does not result in changes in testosterone. Although prolactin and dopamine are both involved with testosterone, they do not appear to influence testosterone levels acutely.

  12. Is low testosterone and fertility rates really a concern right now? Porn is a infant problem compared to fentynol, poverty, murder, and other issues politicians really need to be concerned with.

  13. In ancient egypt they had "temples" attuned to certain frequencies to increase fertility . Fast forward thousands of year to where we are now and the elites want us to not reproduce

  14. It’s so cringey how many men in the comment section fight for their freedom to watch other people to pretend to have (often pervy, unrealistic and abusive) intercourse. This is sick!

  15. My wife didn’t like me watching it so I stopped. I feel better since I did honestly. And I would’ve rolled my eyes at the suggestion of it being a problem before I quit.

  16. It’s not porn industry Matt . Pass a law that would teach young girls to show and signal availability and desire to mate by mouth spoken words , to young males . And than you will see the world turn back to normal .

    Ah and please teach those young girls how to have realistic standards when they pick a guy not to choose fantasies , fun , and high for the sake of short time exuberayting pleasure , but rather someone which will
    Keep them and go for the long run of time so they can eventually form a family . And yes they don’t have to sacrifice spice or adventure I. Their life to do that , just motivate your man into manhood . If he refuses apologize and find another man .

  17. This is one of the worse takes. If there’s heavy restrictions on porn, people will find other things to get off on like extra curvy pieces of driftwood. The only thing that can be done to reduce porn addiction among men is to have more people recognize it as a real problem.

  18. That bullshit,I'm a father I have a partner and I also watch porn.watched porn before her. This onkybthing I can't get with is he let's religion rule his life.persnally I have a lack of trust when someone believes in God because they would put that God before your own life. Once we realise that religion is the main reason why world is fucked up.i mean all this trannys now come out loud and proud simply cause they know it pisses off the bible bashers.

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