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Moms, what would u do? #motherhood #momtruth #momlife #parenting #parentingtips

27 thoughts on “Moms, what would u do? #motherhood #momtruth #momlife #parenting #parentingtips”

  1. My mom has said countless times that she’d kill for me if it ever came down to that, she wouldn’t even think about it 🙂

    That first mom tho like girl- ITS YOUR CHILD-

  2. I feel like being able to kill for your kids is like the number 1 prerequisite for having them. People are so backwards wack and soft now. Literally made my stomach upset seeing that bs😂

  3. These SLOW MOMS worry me! They are the new age moms who don’t flip tables when it’s needed.
    Any kids needs saving, we’re duty bound to save them! Period!
    We’d be bunk mates, living our best as can be expected lives!

  4. I don't have any kids… I would kill for any random baby street if necessary tho, not to mention my nieces and nephews.

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