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Mercedes announce they will race in new black livery for 2020 F1 season! | The F1 Show

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SUBSCRIBE ▻ Lewis Hamilton and Valtteri Bottas will race black-liveried Mercedes cars in the 2020 …


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43 thoughts on “Mercedes announce they will race in new black livery for 2020 F1 season! | The F1 Show”

  1. Worse decision EVER made!!!

    This will backfire on Hamilton and Mercedes for condoning riotous, thuggery. BLM is not pro black, they are anti white.
    Racism only exists in the mind of racists.

    99% of people aren’t racist. This is a terrible PR stunt

  2. Omg people are just sick of it… I just wish the tiny amount of black people who love playing the victim would just grow a pair just like the millions of other black people who are just getting on with it ..if you want to stop racism stop talking about it…..

  3. As I Brit I was a lewis fan, Skin colour was not an issue. Now he supports the mob vandalising our heritage & war memorials. Sport is our escape from life, not to have virtue signals rammed down our throats.

  4. In these weeks Hamilton has asked for a salary increase. In this period of economic crisis it is very bad that he asked for an increase. Hamilton turned out to be an incoherent and not very serious person

  5. I'm a massive Lewis Hamilton fan and have supported him his whole career but this has made me realise hes a hypocrite for who hes racing for and their history. I cant see him giving his wages back because of the teams history can you. It's all bollocks. All lives matter not just black lives. From someone who's watched F1 for 46 year's I wont be watching it again. Lewis your a hypocrite you've just lost a fan. I was looking forward to him winning his 7th title now I couldnt care less. Keep politics out of F1 we want to see racing not this bullshit and I wont be watching I've lost interest

  6. So mercedes have solved racism can we move on now! And lewis today in his first interview! I care about the world well the black half anyway sorry mum! why doesn't he change his name to jesus lewis the second coming! if you care so much lewis got to the hoods in America and give all your money away or buy some go karts for the kids! talks cheap as you are for throwing everybody in f1 under the bus! We get it lewis a dangerous criminal died in America by a bad cop! Didnt see u at the funeral tho! But who killed the other 95% of blacks in america it wasnt white ppl or cops! Move on it's getting boring now! Oh and everyone in f1 will take the knee because u have shamed and bullied them

  7. Ha – what a joke. When is Mercedes F1 hiring an Indian or Japanese Driver. They already have a black driver. Can we also see them replace their White engineers for Black engineers. Hamilton is an idiot AND hypocrite. 5 time world champion and complains about the system. Actor.

  8. I'm astounded at the ignorance of so many of you about BLM. Shame on you all. Diversity by definition means a wide range. Everybody. Lewis on Instagram applauds the the pulling down of a slavers statue then demands 40 million from a company heavily involved with the Nazi Party and slavery. Unbelievable.

  9. Hamilton is not even of African descent…his father is carribbean and his mom is white. Talking about pandering to the level of insanity. He got picked by WHITE Ron Dennis and was well promoted by Bernie Ecclestone…and what is BLM anyway?? Bunch of political thugs enforcing its way by violence. BLM is not anti racism…it's against the nature of BLM. BLM is just the opposite spectrum of white supremacy. Anyway…keep F1 out of your politics FFS! I am POC btw…if you consider asian is POC.

  10. Just watched on the news Lewis Hamilton talking about the new colours. With his millions of pounds in the bank, his fancy cars and high grade lifestyle he looked really oppressed with is slave chain and padlock around his neck. I have supported him since he was a beginner but now I have lost all respect for him. This BLM is just creating a divide rather than healing one.

  11. Wow. I'm shocked to see how many racist people on here in these comments… It's fucking crazy how bad racism is still today. I wasn't sure that racism was still a prevalent problem but seeing the reaction from a color change makes me realize how bad this issue is even in the motorsports world. Fuck off and find a different sport if a black car offends you. I prefer to donate to the ACLU instead of BLM but still the outrage is ridiculous.

  12. At least F1 would never cut a deal to accept money from, and race in, a country like Saudi Arabia that regularly executes gay people and women for behavior that is perfectly acceptable in the west. Oh wait.

  13. Since 1950,when F1 came to be,the national racing colour of Germany has been silver,British cars green,
    Italian red and French blue.
    How many millions of Germans are going to be pissed off that 1 person ie Hamilton,has managed to get their national colour changed in the vain attempt to get people more aware of racial issues.

  14. I will not be buying another Mercedes again. WHy does Mercedes support these politicians from Hitler to black lives matter whose stated goal is to destroy society and have a marxist society. Mercedes saying that racism has no place in the sport but they support the only black lives matter movement. phuk that

  15. How does painting their cars all one color, any color, promote diversity? Seems to me that it does the opposite. Haas is black and white – that's diverse.

  16. It SADDENS me that even the SKY, our sports "stars" with their teams are COMPLETELY UNEDUCATED on what the Co-founder of BLM ACTUALLY stands for… NOTHING to do with racism but EVERYTHING to promote a #MARXIST agenda. READ and OPEN YOUR EYES people. Don't just listen to all the BS that's spread and is designed to make you feel guilty if you disagree with something that ACTUALLY should not be promoted. I'm TOTALLY AGAINST RACISM OF ANY KIND, and I support that wholeheartedly. HOWEVER – IF you open your eyes and do your #RESEARCH on the underlying agenda of #BLM, it's all about #MARXISM… Here is the co-founder of #BLM Co-Founder admits; "We Are Trained Marxists, and we have a Marxist agenda" –

    STILL stand for #Marxism? Then maybe you should go back and study history where ~Stalin executed all who could stand against him in the mane of #Marxism… It's SAD to see that the so-called news experts probably have no idea what they're actually speaking about. And for Mercedes to support #Marxism – something the world said it would never again allow after world war 2… WAKE UP and research what you're fed. It's not all sunshine and roses… #Sky, you messed up on this one!.
    @LewisHamilton, I'm a #BIGFAN and I think you're a #BRILLIANT driver – the best we had. Just look up and research what you're supporting…Watch this interview with Professor Carol M. Swain, Ph.D. about #BLM and #Racism:

    ALL I'm saying is that if you stand for something, make sure you #UNDERSTAND what you stand for…

  17. So this season the Mercedes cars will be black and pink…hmm.
    Btw: the black livery is really great, nice contrast with petronas colors. But the story behind it is a little bit cringe.

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