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Mind-Blowing! Invesco skyrockets Swiggy valuation to a mind-boggling $8 billion!

Swiggy’s Changing Fortunes: Valuation Rebound and Emerging Competition

Conditions seem to be changing favorably for India’s Swiggy. The food delivery startup, backed by SoftBank, Prosus, and Accel, saw its valuation on paper reduced by more than half this year as investors revalued their positions largely in response to declining market conditions. The startup, valued at $10.7 billion in a funding round in early 2022, also lost some market share to Zomato, its publicly traded archrival, according to Prosus.

Now not so much.

Invesco, which led Swiggy’s previous round and reduced its valuation to less than $5.5 billion, raised the startup’s valuation to $7.85 billion at the end of July, according to a newly released disclosure.

Zomato share price. (Graphic: S&P Global Market Intelligence)

The Influence of Public Market Performance

The US asset manager, Invesco, revealed that it considers the valuation of similar public companies as a factor when reassessing the value of its private investments. In this context, it is worth noting that Zomato’s shares have risen 33% since the end of July. This upward trajectory could imply that privately held company Swiggy’s current $7.85 billion valuation may be conservative.

On the other hand, Swiggy appears to be closing in on some of the market share it lost to Zomato this year. According to UBS, Swiggy’s monthly volume grew 7% in July and 6% in August, outperforming Zomato in both months.

Data and image: UBS

The Road to an IPO

Notably, Swiggy has expressed its intention to go public with an initial public offering (IPO) next year. This decision comes as the company seeks to capitalize on its recent resurgence in market performance and regain its competitive edge against Zomato.

UBS’s report suggests that Swiggy’s consistent growth in monthly volume is indicative of its efforts to regain market share and establish a stronger footing in the food delivery space. The company’s ability to outperform Zomato, even if only marginally, is a positive sign for Swiggy’s prospects as it prepares for its IPO.

Additional Piece

While Swiggy’s recent valuation rebound and growth in market share are certainly promising indicators, it is essential to analyze the broader landscape and emerging trends within the food delivery industry.

The Competitive Landscape: Swiggy vs. Zomato

Swiggy and Zomato continue to dominate the Indian food delivery market, with a fierce rivalry driving innovation and competition. Both companies have established themselves as key players, but they have taken different approaches to their business models and strategies.

Swiggy has focused on building a robust logistics network and ensuring a seamless delivery experience for its customers. The company’s investment in technology and its ability to optimize delivery routes have contributed to its competitive advantage. Swiggy’s consistent growth in monthly volume reflects its commitment to meet customer expectations and expand its market reach.

Zomato, on the other hand, has diversified its offerings by expanding into other segments of the food industry. In addition to food delivery, Zomato provides restaurant recommendations, online ordering, and table reservation services. This diversified approach has allowed Zomato to capture a broader customer base and generate revenue from multiple sources.

While Swiggy’s recent resurgence has showcased its ability to regain market share, it will need to continue innovating and differentiating itself from Zomato to maintain its upward trajectory. The competition between these two giants will likely intensify as they strive to secure their positions in a rapidly growing and evolving market.

The Impact of Market Conditions

Swiggy’s valuation fluctuation highlights the sensitivity of private investments to market conditions. The decline in valuation earlier this year was a reflection of the overall market sentiment towards the food delivery industry. However, the recent rebound in Swiggy’s valuation suggests a renewed investor confidence and a more positive outlook for the sector.

Investor sentiment is heavily influenced by factors such as market demand, profitability, and competition. As the food delivery market continues to evolve, companies like Swiggy and Zomato must adapt to changing consumer preferences and expectations. The ability to demonstrate sustained growth, profitability, and a clear path to long-term success will be crucial for maintaining investor confidence.

The Future of Food Delivery

The growth potential of the food delivery market in India remains significant. With a population of over 1.3 billion people and increasing urbanization, the demand for convenient and reliable food delivery services is expected to continue rising. Swiggy and Zomato will likely face competition not only from each other but also from emerging players and global giants looking to enter the Indian market.

Furthermore, technological advancements, such as the adoption of artificial intelligence and automation, are expected to revolutionize the food delivery industry. These innovations have the potential to streamline operations, improve delivery times, and enhance the overall customer experience.

In conclusion, Swiggy’s valuation rebound and its progress in regaining market share are positive signals for the company’s future. However, it is essential for Swiggy to continue differentiating itself from its competitors and adapting to evolving market conditions. The Indian food delivery market holds immense potential, and companies that can navigate the dynamic landscape while meeting consumer demands will likely secure sustainable success.


Swiggy, the Indian food delivery startup, has experienced a significant turnaround in its fortunes. After a decline in valuation earlier this year, the company saw a rebound in its valuation to $7.85 billion in July. This positive development comes as Swiggy aims to regain market share lost to its competitor, Zomato, and prepares for an upcoming initial public offering.

Swiggy’s growth in monthly volume, outperforming Zomato in recent months, is a promising sign of its recovery. The company’s focus on building a strong logistics network and ensuring a seamless delivery experience has contributed to its competitive advantage. However, Swiggy will need to continue differentiating itself and adapting to changing market conditions to maintain its upward trajectory.

The food delivery industry in India remains highly competitive, with Swiggy and Zomato leading the market. Both companies have taken different approaches to their business models, with Swiggy emphasizing logistics optimization and Zomato diversifying its offerings. As the market continues to evolve, companies must navigate emerging trends and technological advancements to secure long-term success.

Overall, Swiggy’s valuation rebound and progress in regaining market share are positive signs for the company’s future. With India’s growing population and increasing demand for food delivery services, Swiggy has the opportunity to capitalize on the immense potential of the market.


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Conditions seem to be changing favorably for India’s Swiggy. The food delivery startup, backed by SoftBank, Prosus and Accel, saw its valuation on paper reduced by more than half this year as investors revalued their positions largely in response to declining market conditions. The startup, valued at $10.7 billion in a funding round in early 2022, also lost some market share to Zomato, its publicly traded archrival, according to Prosus.

Now not so much.

Invesco, which led Swiggy’s previous round and reduced its valuation to less than $5.5 billion, raised the startup’s valuation to $7.85 billion at the end of July, according to a newly released disclosure.

Zomato share price. (Graphic: S&P Global Market Intelligence)

The US asset manager says it considers the valuation of similar public companies as a factor when reassessing the value of its private investments. Given that Zomato shares have risen 33% since the end of July, this could imply that privately held company Swiggy’s current $7.85 billion valuation may be conservative.

On the other hand, Swiggy, which aims to do an initial public offering next year, appears to be closing in on some of the market share it lost to Zomato this year. Swiggy’s monthly volume grew 7% in July and 6% in August, outperforming Zomato in both months, UBS said in a report this month.

Data and image: UBS

Invesco raises Swiggy’s valuation to nearly $8 billion
