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Mormonism, Homosexuality, Parenting Tips & More (Patreon Q&A)

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49 thoughts on “Mormonism, Homosexuality, Parenting Tips & More (Patreon Q&A)”

  1. Seek Christ's will daily and practice spiritual disciplines redeeming the time.
    Ephesians 5:15-16
    "Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil"

  2. I love that Sarafina is on the list. Every public school makes us watch it in SA as a part of our history. It's a beautiful movie. Knowing my home and it's history would be on Mt Rushmore in Jackie's mind makes me happy

  3. You probably won't see this about Autumn, but just in case. Good practice for all children . . .
    1) Ask what were your three favorite things that happened today? Happened during church? Happened while we were at the zoo?
    2) have her scholé every morning and/or evening.

  4. This was good, all of it! Would like to hear you address transgenderism. At Glory Atlanta Jackie described it as imaging an image created by God instead of imaging the One in whose image we were made (Something like that, see Romans 1:22-23).
    Also liked the sharing of cultivating your children's gifts. Wish i had known to do this with our adult children. It's not too late to encourage them now though. 😉

  5. Thank you for your thoughts and expressing your opinions and views. I am a current member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Personally, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ has been one of the greatest blessings to enter my life. Most especially during my time serving as a full-time missionary. That experience and my growing testimony and conversion to the Church and to Christ are anchors in my life. I am always open to conversations and agreeing to disagree when I encounter those of differing beliefs. Even if a conversation ends with both parties not changing their beliefs, hopefully we leave having a better understanding for one another and charity (the pure love of God) in our hearts. I do not want to discount any former members of the Church and their feelings and beliefs concerning the Church. I do want to share that I have come to know for myself, through countless personal experiences that The Book of Mormon is the word of God and truly invites all men and women to come unto Christ and is used as a companion to the Holy Bible.

  6. I just noticed whenever a new religion is formed, the "prophet" of that religion is always "visited by an angel or a spiritual being that told them what to write down" that's the story of Mohammad from the Quran and now I learn it's this joesph guy from the church of Mormon. That's how you know it's not God and how you know the devils at work. Crazy. I also just realized that the bible warns against false prophets and alot of these churches and religions have accepted doctrines of demons and people don't even realize it. . . Crazy.

  7. This was so relevant to me, I have the same 3 daughters regarding their personalities 😆 total of 7 kids , 5 in the home now, along with my observations I definitely rely on God’s guidance in cultivating and guiding them they are all so different. Me listening to this today was so timely too… I am listening as I clean, and I just went up into the room of my daughter, who gets very easily distracted. She told me that she cleaned it up , but it was still looking a hot mess to me, clearly she was overwhelmed and this was a reminder for me not to lose my temper with her when she gets home, but to give her a list of focused tasks she can focus on to give her the tools to organize certain areas.

  8. I loved the last part of this episode because I can identify with Jackie. I’m also very very empathetic. When Jackie spoke about praying for resilience and perseverance for her daughter I felt that. Thank you both for sharing your stories and being transparent. ❤

  9. Whew that explanation of leadership was more for me than my child. Observing the situation, discerning the person, and deligating the task based on their nature ✍🏽‼️

  10. I really appreciated your expression about how attentive you are toward your children. Jackie the way you identify their sin struggles, as well as their gifts and how they coincide simultaneously with one another…was a delight to hear.

  11. I love this podcast with you and your husband. It is a true Godly example for two walking together in Christ and it is so beautiful. Thank you for the gift!!
    Don't embarrass your husband In front of others if he makes a mistake keep going don't highlight it.
    I know you guys are joking around but be careful of how it's perceived by others. Because it can cause him to lose credibility.
    Overall I believe both of you are gifted. I am so in love with your Podcast and am encouraged by it.I love the crucial topics you guys tackle and help us to understand the word of God

  12. i identify with sage so much 😂 she’s so young but it’s such a hard thing to process. knowing i’m such an emotional person that my emotions can very much take a hold of me and make everything feel so dramatic and up and down like waves! it’s a blessing being able to be there for people and just listen to people but it sucksss when it’s more so tearing you down. i’m so self aware i tear myself down at times but i’m trying to learn how to love myself and this “different” personality of mine 🤣

  13. I listened to this episode about a week ago, paying particular attention to the LDS conversation. Today, two LDS missionaries stopped at my door, and I was able to have a much more coherent convo than ever before. Ordained timing! Thank you for your Spirit led influence. Blessings!

  14. Hello! Search for the missionaries! I served as a missionary in Idaho from 2004 to 2006. I am so sorry, but there are a lot of errors and misconceptions in your talk. My job as a missionary was not ever to convince anyone to join the church. But to help people feel the spirit of the Lord, because only through Christ we can go to God. This whole story of Joseph Smith, angels, The Book of Mormon and so on has to be put with right understanding. Because what you just said, it's not what we as LDS believe. You are missing lots of information and misunderstood others. Talk to the missionaries. Have a wonderful Day!

  15. The fact that y’all pay SO much attention to your children spiritually and naturally is MIND BLOWING!!!! I applaud y’all 👏🏽💙 Especially with what Preston said about his son. Not receiving adequate male affection and affirmation created a desire in me to reach out to men sexually to gain those things. Love y’all!! This is good!!💙💙💙

  16. This is my favorite thing about marriage…. we be having our own inside jokes, culture, and way of communication. Outsiders be in their feelings big time. I Love It tho

  17. super random, but would you guys ever consider doing a podcast specifically on sobriety as a Christian? Like from substance abuse? I now some people can quit cold turkey, some people call it deliverance.. others go through a journey of falling back in to it.. tips, encouragement, how to go about it biblically? Not sure what I’m asking really, but it was just a thought. I would love to hear your thoughts on it. If so, thank you!!!

  18. Hey people, does anyone have more Christian content that it actually interesting. I really want more of God in my everyday but I want it to be at the same quality as this or the Chosen. So y’all please suggestions. Even if it’s not Christian but just pure uno 🫠🫠

  19. Hi Perry's. You know what? God is so good. This am on my commute to work, I was "thinking" but it seems being taught about the Truth of God and his word and purpose in our life. This is how it started, literally with me (myself a former member of the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS ). I remember watching your YouTube a few years ago, where you were having some discussions with Mormon Missionaries. It was fascinating and cringeworthy also. I was a member, because my husband was Mormon. He is dead, but we did participate in all of the Rituals. But today I felt in my heart that I made a wise decision (since 2020) to move away from this church and to literally ask hard questions of my Faith and belief in God and Christ. i am not unfamiliar to various churches and religions. I have my own Faith. But its serendipitous that the message placed in my heart today, would lead me back to you guys.
    Regarding Joseph Smith, I did a very deep dive, and I would say, that he and others like him past and present, are no different then today. If he were a popular Pastor of a popular church in say;Australia, who would speak the language of the masses in popular culture, he would build a following, he would be great, but then his humanness and all its good and bad would effect a choice that would cause him or her to "fall " from grace. But future leaders would do damage control, by spinning a different "story". Don't hate the playa, hate the game.
    If you do a deep dive in the religious culture of the 19th century, there were many who came in "as prophets" with a New Message, much the same as now. Thanks

  20. Thanks a lot for alll this….I learnt more about respecting people while honouring God above all else. I also learnt how to better love, understand and pray for my children. God bless you and your Family!

  21. Hey Mr. & Mrs. Perry, you guys have unwanted, inappropriate videos added to the 30 minutes with the Perrys podcast playlist. Sorry to comment under a video, I didn’t know how else to contact you guys.

  22. wooooowwww the sin that coincides with their personality. that was extremely insightful in what some behaviors can turn into that won't serve others

  23. Nephi is a person. The book of Mormon reads like the Bible in the sense that there is a time when Jesus isn't there, then he comes and preaches when he is crucified. The Saints from the LDS church go hard for Christ. I love them. They are some riteous people. So lovely.

  24. I just felt it made you feel bashful so you would be like…moving right along. I thought that was also why he kept doing it. I thought it was funny.

  25. How u guys were talking about your childing and parenting and being so observant of them, i just want to say, is BEAUTIFUL 💙

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