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Millennial women on health care: Is it a privilege or a right?

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41 thoughts on “Millennial women on health care: Is it a privilege or a right?”

  1. America, the only place where taxes are more important than getting decent healthcare. Healthcare is a privilege??? Are you kidding me? And they call themselves the leader of the free world, what a joke.

  2. Depends on who has money and what people can afford. And if it is their business and they make money from that business–then they don't want everybody to have free healthcare.

  3. How can the girl in the middle with no healthcare say it’s a privilege. She sitting up there with them buttery teeth and she looks like she has bad breath. If she gets cancer I bet she will be on Obama care bc no one will insure her!

  4. Healthcare is a privilege for the simple fact that doctors and nurses are people not robots You can’t force someone to work in the healthcare industry. Make healthcare a right and let the government start regulating the crap out of it and see how many young people still chose to go in that field

  5. Unfortunately, the ladies sitting on the far left don't have accurate information about national health care. I have lived in the UK for some time now (originally from the US) and it is absolutely wonderful having access to the affordable prescriptions and health care service. I can see a GP within a week or with a same day appointment for emergencies, I have had several specialist referrals and an operation in this system. The wait was an issue, but much better than not having access to medical care. Now, I also have private insurance as well as I can afford a higher level of service. It too, is affordable for my middle class income. Let's stop falling back on talking points that do not reflect the majority of experiences and open our hearts and minds to a more inclusive and compassion health care system.

  6. 2:51 FYI, sweetie if it were not for a profit-based medical industry. You couldn't have an MRI at all, because it wouldn't exist! So I guess you'd be paralyzed in a single-payer government operated system. And all of your tears would not have changed that. BTW General Electric funded the research into creating the MRI we use today.

    If you were in a government-run healthcare system funded by my tax money, I have the right to tell you that you are too fat! And I am going to use the power of government-run healthcare to force you to lose weight and exercise to maintain your cardiovascular health. The people will not be made to pay for your open-heart surgery due to your negligence.

    You will also not be drinking or smoking! You will also only be allowed to consume foods which are low in fat, sugar, and salt.

    Furthermore, you won't do anything that adds risk to your health or injury to your body. Like those tattoos! Improperly maintained tattooing equipment can lead to a serious infection, therefore, they are not allowed. Failure to comply with your responsibility as a citizen receiving healthcare from the body politic will land you in a reeducation center. And I hope you like vaccinations, because you're gonna get them. Like it or not!

  7. Before people comment on state based health care they need to go live in other countries which have them. You can always find the one off incidents of people being refused treatment most times they are not fit enough for them (need the facts) also waiting lists are for non critical care. My daughter needs to see a specialist in the US for non critical diagnosis and gets told July, would be the same in the UK on NHS so where is the difference. Why do people not want care for all, fix the overpaying of today, stop the rich getting richer based on what we have to pay and we all pay less. US pay more than double per person than most other western countries and that only funds the people who have insurance. I have lived in different countries and see the good and bad of all systems and how equal benefits help break down class barriers. All this will save us all more money and make the every day person richer.

  8. The parasite Joe Biden gets free the best health care and why care for the poor when he's a yes man to the rich elite. The Repubictards and Demoncatz are the same party ( two sides of the same coin ) ! The party for the rich elite !% and their mega-corporations. John F Kennedy was the last real President that we had and it got him assassinated ! Every other president has just been yes men and just figure heads ! You can see from Johnson to Trump and notice the plight of the poor . The destruction of the unions, under taxation of the rich and over taxation of the poor, free medical care for the Senate, House of Representatives, and President ! Yet they deny medical care for the poor so the rich insurance companies can keep their money! Health care for the poor to the Repubictards and Demoncatz is pure socialism and communism but free health care for them, full pay in retirement, trillion dollar buyouts for the mega-corporations, and tax breaks for the rich in trickle down myth! That is the great capitalism they spew about i.e. Social Corporatism ! Don't you think the polls are fake and dishonest ! Bernie Sanders has low poll ratings really ?, it is insulting to people that think for themselves, but OK for the Bread and Circuses crowd ! The Media lies and supports these fake polls and therefore are fake news !

  9. If myself and a doctor were the last people on this earth and I was sick, is it their right to treat me? No. I don't have the right to force someone to take care of me. It would be a privilege.

  10. No one ever thinks about the person that provides the healthcare. There is no product in america that is labeled "healthcare". The healthcare industry is composed of people who dedicate a certain amount of time to school to qualify as healthcare providers. If a healthcare is a right then I guess it doesn't matter what a healthcare provider is paid because I have a right to it

  11. Health care is a privilege, the question is if your society wants to pay for it. In the UK where I am, they do, and our wait times are massive (mostly though that's because our politicians are massively irresponsible and won't manage immigration at all because god forbid someone with a newspaper says they're racist for not letting the world in all at once)

  12. As an American I've come to the realization that this country is (mostly) built on a system of the individual fending for themselves. We continually fail to address the fact that we are willing to spend our way into oblivion with Military aide while people in this country go without food and medicine. Yes healthcare does cost a lot in this country, and that is largely due to poor eating habits and gmo based foods, but if were to actually fix the problem at the root we would be able to lower the cost. Hospitals so should not be a for profit business.

  13. I’m from the U.K. where we have free national healthcare and it is critically overwhelmed, waiting lists (especially for mental health services like CAHMS) are dangerously too long.
    During the COVID pandemic people were having to sleep on coats on the floor in A and E because there were simply not enough beds available 🙁 There’s nothing more frustrating as a healthcare worker than not being physically able to give your patients the care they deserve because of lack of time and funding. That being said, I am so grateful to live in a country where families don’t have to weigh paying health insurance and feeding themselves!
    The NHS is truly a blessing and I pray that our government will soon realise this and stop trying to privatise/defund it. Free National healthcare can work, countries like Sweden and Germany are proof of that, the government just has to fund it efficiently!

  14. Total lie. These people don’t even know people from socialized countries. The media says it’s a long wait in other countries so the sheep believe it. I have to wait 6 months to see a neurologist who knows about migraines and I have the best insurance out there and live in a wealthy area. I can barely work 15 hours a week and am a 30 year old woman. It would take two years, with a lawyer, to get disability. I can’t go without pay that long…because the only way to get it is to not work at all for that entire time. That should not he happening in the “greatest country on earth”. It’s not the greatest anymore.

  15. We must remove the profit incentives and provide health care as a public service like public works, road repairs ext. Take all the insurance and administrators out of the equation, make medical school and other health service tech programs exempt from tuition so we can have a large pool of trained health care workers ready to go and free from student loan debt.

  16. According to psychologist Abraham Maslow, human beings' physiological need for food, water, clothing, shelter, and sleep must be satisfied in order for them to address more complex needs like mental and physical health, relationships, sobriety, long-term housing, and employment.

    According to Me, in order for people to function in society, healthcare should be a basic right to all humans. Right from birth to death to enable them address more complex needs like mental and physical health, relationships, sobriety, long-term housing, employment, need for food, water, clothing, shelter, and sleep.

  17. 40k in medical debt with no cure or pain alleviation in sight. I'm 31 and planning my retirement around an amputated leg. I bleed from a skin ulcer due to a birth defect causing venous insufficiency….nothing enrages me more than hear privileged healthy people tell ME the United States with our bloated military budget, can't provide everyone healthcare and fund better facilities. Stop with the BS arms advancements and focus on medicine, after firing all the for profit clowns. Too bad her husband will lose his job- my parents both did in the 90's due to NAFTA policies- adapt like the rest of us have had too.

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