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Mexico’s top diplomat steps down for presidential run – Here’s what we know!

Article: Mexico’s Foreign Minister Resigns to Pursue Presidential Run in 2024 Elections

On Tuesday, January 26th, 2021, Mexico’s Foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard, announced his resignation from his current role to pursue a potential presidential bid in the 2024 elections. Ebrard, who has been a close ally of current President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, is seen as a top contender for the presidency should he decide to run.

Ebrard has been a prominent figure in Mexico’s political landscape for several years, serving as the mayor of Mexico City from 2006 to 2012 and later taking on various roles within Obrador’s government. As foreign minister, he has played a key role in the negotiations of various international treaties and agreements and has focused on strengthening Mexico’s relationships with other countries.

However, Ebrard’s decision to resign and potentially run for president has been met with mixed reactions from the Mexican public. While many see him as a competent individual with a strong track record in politics, others have criticized his ties to Obrador and the current administration’s handling of various issues.

Header 1: Ebrard’s Political Background and Achievements

Marcelo Ebrard has had a long and successful career in Mexican politics, having held various roles within the government and serving as the mayor of Mexico City from 2006 to 2012. During his time as mayor, he implemented several key policies that helped improve the quality of life for residents of the city, such as the construction of new hospitals and schools and the implementation of a new public transportation system.

After leaving his role as mayor, Ebrard went on to serve as the secretary of social development for Mexico City, where he continued to focus on improving the lives of the city’s residents. In 2018, he was appointed as Mexico’s foreign minister, where he has been instrumental in the negotiations of various international agreements and focused on strengthening Mexico’s relationships with other countries.

Some of Ebrard’s notable achievements include:

– Successfully negotiating a new trade agreement with the United States and Canada (USMCA)
– Strengthening Mexico’s relationships with countries such as China and Russia
– Implementing measures to address the ongoing migrant crisis at the country’s southern border
– Playing a key role in the repatriation of Mexican citizens stranded abroad due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Header 2: Mixed Reactions to Ebrard’s Presidential Bid

While many see Ebrard as a competent individual with a strong track record in politics, his ties to current President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and the current administration’s handling of various issues have led to criticism from some members of the Mexican public.

One of the main criticisms of the current administration has been its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mexico has been one of the hardest-hit countries by the virus, with over 2 million confirmed cases and more than 160,000 deaths. Some have accused the government of not taking the pandemic seriously enough or failing to implement effective measures to control its spread.

Additionally, there have been concerns about the government’s stance on issues such as corruption and human rights. While Obrador campaigned on a platform of combating corruption and improving transparency in government, some have questioned the effectiveness of these efforts.

Despite these concerns, there are still many who believe that Ebrard would make a strong presidential candidate. He is well-regarded in the international community, having played a key role in negotiating the new USMCA trade agreement and working to strengthen Mexico’s relationships with other countries. Additionally, his track record as mayor of Mexico City and his role in addressing the migrant crisis have earned him praise from many within Mexico.

Additional Piece: Exploring the Role of Foreign Ministers in Politics

Foreign ministers play a crucial role in the government of any country, serving as the primary representative of their nation on the international stage. They are responsible for maintaining relationships with other countries, negotiating international treaties and agreements, and promoting their nation’s interests abroad.

The role of foreign minister can be a challenging one, as they must navigate complex political landscapes and balance the interests of their own country with the needs and concerns of other nations. Additionally, they must be skilled negotiators and communicators, able to effectively convey their nation’s views and priorities to other leaders and diplomats.

In recent years, foreign ministers have taken on an increasingly high-profile role in global politics. With the rise of social media and other forms of communication, they are able to reach a wider audience than ever before and play a key role in shaping public opinion on important issues.

However, being a foreign minister also comes with some unique challenges. Diplomacy is a delicate art, and missteps or misunderstandings can quickly escalate into larger conflicts. Additionally, foreign ministers must be able to adapt to rapidly changing global situations and respond quickly to emerging threats or opportunities.

Overall, the role of foreign minister is a crucial one in modern politics, requiring a wide range of skills and abilities. For individuals like Marcelo Ebrard, who have a proven track record in diplomacy and international relations, it can be a stepping stone to even higher levels of political leadership.


Mexico’s Foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard, has resigned from his current role to pursue a potential presidential bid in the 2024 elections. Ebrard has had a long and successful career in Mexican politics, serving as the mayor of Mexico City and later taking on various roles in the government. While many see him as a competent individual with a strong track record in politics, his ties to current President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and the current administration’s handling of various issues have led to criticism from some members of the Mexican public. As foreign minister, Ebrard played a key role in negotiating various international agreements and focused on strengthening Mexico’s relationships with other countries. The role of foreign minister is a crucial one in modern politics, requiring a wide range of skills and abilities.


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Mexico’s foreign minister resigns to run for president in 2024 elections